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Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery  2018, Vol. 2 Issue (9): 10-21    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.2096-3467.2018.0164
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Analyzing Impacts of Brand Reputation on Online Sales Based on Massive Commodity Reviews and Brand
Liu Lina1,2,4, Qi Jiayin2,3(), Zhang Zhenping5, Zeng Dan1
1School of Economics and Management, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing 100876, China
2Key Laboratory of Trustworthy Distributed Computing and Service (BUPT), Ministry of Education,Beijing 100876, China
3School of Management, Shanghai University of International Business and Economics, Shanghai 201620, China
4School of Ethnic Minority Education, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing 100876, China
5School of Science, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing 100876, China
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[Objective] The paper studies the impacts of brand reputation on the online sales volume of commodities. [Methods] First, we retrieved the sales data of mobile phones from Jingdong Online Mall. Then, we used conjoint analysis to calculate the online reputation of commodities with the help of natural language processing and machine learning technologies. Third, we built a model to explore the impacts of brand competitiveness and its country-of-origin on sales. [Results] We found that brand competitiveness was an important factor influencing the sales of commodities. Online reputation increased the impact of brands’ competitiveness, and brand awareness weakened the impacts of brand country-of-origin. [Limitations] The paper only analyzed the search products, which did not include the experience products. [Conclusions] The online reputation calculated by the proposed method enhances the impacts of brand competitiveness on sales. This study could help e-commerce platforms improve their online reputation management system.

Key wordsBrand      Massive Commodity Reviews      Online Reputation      Machine Learning      Sales of Commodities     
Received: 08 February 2018      Published: 25 October 2018
ZTFLH:  分类号: C931  

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Liu Lina,Qi Jiayin,Zhang Zhenping,Zeng Dan. Analyzing Impacts of Brand Reputation on Online Sales Based on Massive Commodity Reviews and Brand. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2018, 2(9): 10-21.

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属性1 属性2 属性3 属性n
评论1 1 -1 NA 0
评论2 0 1 1 -1
评论3 -1 -1 0 1
NA 1 1 NA
评论p -1 0 -1 1
属性值 权重值 属性值 权重值
系统 0.341805 相机 0.046815
其他 0.090546 功能 0.046389
信号 0.083553 屏幕 0.04296
容量 0.079986 价格 0.033945
电池 0.064467 版本 0.024334
手感 0.060609 CPU 0.018114
外观 0.048572 物流 0.017905
手机编号 在线美誉度 百度搜索指数 在线声誉
1 0.593745 2146 4.554828570
2 0.656940 468 4.039172058
3 0.835454 294 4.748369351
4 0.616323 2146 4.728038432
5 0.750180 2300 5.806895190
101 0.685705 837 4.614673349
变量 含义 N 平均值 标准差 最小值 最大值
销量排名 手机的销售排名 101 58.46535 38.69898 1 101
品牌竞争力 手机品牌是否在“中关村在线”中的“手机品牌排行榜”位于前10名 101 0.3366337 0.4749153 0 1
品牌来源国(地区) 是否为中国本土品牌 101 0.6831683 0.4675616 0 1
上架时间 手机的上架时间, 以月为单位 101 10.1188119 3.5856897 0 15
价格 手机的价格 101 1306.931 138.3024 1049 1499
促销活动 手机是否有促销活动 101 0.346535 0.478239 0 1
评论数量 手机的评论总数 101 2014.545 2909.118 30 12473
差评率 评论星级为1星或2星的评论总数占总评论数的百分比 101 3.594059 2.665251 0 19
平均星级评分 评论星级的平均分 101 4.467924 0.173498 3.549296 4.828897
在线声誉 手机的在线声誉 101 4.3813679 0.9660922 2.2591451 6.5364787
网络知名度 手机的网络知名度 101 1043.545 1688.895 46 13489
变量 模型I 模型II
估计值 显著性p 估计值 显著性p
β (常量) 5.030504 0.365 5.543441 0.285
brand_rec -0.49758** 0.005 -0.87397** 0.001
brand_cou 0.058222 0.729 1.310094** 0.009
time_of_rel -0.83646** 0.007 -0.83077** 0.005
ln(price) -0.37169 0.568 -0.44783 0.463
discount 0.191785 0.240 0.068835 0.662
ln(num_of_review) -0.32641*** 0.000 -0.3217*** 0.000
ratio_of_bad 0.028483 0.406 0.031214 0.329
avg_rating 0.934582 0.085 0.947879 0.066
brand_rec×reputation 36.66385* 0.036
brand_cou×ln(awareness) -0.20379** 0.005
R2 0.527 0.598
调整R2 0.486 0.553
观测样本 101 101
AIC[43] 2.109 1.986
显著性水平 0.000 0.000
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