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现代图书情报技术  2014, Vol. 30 Issue (3): 96-103
  情报分析与研究 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
史丽萍, 苑婧婷, 唐书林
哈尔滨工程大学经济管理学院 哈尔滨 150001
An Approach to Dynamic Evaluation of Patent Cooperation Ability of Cluster Core Enterprise with Culture Embeddness Perturbation
Shi Liping, Yuan Jingting, Tang Shulin
School of Economics and Management, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin 150001, China
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[目的] 通过考察企业的专利合作数量与其文化嵌入的变化速度之间的关联性,对文化嵌入摄动如何影响集群核心企业专利合作能力进行探讨。[方法] 通过中国专利查询系统获取6家区域性海洋工程装备龙头企业的合作专利数,并结合调查问卷形式获得文化嵌入的相关数据,使用本文所提出的具有速度特征的动态评价模型对企业专利合作能力进行评价。[结果] 本文方法既避免了文化嵌入对专利合作状态的直接影响,又扩大了企业间专利合作能力评价的差异性,传统方法仅能辨别三类排名,本方法可以完全辨别6种排名,提高评价结果的可辨识性。[局限] 影响企业专利合作能力的因素未能全面涉及;数据样本局限于特定行业,有待进一步拓展。[结论] 有利于处理分布畸形和数据离散化的专利合作能力评价工作,促进合作专利计量工作的顺利推进。

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关键词 专利合作文化嵌入状态摄动动态评价    

[Objective] This study investigates the relevance between numbers of patent cooperation and rates of culture-embedding change, and explores how cultures embeds perturbation influences enterprises' patent cooperation ability. [Methods] The study gets numbers of cooperative patents of six regional marine engineering equipment patents leading enterprise cooperation through the China patent inquiry system, and obtains the data on culture embedding combined with the questionnaire, and uses the dynamic evaluation model with the speed characteristics, which is proposed in this paper, to evaluate enterprise patent cooperation ability. [Results] This method not only avoids the direct impact on the state of the patent cooperation by culture-embedding change, but expands the otherness of evaluation between enterprises. Traditional methods can only distinguish three kinds of ranking, but six kinds of ranking can be distinguished by using this method. [Limitations] The influencing factors of enterprise patent cooperation ability are not fully involved, and the data sample confines to a specific industry which needs further development. [Conclusions] This study is helpful to handle patent cooperation ability evaluation work in some distribution malformation or data discretization conditions, and promots cooperation patent of metrological work smoothly.

Key wordsPatent cooperation    Culture embeddness    State    Perturbation    Dynamic evaluation
收稿日期: 2013-11-26      出版日期: 2014-04-15
:  G306  


通讯作者: 苑婧婷     E-mail:
作者简介: 作者贡献声明:史丽萍: 提出研究思路,设计研究方案;苑婧婷: 实施研究过程,论文起草和最终版本修订;唐书林: 数据的获取与分析。
史丽萍, 苑婧婷, 唐书林. 一种带文化嵌入摄动的集群核心企业专利合作能力动态评价方法研究[J]. 现代图书情报技术, 2014, 30(3): 96-103.
Shi Liping, Yuan Jingting, Tang Shulin. An Approach to Dynamic Evaluation of Patent Cooperation Ability of Cluster Core Enterprise with Culture Embeddness Perturbation. New Technology of Library and Information Service, 2014, 30(3): 96-103.
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