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数据分析与知识发现  2018, Vol. 2 Issue (12): 33-42
  研究论文 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
余传明1, 龚雨田1, 王峰1, 安璐2()
1中南财经政法大学信息与安全工程学院 武汉 430073
2武汉大学信息管理学院 武汉 430072
Predicting Stock Prices with Text and Price Combined Model
Yu Chuanming1, Gong Yutian1, Wang Feng1, An Lu2()
1School of Information and Safety Engineering, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Wuhan 430073, China
2School of Information Management, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China
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【目的】在传统股票预测模型的基础上, 提高股票价格预测准确率, 降低股票交易风险, 研究大数据环境下的股票价格变化趋势。【方法】提出一种新的文本价格融合模型。该模型对股票论坛上的评论文本预处理后, 通过深度表示学习生成评论文本的特征矩阵, 使用K均值聚类方法生成文本类别; 结合开盘价、收盘价等15个原始价格指标, 使用多层感知机算法预测股票价格趋势。【结果】使用该模型进行预测, 所得精度为65.91%, 超出单独使用价格特征的模型7.76%, 超出单独使用文本特征的模型11.37%, 预测性能具有较大提升。【局限】只对个股进行预测研究。【结论】本文模型从文本和价格结合的角度出发提高股票预测精度, 为股价趋势预测相关研究者和从业者提供新的研究方法和研究视角。

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关键词 文本股票价格股票价格趋势预测文本价格融合模型    

[Objective] This paper tries to predict stock price fluctuation with the help of big data, aiming to improve the accuracy of the forecasting and reduce the trading risks. [Methods] We proposed a new Text and Price Combined Model (TPCM) to process comments retrieved from a stock forum. Then, we employed deep representation learning algorithm to generate text feature matrix and utilized the K-means clustering method to generate text category. Finally, we used the Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) to predict stock price fluctuation based on the opening price, closing price and other 15 original price indicators. [Results] The accuracy of TPCM was 65.91%, which was 7.76% higher than that of the model (58.15%) employing price features only, and 11.37% higher than that of the model (54.54%) employing text features only. [Limitations] The study only used one stock to examine the proposed model. [Conclusions] Stock price forecasting could be improved through the combination of text and price, which creates novel perspectives for future studies.

Key wordsText    Stock Price    Stock Price Fluctuation Prediction    Text and Price Combined Model
收稿日期: 2018-04-16      出版日期: 2019-01-16
ZTFLH:  TP391.1  
基金资助:*本文系国家自然科学基金面上项目“大数据环境下基于领域知识获取与对齐的观点检索研究”(项目编号: 71373286)和中南财经政法大学科研项目“证券交易量化投资策略研究”(项目编号: 3251612007)的研究成果之一
余传明, 龚雨田, 王峰, 安璐. 基于文本价格融合模型的股票趋势预测*[J]. 数据分析与知识发现, 2018, 2(12): 33-42.
Yu Chuanming,Gong Yutian,Wang Feng,An Lu. Predicting Stock Prices with Text and Price Combined Model. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2018, 2(12): 33-42.
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1 daylag 46.67% 52.22%
2 daylags 50.56% 44.94%
3 daylags 53.41% 54.54%
4 daylags 45.98% 49.43%
5 daylags 45.34% 43.02%
6 daylags 45.88% 45.88%
7 daylags 45.23% 39.29%
Price AdaBoosting 45.12% 55.69% 50.89% 56.18% 56.36%
DT 59.86% 58.12% 58.49% 57.90% 53.99%
KNN 56.32% 56.42% 56.36% 54.68% 50.00%
NB 40.58% 47.76% 44.63% 47.73% 52.00%
SVM 54.68% 55.83% 55.46% 54.62% 53.31%
MLP 57.67% 58.22% 58.09% 58.15% 50.00%
Price+Text AdaBoosting 50.65% 51.53% 49.58% 51.21% 57.95%
DT 41.94% 42.05% 41.86% 42.05% 42.06%
KNN 51.17% 51.14% 50.83% 51.14% 51.12%
NB 59.17% 59.09% 59.09% 59.09% 56.03%
SVM 57.37% 56.82% 56.00% 56.82% 55.68%
TPCM(MLP) 66.78% 65.91% 65.46% 65.91% 62.66%
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