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数据分析与知识发现  2016, Vol. 32 Issue (12): 9-16
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1吉林大学管理学院 长春 130022
2内蒙古大学图书馆 呼和浩特 010021
A New Text Clustering Method Based on Semantic Similarity
Qiang Bi1,Jian Liu1,Yulai Bao1,2()
1School of Management, Jilin University, Changchun 130022, China
2Inner Mongolia University Library, Hohhot 010021, China
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目的】为解决传统的文本聚类无法充分挖掘文本资源语义信息以及相似度矩阵高维性、稀疏性等问题, 并进一步改善文本聚类质量, 提出基于语义相似度的文本聚类方法。【方法】通过《同义词词林扩展版》计算词语的语义相似度并得到文本语义相似度矩阵, 根据文本语义相似度矩阵进行谱聚类, 将文本聚集为文本簇。【结果】利用复旦大学文本语料库与搜狗文本语料库中的文本资源作为数据来源分别对传统聚类算法与本文提出的算法进行实验, 结果表明, 当聚类个数为10时, 本文算法的准确率最高, 并且Purity值高于传统聚类算法的Purity值。【局限】《同义词词林扩展版》中包含的领域术语不完整, 部分相似度计算结果需要手工进行调整。【结论】该方法考虑了词语间语义关系, 充分挖掘文本主体潜在信息, 并且改善了聚类质量, 为文本聚类和推荐提供了一条新途径。

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关键词 同义词词林扩展版语义相似度谱聚类文本挖掘    

[Objective]This paper proposes an algorithm based on semantic similarity to extract more information from the textual resources. [Methods] First, we calculated the semantic similarity of words with the Extended Dictionary of Synonyms, and then created a semantic similarity matrix. Second, we clustered the texts based on the new semantic similarity matrix. [Results] The proposed algorithm was examined with text corpus from Fudan University and the search engine Sogou. Compared to the traditional methods, the proposed algorithm achieved the highest precision rates and purity values (cluster number=10). [Limitations] Some partial similarity calculation results were manually adjusted due to the incomplete coverage of the Tongyici Cilin Extened Edition. [Conclusions] The proposed algorithm could extract more latent information from the texts, which is an effective method to cluster and recommend textual documents.

Key wordsTongyici Cilin Extended Edition    Semantic similarity    Spectrum clustering    Text mining
收稿日期: 2016-09-12      出版日期: 2017-01-22
基金资助:*本文系国家自然科学基金项目“语义网络环境下数字图书馆资源多维度聚合与可视化展示研究”(项目编号: 71273111)的研究成果之一
毕强, 刘健, 鲍玉来. 基于语义相似度的文本聚类研究*[J]. 数据分析与知识发现, 2016, 32(12): 9-16.
Qiang Bi, Jian Liu, Yulai Bao. A New Text Clustering Method Based on Semantic Similarity. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2016, 32(12): 9-16.
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