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数据分析与知识发现  2021, Vol. 5 Issue (7): 10-25
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南京大学信息管理学院 南京 210023
江苏省数据工程与知识服务重点实验室 南京 210023
Identifying Multi-Type Entities in Legal Judgments with Text Representation and Feature Generation
Wang Hao,Lin Kerou(),Meng Zhen,Li Xinlei
School of Information Management, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, China
Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Data Engineering and Knowledge Service, Nanjing 210023, China
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【目的】 探索法律判决书中不同模型的实体识别效果,为法律知识库的构建奠定基础。【方法】 提取刑事判决书中的庭审过程和法院意见构造数据集,比较人工构造特征的CRFs模型和加入预训练词向量做文本表示的自动生成特征的IDCNN-CRFs模型与BiLSTM-CRFs模型的实体识别效果,并在少量其他类型法律判决书文本上比较模型的迁移能力。【结果】 ALBERT-BiLSTM-CRFs模型实体识别效果最好,F1微平均值达95.28%;IDCNN-CRFs模型的识别效果低于前者,但训练时间是前者的1/6,两个模型均具有较好的迁移能力。【局限】 识别的实体多为通用实体,后续考虑标注更多领域特有实体,增强研究对实际应用的参考价值。【结论】 法律判决书的实体识别中,ALBERT-BiLSTM-CRFs和IDCNN-CRFs模型比CRFs模型效果更好,且迁移能力更强。

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关键词 法律判决书特征生成条件随机场IDCNN-CRFsALBERT-BiLSTM-CRFs    

[Objective] This paper investigates the performance of entity recognition models for legal judgments, aiming to construct better legal knowledge base in the future. [Methods] First, we extracted the court trial process and court opinions from criminal judgment texts to build an experimental dataset. Then, we compared the entity recognition results of the CRFs model (with artificially constructed features), the IDCNN-CRFs model (with automatically generated features), and the BiLSTM-CRFs model. Both of the IDCNN-CRFs and BiLSTM-CRFs models used pre-trained word vectors for their char embedding. The models’ transferred abilities on other types of legal judgment texts were also compared. [Results] The ALBERT-BiLSTM-CRFs model had the best recognition performance. Its F1 micro-average value reached 95.28%. However, the training time of the IDCNN-CRFs model was about 1/6 of the ALBERT-BiLSTM-CRFs model. Both models had good transferred abilities. [Limitations] Most of the recognized entities were the general ones. More domain-related entities are needed in future studies to enhance the model’s practical value. [Conclusions] The ALBERT-BiLSTM-CRFs and IDCNN-CRFs models could more effectively recognize entities from legal judgments and show better transferred ability than the CRFs model.

Key wordsLegal Judgments    Feature Generation    CRFs    IDCNN-CRFs    ALBERT-BiLSTM-CRFs
收稿日期: 2020-12-07      出版日期: 2021-08-11
ZTFLH:  TP393  
通讯作者: 林克柔,ORCID:0000-0003-0026-8771     E-mail:
王昊, 林克柔, 孟镇, 李心蕾. 文本表示及其特征生成对法律判决书中多类型实体识别的影响分析[J]. 数据分析与知识发现, 2021, 5(7): 10-25.
Wang Hao, Lin Kerou, Meng Zhen, Li Xinlei. Identifying Multi-Type Entities in Legal Judgments with Text Representation and Feature Generation. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2021, 5(7): 10-25.
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Fig.1  研究框架
序号 实体类别 标签 实例
1 罪名 Crime 交通肇事罪
2 人名 Per 张××、程某甲
3 地名 Loc 临清市、永馆路
4 机构名 Org 淮安区人民检察院、淮安市公安局淮安分局物证鉴定室
5 日期 Date 2016年2月11日
6 时间 Time 上午10时30分、晚
Table 1  实体类别及相应实例
序号 实体类别 训练集 测试集
Token数量 实体数量(不去重) 实体数量(去重) Token数量 实体数量(不去重) 实体数量(去重)
1 Crime 3 449 742 58 400 84 17
2 Date 15 560 1 815 977 1 420 171 127
3 Loc 9 964 3 019 1 264 611 198 110
4 Org 15 612 1 888 994 1 412 169 107
5 Per 33 708 12 625 1 348 2 942 1 137 194
6 Time 2 825 831 216 205 67 30
7 O 307 167 25 028
Table 2  训练集和测试集的实体和Token数量
Fig.2  训练集和测试集实体不重复比例
Fig.3  测试集中新实体比例
序号 标签 意义 实例
1 B 实体的开头 “晚”字和“豫”字
2 I 实体除开头外的其他字符 “上9时30分”
3 O 非实体的字 其他字
Table 3  BIO标注体系的解释
序号 标签 意义 实例
1 B 实体的开头 “晚”字
2 I 实体的中间部分 “上9时30”
3 E 实体的结尾 “分”字
4 S 单个字组成的实体 “豫”字
5 O 非实体的字 其他字
Table 4  BIEOS标注体系的解释
Fig.4  CRFs模型设计
Fig.5  IDCNN-CRFs模型结构
序号 参数 默认值
1 Batch Size 32
2 Epoch 100
3 dropout_keep 0.5
4 字嵌入维度 100
5 Filter数量 100
6 Gradient Clip 5
7 学习率 0.001
8 优化器 Adam
Table 5  IDCNN-CRFs模型默认参数
Fig.6  随机数嵌入的BiLSTM-CRFs和BERT-BiLSTM-CRFs模型结构
序号 参数 默认值
1 Batch Size 64
2 Epoch 100
3 LSTM层Units 128
4 LSTM层return_sequences TRUE
5 全连接层Units 64
6 全连接层激活函数 tanh
Table 6  BiLSTM模型默认参数
序号 实体类别 BIO BIEOS
P R F 1 P R F 1
1 Crime 98.80% 97.62% 98.20% 98.78% 96.43% 97.59%
2 Date 97.48% 90.64% 93.94% 92.55% 87.13% 89.76%
3 Loc 81.28% 76.77% 78.96% 75.89% 68.55% 72.03%
4 Org 89.13% 72.78% 80.13% 87.32% 73.37% 79.74%
5 Per 96.03% 93.58% 94.79% 94.75% 92.00% 93.35%
6 Time 100.00% 89.55% 94.49% 98.46% 95.52% 96.97%
Table 7  不同标注体系实验结果对比
Fig.8  CRFs模型加入不同特征实验的F1值
Fig.9  IDCNN-CRFs模型中Epoch=1时不同Batch Size实验的F1值
Fig.10  IDCNN-CRFs模型中Epoch=10时不同Batch Size实验的F1值
序号 实体类别 Epoch = 1 Epoch = 10 Epoch = 20
1 Crime 48.10% 100.00% 97.62%
2 Date 85.96% 93.29% 96.49%
3 Loc 68.85% 85.20% 84.16%
4 Org 43.48% 81.85% 77.91%
5 Per 93.34% 95.08% 95.47%
6 Time 76.39% 99.25% 94.49%
Table 8  IDCNN-CRFs模型中Bath Size=8时不同Epoch实验的F1值
序号 实体类别 Dropout = 0.4 Dropout = 0.5 Dropout = 0.6 Dropout = 0.7 Dropout = 0.8
1 Crime 98.80% 100.00% 99.40% 100.00% 97.59%
2 Date 93.49% 93.29% 93.53% 93.49% 94.15%
3 Loc 84.97% 85.20% 86.15% 87.11% 85.27%
4 Org 78.79% 81.85% 81.93% 81.08% 79.17%
5 Per 94.08% 95.08% 95.02% 95.78% 96.27%
6 Time 97.71% 99.25% 96.97% 94.49% 92.19%
Table 9  IDCNN-CRFs模型中Batch Size=8且Epoch=10时不同Dropout率实验的F1值
序号 实体类别 Epoch = 1 Epoch = 3 Epoch = 5
1 Crime 81.25% 96.89% 97.44%
2 Date 86.53% 92.04% 94.05%
3 Loc 75.63% 76.59% 80.20%
4 Org 67.68% 75.57% 77.17%
5 Per 93.29% 92.79% 94.43%
6 Time 95.52% 98.49% 99.26%
7 Micro Avg 88.38% 89.78% 91.58%
Table 10  随机数嵌入的BiLSTM-CRFs模型中不同Epoch实验的F1值
序号 Epoch loss acc val _ loss val _ acc
1 1 11.0966 97.56% 209.3262 98.33%
2 2 1.9536 99.46% 198.5077 98.44%
3 3 1.1717 99.63% 188.8806 98.16%
4 4 0.8223 99.72% 178.6167 98.44%
5 5 0.5982 99.78% 170.9082 98.19%
Table 11  Epoch=5时迭代过程中loss和acc的变化
序号 Epoch loss acc val _ loss val _ acc
1 1 11.6478 97.39% 202.4137 98.93%
2 2 1.9299 99.42% 192.3672 99.12%
3 3 1.1491 99.61% 183.2427 99.16%
Table 12  Epoch=3时迭代过程中loss和acc的变化
序号 实体类别 字嵌入方式
1 Crime 96.89% 100.00% 100.00%
2 Date 92.04% 91.01% 93.53%
3 Loc 76.59% 88.38% 87.28%
4 Org 75.57% 80.97% 83.54%
5 Per 92.79% 99.02% 98.48%
6 Time 98.49% 91.18% 99.25%
7 Micro Avg 89.78% 95.17% 95.28%
Table 13  BiLSTM-CRFs模型中不同字嵌入实验的F1值
Fig.11  三类模型实体识别F1值
序号 模型 结果
Crime Date Loc Org Per Time
1 CRFs TP + FP 1 8 16 6 30 1
TP 1 8 14 3 29 1
2 IDCNN-CRFs TP + FP 3 8 15 8 32 1
TP 3 8 14 4 31 1
3 ALBERT-BiLSTM-CRFs TP + FP 3 8 17 5 36 3
TP 3 8 15 4 26 1
Total 7 8 19 5 32 1
Table 14  不同模型新数据实验结果比较
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