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Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery  2021, Vol. 5 Issue (8): 1-12    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.2096-3467.2021.0181
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Extracting Relationship Among Military Domains with BERT and Relation Position Features
Ma Jiangwei1,Lv Xueqiang1,You Xindong1(),Xiao Gang2,Han Junmei2
1Beijing Key Laboratory of Internet Culture and Digital Dissemination Research, Beijing Information Science and Technology University, Beijing 100101, China
2National Key Laboratory of Complex System Simulation, Beijing 100101, China
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[Objective] This article addresses the difficulties of relationship extraction due to overlapping entity relationship in military texts. [Methods] We used the BERT model as the encoder for the input texts, and used the hierarchical reinforcement learning approach to decode relationship and their corresponding entities. Then, we merged the relational position features in the entity decoding process to construct a relationship extraction model for military domains. [Results] The F1 value reached 82.2% on the military weapon and equipment dataset, which was about 8% higher than other methods. Using the publicly available NYT10 and NYT10-sub datasets, the F1 values reached 71.8% and 69.0%, which was about 7% and 9% higher than other methods. [Limitations] The new method’s extraction performance is better on manually annotated datasets. More research is needed to improve it performance on remotely supervised datasets with much noise. [Conclusions] The HBP method could effectively extract relationship among the military domains, and has some generalization potentiality.

Key wordsRelation Extraction      BERT      Relation Position Feature      Reinforcement Learning     
Received: 24 February 2021      Published: 15 September 2021
ZTFLH:  TP391  
Fund:Natural Science Foundation of Beijing(4212020);Defense-related Science and Technology Key Lab Fund Project(6412006200404);Qin Xin Talents Cultivation Program, Beijing Information Science & Technology University(QXTCP B201908)
Corresponding Authors: You Xindong ORCID:0000-0002-3351-4599     E-mail:

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Ma Jiangwei, Lv Xueqiang, You Xindong, Xiao Gang, Han Junmei. Extracting Relationship Among Military Domains with BERT and Relation Position Features. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2021, 5(8): 1-12.

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HBP Model Structure
Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning Process of HBP
High-Level Relation Detection Structure
Low-level Entity Extraction Structure
项目 军事武器装备数据集 NYT10
关系类型 16 29
训练集 2 532 66 816
验证集 133 3 516
测试集 297 4 006
Statistics of the Datasets
数据样本 “贝劳伍德”号航空母舰1942年12月6日在纽约海军造船厂下水,1943年3月31日服役。
下水时间 “/H_B 贝/H_I 劳/H_I 伍/H_I 德/H_I ”/H_I 号/H_I 航/H_I 空/H_I 母/H_I 舰/H_I
1/T_B 9/T_I 4/T_I 2/T_I 年/T_I 1/T_I 2/T_I 月/T_I 6/T_I 日/T_I 在/N
纽/N 约/N 海/N 军/N 造/N 船/N 厂/N 下/N 水/N ,/N 1/N
9/N 4/N 3/N 年/N 3/N 月/N 3/N 1/N 日/N 服/N 役/N
服役时间 “/H_B 贝/H_I 劳/H_I 伍/H_I 德/H_I ”/H_I 号/H_I 航/H_I 空/H_I 母/H_I 舰/H_I
1/N 9/N 4/N 2/N 年/N 1/N 2/N 月/N 6/N 日/N 在/N
纽/N 约/N 海/N 军/N 造/N 船/N 厂/N 下/N 水/N ,/N 1/T_B
9/T_I 4/ T_I 3/ T_I 年/ T_I 3/ T_I 月/ T_I 3/ T_I 1/ T_I 日/ T_I 服/N 役/N
Example of Data Annotation
关系类型 关系类型
舰船-装备-武器 舰船-满载排水量-重量
舰船-搭载-飞机 舰船-舰宽-宽度
舰船-属于-国家、舰队 舰船-舰长-长度
舰船-继承-舰船 舰船-造价-价格
舰船-级下号-舰船 舰船-服役时间-时间
舰船-代号-字符 舰船-下水时间-时间
舰船-舷号-字符 舰船-航速-速度
舰船-标准排水量-重量 舰船-吃水-深度
Types of Relationships for Military Weaponry Datasets
参数 参数值
状态向量大小 768
隐藏层向量大小 768
位置向量大小 30
Batch Size 16
学习率 4e-5
β 0.90
γ 0.95
Experiment Parameters
Examples of Military Weaponry Datasets
方法 准确率 召回率 F 1
NovelTagging 0.468 0.158 0.237
CopyR 0.336 0.206 0.256
GraphRel 0.438 0.305 0.360
HRL 0.538 0.336 0.414
BL 0.960 0.605 0.742
HBP 0.838 0.807 0.822
Experimental Results of Military Weaponry Datasets
方法 NYT10 NYT10-sub
准确率 召回率 F 1 准确率 召回率 F 1
SPTree 0.492 0.557 0.522 0.272 0.315 0.292
NovelTagging 0.593 0.381 0.464 0.256 0.237 0.246
CopyR 0.569 0.452 0.504 0.392 0.263 0.315
GraphRel 0.639 0.600 0.619
HRL 0.714 0.586 0.644 0.815 0.475 0.600
HBP 0.749 0.689 0.718 0.842 0.585 0.690
Experimental Results of NYT10 Datasets
数据集 方法 准确率 召回率 F 1
NYT10 HBP(+LSTM+POS) 0.707 0.589 0.643
HBP(+BERT) 0.710 0.661 0.685
HBP(+BERT+POS) 0.749 0.689 0.718
NYT10-sub HBP(+LSTM+POS) 0.803 0.485 0.605
HBP(+BERT) 0.816 0.580 0.678
HBP(+BERT+POS) 0.842 0.585 0.690
HBP(+LSTM+POS) 0.540 0.537 0.538
HBP(+BERT) 0.804 0.761 0.782
HBP(+BERT+POS) 0.838 0.807 0.822
Results of Ablation Experiment
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