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New Technology of Library and Information Service  2000, Vol. 16 Issue (2): 29-31    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.1003-3513.2000.02.08
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Design of a Web Gateway of Bibliographic Integrated Retrieval
Huang Xuejun   Tang Taike
(Sichuan University Library, Chengdu)
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This paper discusses the principles of a Web-based gateway named wgate, and presents its function design for integrated retrieval of multiple bibliographic systems, and provides an option for development of virtual union catalogues.

Key wordsBibliography retrieval      Virtual catalogue      Web gateway      Virtual thesaurus      Z39.50      Wgate     
Received: 12 October 1999      Published: 25 April 2000
Corresponding Authors: Huang Xuejun,Tang Taike   
About author:: Huang Xuejun,Tang Taike

Cite this article:

Huang Xuejun,Tang Taike. Design of a Web Gateway of Bibliographic Integrated Retrieval. New Technology of Library and Information Service, 2000, 16(2): 29-31.

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