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数据分析与知识发现  2017, Vol. 1 Issue (1): 16-25
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针对科技路线图的文本挖掘研究: 集成分析及可视化*
谢秀芳1,2(), 张晓林1
1中国科学院文献情报中心 北京 100190
2首都医科大学卫生管理与教育学院 / 首都医科大学图书馆 北京 100069
Integrated Analysis and Visualization of Sci-Tech Roadmaps: Case Study of Renewable Energy
Xie Xiufang1,2(), Zhang Xiaolin1
1National Science Library, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
2School of Health Management and Education, Capital Medical University/Library of Capital Medical University,Beijing 100069, China
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目的】实现针对科技路线图内容的知识发现研究, 预测未来科技长期发展趋势。【方法】基于采用“抽取-同步-分类”的文本挖掘方法构建的科技路线图信息库, 集成分析全球科技发展需求和趋势, 对比分析各国发展路线和措施, 并以可再生能源领域为案例进行实证研究。【结果】利用开源工具Timeflow、Gephi等对实证研究结果进行可视化, 按时间序列从多个角度呈现了可再生能源领域到2050年的发展态势及各国的战略规划。【局限】综合利用了多种方法工具, 自动化程度有待提高, 个性化功能有待完善。【结论】该研究方案能够快速获取科技路线图中的核心信息, 提高情报获取效率。

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关键词 科技路线图战略情报文本挖掘知识发现集成分析信息可视化    

[Objective]This study aims to predict the development trends of science and technology (S&T) with knowledge extracted from S&T roadmaps (STR). [Methods] First, we constructed an STR information database based on the “extraction - synchronization - classification” method of text mining. Second, we analysed the demands and trends of global S&T progress. Finally, we compared and analyzed different countries’ S&T strategies in the field of renewable energy. [Results] We used open source tools, such as Timeflow, Gephi to visualize the results of this case study, such as the globle development trends and national strategic planning in the field of renewable energy by 2050. [Limitations] The automation and personalization features of this study need to be improved. [Conclusions] The proposed method could retrieve strategic intelligence from the STRs effectively.

Key wordsScience and Technology Roadmap    Strategic Intelligence    Text Mining    Knowledge Discovery    Integrated Analysis    Information Visualization
收稿日期: 2016-09-30      出版日期: 2017-02-22
ZTFLH:  G356.4  
基金资助:*本文系中国科学院规划与决策科技支持系统建设项目“科技决策知识服务平台”(项目编号: 院1405)的研究成果之一
谢秀芳, 张晓林. 针对科技路线图的文本挖掘研究: 集成分析及可视化*[J]. 数据分析与知识发现, 2017, 1(1): 16-25.
Xie Xiufang,Zhang Xiaolin. Integrated Analysis and Visualization of Sci-Tech Roadmaps: Case Study of Renewable Energy. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2017, 1(1): 16-25.
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规则 描述 操作
过去时间 over/past/previous/recent/preceding/last等, 符号取“-”
将来时间 next/following/coming/later等, 符号取“+”
单数 year: n=1; decade: n=10; century: n=100
two/three/ten/20等后接复数 years: 取相应数字, 即n=2/3/10/20等
decades: 取相应数字乘以10, 即n=10×(2/3/10/20)等
centuries: 取相应数字乘以100, 即n=100×(2/3/10/20)等
few/several/some等后接复数 years: n=5; decades: n=50; centuries: n=500
条件 赋值
当前时间(如today/present/current/now) 赋值为发表年份t
beginning/early/dawn/start of century/decade 赋值为该10年或世纪开始的年份
end/late of decade/century 赋值为该10年或世纪结束的年份
时间词为空(不包含且未能继承时间信息) Classification_1=“today” 即属于现状, 赋予发表年份t
Classification_1=“vision” 即属于愿景, 赋予最后一个规划节点年份
Classification_1=“pathway”/“action” 即属于路线或措施, 赋予整个规划区间
Classification_1=“other” 即属于其它, 赋予t-1, 作为其它背景信息
功能目标 参数设置 公共配置
x轴: time;
y轴: Classification_3;
权重: Weight;
颜色: Classification_4;
Classification_2=“target &
need & barrier & enabler”;
节点: Keyword;
详情: 鼠标悬停节点显
(注: 参数设置Classification_1 =“today”, Classification_2 =“need”, Year≥2015)
(注: 参数设置Classification_1 =“vision”, Classification_2 =“trend & potential & opportunity”, Year≥2015)
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