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New Technology of Library and Information Service  2010, Vol. 26 Issue (7/8): 66-71    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.1003-3513.2010.07-08.12
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Key Techniques Study on Automatic Enrichment of Scientific and Technical KOS Based on Definition of Term
Zhang Yunliang  Liang Jian  Zhu Lijun  Qiao Xiaodong
(Institute of Scientific & Technical Information of China, Beijing 100038,China)
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To cope with the problems in mainly manual construction of Knowledge Organization Systems(KOS), such as shortage of professionals, tedious work and  difficulty to guarantee consistency etc., automatic enrichment of KOS based on scientific and technical definitions is proposed. In this paper, key techniques of definition extraction, definition resolution and definition-knowledge conversion are studied. It is proved that the relative studies have a great value that they can support and affect the construction and updating of scientific and technical KOS in the future.

Key wordsDefinition of term      Knowledge organization system      Automatic enrichment      Natural language processing      Computer application     
Received: 12 July 2010      Published: 19 September 2010



Corresponding Authors: Zhang Yunliang     E-mail:
About author:: Zhang Yunliang Liang Jian Zhu Lijun Qiao Xiaodong

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Zhang Yunliang Liang Jian Zhu Lijun Qiao Xiaodong. Key Techniques Study on Automatic Enrichment of Scientific and Technical KOS Based on Definition of Term. New Technology of Library and Information Service, 2010, 26(7/8): 66-71.

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