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现代图书情报技术  2014, Vol. 30 Issue (9): 99-107
  情报分析与研究 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
徐孝娟1, 张莉1, 朱庆华1, 梁茹2
1. 南京大学信息管理学院 南京 210093;
2. 南京大学工程管理学院 南京 210093
Research on the Type and Cooperation of Institution for High-tech Talent by the Triple Helix Model
Xu Xiaojuan1, Zhang Li1, Zhu Qinghua1, Liang Ru2
1. School of Information Management, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China;
2. School of Management Engineering, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China
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[目的] 以ESI、WoS 数据库作为数据来源,分析目前高科技人才机构属性及学科交叉情况。[方法] 基于三螺旋模型,详细探讨高科技人才所属机构、机构间合作,并从学科维度分析从属学科的三螺旋合作以及其动态演化情况。[结果] 结果表明个体机构就从属而言以高校为主,并逐渐向高校-企业和高校-政府方向发展,然而同时属于三个属性机构高校-政府-企业的人员尚少; 人员合作上仍以高校成员之间的合作为主,表现为内部合作较为紧密,交叉合作相对较弱; 学科演变模式上T(ugi)随时间逐渐增大,交叉发展将是未来学科的方向。[局限] 抽样方法上以典型抽样为主,存在一定的局限,后续工作中有待改善。[结论] 有效地扩展三螺旋模型的应用范围,并补充了科技人才成长及流动方面的理论,同时对我国人才成长及配置提供参考建议。

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关键词 三螺旋模型科技人才学科领域机构合作    

[Objective] This study explores the type and cooperation of institution for high-tech talent based on the data from ESI and WoS. [Methods] The type, cooperation and dynamic evolution of affiliated institutions are identified by the triple helix model. [Results] It is finded that the author's institutions mainly belong to university. The cooperation between university and industry as well as between university and government are generally becoming a trend. However, there are scarcely authors' institution including simultaneously university, government and industry. The result also shows that the mainly teamwork approach is still the interior cooperation during university. And intersecting collaboration is rather weak. Meanwhile, the increase of T(ugi) with the time means that the cross development of subject will be the future direction. [Limitations] Since the research is based on the principle of typical sampling, there are some limitations. They will be improved in the future work. [Conclusions] This paper expands the application range of the triple helix model. There are some implications for high-tech talent's growth and theory.

Key wordsTriple helix model    High-tech talent    Subject area    Institutional cooperation
收稿日期: 2014-04-29      出版日期: 2014-10-20
:  G350  


通讯作者: 徐孝娟     E-mail:
作者简介: 作者贡献声明:徐孝娟:研究主题的提出、设计、论文起草、数据的获取、提供与分析;张莉:研究过程的实施及数据的分析;朱庆华:研究主题的提出及最终版本修订;梁茹:研究过程数据部分获取和处理。
徐孝娟, 张莉, 朱庆华, 梁茹. 三螺旋模型视角下的高科技人才机构属性及学科交叉研究[J]. 现代图书情报技术, 2014, 30(9): 99-107.
Xu Xiaojuan, Zhang Li, Zhu Qinghua, Liang Ru. Research on the Type and Cooperation of Institution for High-tech Talent by the Triple Helix Model. New Technology of Library and Information Service, 2014, 30(9): 99-107.
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