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现代图书情报技术  2015, Vol. 31 Issue (3): 39-48
  研究论文 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
徐冬冬, 吴韶波
北京信息科技大学信息与通信工程学院 北京 100101
An Improved TF-IDF Feature Selection Based on Categorical Description
Xu Dongdong, Wu Shaobo
School of Information and Communication Engineering, Beijing Information Science and Technology University, Beijing 100101, China
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[目的]对特征权重公式进行改进, 提高文本分类精度。[方法]引入类内、类间信息并修正TF-IDF权重因子, 得到基于类别描述的TF-IDF-CD方法。将其在偏斜文本集和均衡文本集下分别与NB、KNN等分类方法结合进行文本分类实验, 比较其与TF-IDF、CTD等方法的分类精确度。[结果]TF-IDF-CD方法在特征项较少时已有很好分类效果。相比TF-IDF, 在不同文本集以及不同分类方法下, 其平均分类精度均有大幅提高, 最低为14%, 最高可达30%。与CTD相比, TF-IDF-CD与NB、SVM及DT结合后的平均分类精度均有1%-13%的提高。而在非均衡文本集下, TF-IDF-CD与KNN结合时其性能比CTD与KNN结合时低2%。[局限]TF-IDF-CD与对文本集不均衡性较敏感的KNN结合时, 其抗数据偏斜能力仍需改善。[结论]实验结果表明, TF-IDF-CD特征选择方法有效, 对TF-IDF的改进具有一定借鉴意义。

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关键词 文本分类特征选择TF-IDF类别描述    

[Objective] Improve the text categorization accuracy by modifying the weighting approach in feature selection. [Methods] Introducing the inner and outer categorical information, and modifying the TF-IDF weighting, this paper proposes the TF-IDF-CD approach which based on the categorical description. Combining TF-IDF-CD with varied classifiers, such as NB and SVM, this paper conducts text categorization experiment in balanced corpus and unbalanced corpus respectively. At last, the accuracies of different weighting approaches are compared with TF-IDF-CD. [Results] The TF-IDF-CD performs well even when there are a less number of feature items. Compared to the TF-IDF, when combined with varied classifiers in different corpus, the TF-IDF-CD can greatly improve the average accuracies. The minimum increase is 14%, and the maximum up to 30%. Compared to the CTD approach, when combined with NB, SVM, and DT, the TF-IDF-CD could improve the the average accuracy of TC from 1% to 13%. But, in unbalanced corpus, when combined with KNN, the performance of the TF-IDF-CD is 2% lower than CTD. [Limitations] Combined with KNN classifier which is sensitive to the skew data, the TF-IDF-CD needs to be improved to resist the skew characteristics of unbalanced corpus. [Conclusions] Experiment resualts show that the TF-IDF-CD approach is effective.

Key wordsText categorization    Feature selection    TF-IDF    Categorical description
收稿日期: 2014-08-23      出版日期: 2015-04-16
:  TP391  


通讯作者: 徐冬冬, ORCID: 0000-0001-6168-1514 , E-mail:。     E-mail:
作者简介: 作者贡献声明: 徐冬冬:设计研究方案,进行实验,撰写论文;吴韶波:提出研究思路,设计论文框架,论文修订。
徐冬冬, 吴韶波. 一种基于类别描述的TF-IDF特征选择方法的改进[J]. 现代图书情报技术, 2015, 31(3): 39-48.
Xu Dongdong, Wu Shaobo. An Improved TF-IDF Feature Selection Based on Categorical Description. New Technology of Library and Information Service, 2015, 31(3): 39-48.
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