
Mining Online User Profiles and Self-Presentations: Case Study of NetEase Music Community
Wu Jiang,Liu Tao,Liu Yang
表7 获赞量的协方差分析结果
Table 7 Covariance Analysis Results
Partial SS df MS F Prob>F
Model 7.22×107 136 531 045 4.9 0.00***
topic 1.41×106 7 201 809 1.9 0.07*
style 3.53×106 11 320 468 2.9 0.00***
year 2.73×107 6 4 543 720 41.8 0.00***
comment_num 2.29×105 1 228 765 2.1 0.15
year×topic 7.13×106 38 187 523 1.7 0.00***
style×topic 9.28×106 73 127 170 1.2 0.15
Residual 1.17×109 10 703 108 820