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现代图书情报技术  2015, Vol. 31 Issue (3): 49-57
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王忠群, 蒋胜, 修宇, 皇苏斌, 汪千松
安徽工程大学计算机与信息学院 芜湖 241000
Information Resource Recommendation Method Based on Dynamic Tag-Resource Network
Wang Zhongqun, Jiang Sheng, Xiu Yu, Huang Subin, Wang Qiansong
School of Computer and Information, Anhui Polytechnic University, Wuhu 241000, China
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[目的]解决推荐系统向目标用户推荐过时信息资源的问题。[方法]提出一种基于动态标签-资源网络图的个性化信息资源推荐方法。以资源拥有的共同标签作为连边, 建立资源网络图以形成资源语义链, 再由资源网络图的连边投影构建具有时间属性的标签网络图以刻画用户兴趣漂移, 继而在标签网络图中匹配目标用户兴趣的动态标签, 实现为用户推荐精准信息资源。[结果]在数据集MovieLens上验证本方法能够跟踪、预测用户兴趣漂移, 实施资源精准推荐, 且平均绝对误差(MAE)较传统方法降低近15%。[局限]诸如信息检索中用户兴趣频繁变化的实时动态环境下的推荐暂未考虑。[结论]该方法可实现为兴趣动态变化的用户推荐更为精准的信息资源。

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关键词 社会化标签资源网络图标签网络图兴趣漂移资源推荐    

[Objective] To solve the problem that recommender systems recommend outdated information resources to the target user. [Methods] This paper proposes an individual recommendation method for information resource based on dynamic tag resources network graph. Firstly, resource network graph is established to form resource semantic relationships, using common tags in two resource objects as a link pairwise. Secondly, tag network graph with time is created to describe users' interest drifting using the links in resource network graph. Thirdly, top N information resource objects are recommended to target user from tag network graph by matching target users' dynamic tags describing users' interest drifting. [Results] In MovieLens data set, the experimental results show that this information recommendation method can trace and predict users' interest drifting, and recommend accurate resource to users. Mean Absolute Error (MAE) is lower than the traditional methods by about 15%. [Limitations] The method does not involve the problem that information resources are recommended under real-time dynamic environment such as information retrieval with users' interests drifting rapidly. [Conclusions] The proposed method can recommend more accurate information resource to users with interest drifting.

Key wordsSocial tags    Resource network graph    Tag network graph    Interest drifting    Resource recommendation
收稿日期: 2014-09-04      出版日期: 2015-04-16
:  TP393  


通讯作者: 王忠群, ORCID: 0000-0002-5307-5706, E-mail:。     E-mail:
作者简介: 作者贡献声明: 王忠群:设计研究方案,论文撰写及最终版本修订;蒋胜:实验验证;修宇,皇苏斌,汪千松:算法设计,完成部分实验工作。
王忠群, 蒋胜, 修宇, 皇苏斌, 汪千松. 基于动态标签-资源网络图的信息资源推荐[J]. 现代图书情报技术, 2015, 31(3): 49-57.
Wang Zhongqun, Jiang Sheng, Xiu Yu, Huang Subin, Wang Qiansong. Information Resource Recommendation Method Based on Dynamic Tag-Resource Network. New Technology of Library and Information Service, 2015, 31(3): 49-57.
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