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Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery  2017, Vol. 1 Issue (6): 36-46    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.2096-3467.2017.06.04
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Clustering and Recommending Users Based on Tags and Relation Network
Xiong Huixiang(), Jiang Wuxuan
School of Information Management, Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079, China
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[Objective] This paper proposes a new model to recommend potential similar users with the help of social tags and relation network. [Methods] First, we explored characteristics of the users’ short or long-term interests based on the social tagging system. Then, we built a user-clustering model using multidimensional scaling method with the tags and relationship data. Finally, we recommended similar users based on the clustering results. The proposed model was examined with Weibo data. [Results] We found that the new model could effectively combine the characteristics of the user’s interests, and then identify the potential similar ones. [Limitations] The sample data does not include everything on user interests. Thus, we only examined the effectiveness of the proposed model with limited data. [Conclusions] The user recommendation model based on static tags and dynamic relational network could improve the personalized recommendation services.

Key wordsSocial Tagging      Tag      Relation Network      User-cluster      Multidimensional Scaling Analysis     
Received: 07 April 2017      Published: 25 August 2017
ZTFLH:  TP181  

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Xiong Huixiang,Jiang Wuxuan. Clustering and Recommending Users Based on Tags and Relation Network. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2017, 1(6): 36-46.

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TOT.Withinss簇群内距离平方总和 0.1385733
Betweenss簇群间距离平方总和 7.615879
用户ID 用户昵称 标签 关注列表
2132089917 陈秋实和他的朋友们 语录, 新闻, 美剧, 运动, 80后, 传媒, 写作, 处女座 1803526210, 1854768217, …
用户ID 用户昵称 标签 关注列表
2132089917 陈秋实和他的朋友们 语录, 新闻, 美剧, 运动, 80后, 传媒, 写作, 处女座 1803526210, 1854768217, …
1448466905 非要马甲线 下厨房, 营养学, 健身, 爱, 天蝎, 美食, 旅游 1690832323, 1238296465, …
1592611830 演员李健 天蝎座 1870958692, 5941080382, …
2307134004 STAGExx 时尚, 美食, 音乐, 电影, 旅游 1813787671, 1812640242, …
3173913704 葡萄sasa定制店 旅游, 时尚 5646244946, 3944457562, …
1254995044 山外有 电脑, 宅, 书, 纪录片, 摄影, 西南交通大学, 四川大学 64230524, 3208535250, …
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