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数据分析与知识发现  2019, Vol. 3 Issue (1): 4-14
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中国科学院文献情报中心 北京 100190
中国科学院大学图书情报与档案管理系 北京 100190
Designing Smart Knowledge Services with Sci-Tech Big Data
Li Qian(),Jing Xie,Zhijun Chang,Zhenxin Wu,Dongrong Zhang
National Science Library, Chinese Academy Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
Department of Library, Information and Archives Management, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
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【目的】调研分析科技知识服务当前面临的问题, 研究设计基于科技大数据的智能知识服务体系, 提供智能语义检索、精准推送、群体智慧涌现与智能分析服务。【方法】以“数据+场景”双轮驱动, 利用自然语言处理与人工智能技术, 构建知识图谱、精准服务与智能情报三大知识引擎, 支撑新一代知识服务平台研发。【结果】构建科技大数据中心, 研发基于科技大数据的知识发现平台、智能随身科研助理、科技机构学术分析系统、科技大数据可视化全景观测平台以及科技大数据支撑与管理平台的开放学术生态环境。【局限】由于自然语言理解技术限制, 知识的丰富度、关联性以及知识图谱智能构建方法上有待进一步提高, 智能知识服务平台在精准服务上还有待提升。【结论】智能知识服务平台为科技情报分析提供知识挖掘与知识分析工具, 但其智能性与精准性还有待提升。

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关键词 科技大数据智能知识服务大数据计算主动服务开放科学    

[Objective] This paper investigates the issues facing scientific and technology knowledge services. It tries to design smart knowledge service based on big data, which provides semantic retrieval, precision information push, collective intelligence and intelligent analysis services. [Methods] The proposed system was driven by “data and scene”. It used the technology of natural language processing and artificial intelligence to build Knowledge Graph, Precision Service and Intelligent Informatics. It also supported the development of new generation smart knowledge service platforms. [Results] We successfully built a Science and Technology Big Data Center, which helped us develop a knowledge discovery platform. We also created an intelligent research assistant, launched an academic evaluation system for scientific and technological institutions, and constructed a panoramic observation platform for scientific and technological big data visualization. [Limitations] The knowledge graph and the precision service needs to be further improved. [Conclusions] The Smart Knowledge Service platforms provide analysis tools for scientific and technological intelligence.

Key wordsSci-Tech Big Data    Intelligent Knowledge Services    Big Data Computing    Active Service Model    Open Science
收稿日期: 2018-12-04      出版日期: 2019-03-04
基金资助:*本文系中国科学院文献情报能力建设专项“文献情报‘数据湖’及开放式大数据框架建设”(项目编号: 院1852)的研究成果之一
钱力,谢靖,常志军,吴振新,张冬荣. 基于科技大数据的智能知识服务体系研究设计*[J]. 数据分析与知识发现, 2019, 3(1): 4-14.
Li Qian,Jing Xie,Zhijun Chang,Zhenxin Wu,Dongrong Zhang. Designing Smart Knowledge Services with Sci-Tech Big Data. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2019, 3(1): 4-14.
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