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数据分析与知识发现  2020, Vol. 4 Issue (8): 86-97
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1南京农业大学中华农业文明研究院 南京 210095
2南通大学经济与管理学院 南通 226019
Automatic Recognition of Produce Entities from Local Chronicles with Deep Learning
Xu Chenfei1,2,Ye Haiying2,Bao Ping1()
1Institution of Chinese Agricultural Civilization, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095, China
2Economics and Management School, Nantong University, Nantong 226019, China
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【目的】探究古籍方志物产资料中物产别名、人物、产地及引书等4种实体的自动识别,用于方志物产知识库的构建。【方法】 以机构特藏《方志物产》云南卷为基础语料,在文本预处理与语料标注基础上,采用4种深度学习模型Bi-RNN、Bi-LSTM、Bi-LSTM-CRF、BERT进行实验,并对实验结果进行对比分析。【结果】Bi-LSTM-CRF模型与Bi-LSTM模型相比,P值提高5.54%,F值提高3.51%;BERT模型的R值达到了83.36%,优于其他模型;Bi-LSTM-CRF模型对引书实体识别效果最好,F值为89.71%;BERT模型对人物实体识别效果最好,F值为87.90%。【局限】由于古籍方志文本语料特性,以及相关实体的认定需掌握领域知识,在人工标注过程中或存在一些漏标与错标的情况,导致模型未能最优化。【结论】研究表明深度学习方法对古籍方志文本实体识别任务的可行性与优越性。

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关键词 深度学习方志物产命名实体识别模型构建数字人文    

[Objective] This paper tries to automatically identify the produce aliases, related human figures, places of origin and cited books from ancient local chronicles, aiming to establish a knowledge base for traditional products. [Methods] Firstly, we chose Local Chronicle of Yunnan: Produce as the basic corpus and preprocessed its texts to carry out corpus tagging. Then, we adopted four deep learning models (Bi-RNN, Bi-LSTM, Bi-LSTM-CRF and BERT) to identify the needed entities. Finally, we compared outputs of these models. [Results] The P-value and F-value of the Bi-LSTM model were 5.54% and 3.51% higher than those of the Bi-LSTM-CRF model. The R-value of the BERT model reached 83.36%, which was the best among all models. The Bi-LSTM-CRF model yielded the best results with the entity recognition of cited books (F-value=89.71%), and the BERT model had the best performance on character entities with a F-value of 87.90%. [Limitations] Due to the linguistic characteristics of ancient local chronicles and the domain knowledge required for identifying related entities, there may be errors in tagging. [Conclusions] Deep learning could help us identify needed entities from ancient local chronicles effectively.

Key wordsDeep Learning    Local Chronicle: Produce    Named Entity Recognition    Models Construction    Digital Humanities
收稿日期: 2020-01-08      出版日期: 2020-06-05
ZTFLH:  G255  
通讯作者: 包平     E-mail:
徐晨飞, 叶海影, 包平. 基于深度学习的方志物产资料实体自动识别模型构建研究*[J]. 数据分析与知识发现, 2020, 4(8): 86-97.
Xu Chenfei, Ye Haiying, Bao Ping. Automatic Recognition of Produce Entities from Local Chronicles with Deep Learning. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2020, 4(8): 86-97.
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Fig.1  基于RNN的方志物产资料实体识别模型
Fig.2  基于Bi-LSTM的方志物产资料实体识别模型
Fig.3  基于Bi-LSTM-CRF的方志物产资料实体识别模型
Fig.4  基于BERT的方志物产资料实体识别模型
Fig.5  基于BERT的方志物产资料输入表示
Fig.6  随机选取10条物产条目样例
序号 词语 标记
1 B-PN
2 E-PN
3 B-PC
4 I-PC
5 I-PC
6 I-PC
7 E-PC
8 O
9 O
10 O
11 O
12 O
13 B-PA
14 I-PA
15 E-PA
Table 1  古籍方志物产语料处理结果样例
Bi-LSTM/Bi-RNN层数 2
隐含层大小 256
学习率 0.001
Batch-size 64
Dropout比率 0.5
Clip gradient 5
Table 2  实验超参数设置
BERT层数 2
隐含层大小 128
学习率 2e-5
Batch-size 32
Train-epochs 10
Table 3  实验超参数设置(BERT)
模型 P(%) R(%) F(%)
Bi-RNN 69.91 75.10 72.38
Bi-LSTM 76.33 76.73 76.51
Bi-LSTM-CRF 81.87 78.30 80.02
BERT 76.61 83.36 79.83
Table 4  古籍方志物产语料各模型实验效果
Fig.7  Bi-RNN与Bi-LSTM对不同实体类型识别效果对比
Fig.8  Bi-LSTM与Bi-LSTM-CRF对不同实体类型识别效果对比
Fig.9  Bi-LSTM-CRF与BERT对不同实体类型识别效果对比
Fig.10  "优昙钵"检索结果
Fig.11  方志物产知识库物产详细页展示
Fig.12  物产"优昙钵"关联数据可视化
Fig.13  物产"烟草"时空展现
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