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Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery  2020, Vol. 4 Issue (11): 26-42    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.2096-3467.2020.0364
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Recognizing Structure Functions of Academic Articles with Hierarchical Attention Network
Qin Chenglei,Zhang Chengzhi()
School of Economics and Management, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing 210094, China
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[Objective] This paper proposes a new method using hierarchical attention network, aiming to effectively recognize structure functions of scholarly articles. [Methods] First, we constructed a network model with different-grained hierarchical attention to automatically identify the functions of text structures. Then, we examined the performance of our method with four datasets from PLoS. Same tests were also applied to traditional machine learning models with text feature vectors, as well as and Bert model. We also modified the proposed model in accordance with test results. Third, we evaluated the performance of the new model with articles from Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics and decided the compatibility of this model for other domains. [Results] At the sentence level, our model (using Bi-LSTM+Attention as the encoder) outperformed the others (Macro-F1: 0.866 1). However, this model did not perform well in un-related fields (minimum Macro-F1: 0.455 4). [Limitations] The model cannot recognize functions of mixed structure texts, as well as the logical relationship in these structures. [Conclusions] The proposed model could effectively recognize the structure functions at sentence level, which expands research of the full text scholarly literature.

Key wordsFunction Recognition of Academic Text Structure      Hierarchical Attention Network      IMRaD      Domain Adaptability Analysis     
Received: 27 April 2020      Published: 04 December 2020
ZTFLH:  TP393  
Corresponding Authors: Zhang Chengzhi     E-mail:

Cite this article:

Qin Chenglei,Zhang Chengzhi. Recognizing Structure Functions of Academic Articles with Hierarchical Attention Network. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2020, 4(11): 26-42.

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文章1 文章2 文章3 文章4 文章5
Section 1 Introduction and background Introduction Introduction Introduction Introduction
Section 2 Data In-situ measurements Model description and initialization Theory-The cloud center of gravity Experimental methods
Section 3 Analysis methods Methods Results Case study: aerosol effects on a warm convective cloud Results and discussion
Section 4 Characterisation of data sets Mixing time-scale in the subtropical tropopause layer Discussion and conclusions Summary Conclusions
Section 5 An example of “Hector”: 10 February 2006 TS mixing above the subtropical tropopause layer None None None
Section 6 Results Mixing time-scale at the tropical tropopause None None None
Section 7 Conclusions Conclusions None None None
Example of Section Title of Several Papers in the ACP
The Framework of Academic Text Structure Functional Recognition
期刊 论文数 时间段 Introduction
数量 占比
PLoS Biology 2 976 2003-2019 2 951 2 915 2 625 2 618 286 2.57%
PLoS Medicine 1 740 2004-2019 1 728 1 721 1 714 1 711 137 1.99%
PLoS Genetics 7 268 2005-2019 7 268 7 241 6 700 6 698 639 2.29%
PLoS Computational Biology 5 851 2005-2019 5 851 5 443 5 229 5 107 452 2.09%
ACP 7 279 2001-2016 7 067 7 243 2 743 7 397 7 688 31.44%
Introduction to the Data of the PLoS and ACP
The Distribution of Section Titles in ACP
结构 功能 包含内容
引言(Introduction) 说明开展这项研究的原因 背景介绍,基本原理,研究目的,相关研究的总结、回顾
方法和材料(Materials & Methods) 应用了哪些方法、哪些材料被应用 研究设计、研究材料、影响评估
结果(Results) 阐述研究发现 进行分析,用文字、图、表等详细说明发现内容
讨论(Discussion) 探讨结果的意义 重述主要发现,阐明优势和不足,对其他研究的启示,未解决的问题与未来将要展开的研究,最后进行总结
Description of the Functionality of IMRaD[5]
结构功能 章节标题特征词
Introduction introduction, motivation, background, overview, review of literature
Materials & Methods system, theory, method, methods, methodology, model, models, framework, approach, approaches, methodologies, experimental, experiment, experiments, data, data and methods
Results result, results, analysis
Discussion discussion, discussions, conclusion, conclusions, summary, concluding, summary and conclusions
The Feature Words of IMRaD in this Paper
The Schematic Diagram of HAN (Encoder:Bi-LSTM+CNN+Attention)
模型 特征
PLoS Biology PLoS Medicine PLoS Genetics PLoS Computational Biology
Macro-P Macro-R Macro-F1 Macro-P Macro-R Macro-F1 Macro-P Macro-R Macro-F1 Macro-P Macro-R Macro-F1
SVM TF-IDF 0.652 5 0.508 7 0.440 6 0.602 6 0.586 2 0.563 9 0.665 0 0.536 1 0.462 1 0.444 8 0.461 2 0.365 7
CHI 0.492 3 0.387 5 0.394 1 0.486 0 0.394 9 0.346 4 0.442 8 0.381 1 0.376 8 0.661 0 0.612 8 0.553 2
IG 0.388 8 0.383 6 0.368 1 0.648 9 0.586 2 0.525 5 0.526 8 0.506 2 0.464 3 0.461 5 0.459 0 0.380 9
LR TF-IDF 0.503 5 0.424 7 0.352 4 0.588 1 0.568 2 0.562 8 0.514 8 0.499 8 0.459 5 0.319 7 0.373 8 0.301 7
CHI 0.494 0 0.471 8 0.417 8 0.457 5 0.457 0 0.427 7 0.466 3 0.454 2 0.393 7 0.589 2 0.498 9 0.420 9
IG 0.386 2 0.383 8 0.375 0 0.610 3 0.591 6 0.560 2 0.455 7 0.439 2 0.424 0 0.334 7 0.435 7 0.359 6
NB TF-IDF 0.496 7 0.488 5 0.434 5 0.516 7 0.515 1 0.483 1 0.555 4 0.520 7 0.477 4 0.421 5 0.431 6 0.365 7
CHI 0.654 4 0.617 7 0.605 7 0.572 9 0.531 1 0.486 2 0.536 4 0.555 2 0.488 1 0.726 4 0.679 6 0.633 3
IG 0.514 4 0.463 4 0.460 7 0.620 8 0.593 9 0.587 5 0.436 7 0.364 6 0.306 7 0.418 6 0.315 9 0.236 0
KNN TF-IDF 0.562 0 0.578 0 0.564 3 0.623 8 0.625 3 0.623 0 0.635 8 0.644 3 0.635 7 0.442 1 0.459 7 0.440 9
CHI 0.625 9 0.626 1 0.624 6 0.546 8 0.544 4 0.544 6 0.634 6 0.636 7 0.632 7 0.704 6 0.711 3 0.707 4
IG 0.607 0 0.609 9 0.607 1 0.694 4 0.694 7 0.694 3 0.585 7 0.588 8 0.585 5 0.488 5 0.492 8 0.487 5
XGB TF-IDF 0.712 8 0.715 5 0.711 4 0.694 1 0.695 5 0.694 4 0.744 1 0.744 1 0.742 7 0.539 3 0.550 6 0.533 0
CHI 0.743 9 0.744 7 0.743 7 0.623 2 0.615 3 0.614 5 0.739 7 0.740 5 0.739 0 0.766 0 0.771 3 0.763 5
IG 0.746 1 0.746 5 0.745 7 0.818 2 0.817 9 0.817 8 0.772 8 0.771 9 0.770 2 0.598 5 0.600 9 0.597 1
The Results of the Academic Text Structure Recognition of PLoS Using the Traditional Machine Learning Model
PLoS Biology PLoS Medicine PLoS Genetics PLoS Computational Biology
Macro-P Macro-R Macro-F1 Macro-P Macro-R Macro-F1 Macro-P Macro-R Macro-F1 Macro-P Macro-R Macro-F1
0.919 8 0.919 4 0.919 4 0.973 2 0.973 1 0.973 1 0.929 2 0.929 2 0.929 1 0.837 8 0.838 6 0.838 1
The Results of the Academic Text Structure Function Recognition Using Bert
编码器 PLoS Biology PLoS Medicine PLoS Genetics PLoS Computational Biology
Macro-P Macro-R Macro-F1 Macro-P Macro-R Macro-F1 Macro-P Macro-R Macro-F1 Macro-P Macro-R Macro-F1
CNN 0.968 6 0.968 9 0.968 7 0.972 5 0.972 6 0.972 4 0.986 5 0.986 4 0.986 4 0.935 4 0.931 4 0.932 1
CNN_Multi Filters 0.976 1 0.975 5 0.975 6 0.971 1 0.970 9 0.971 0 0.986 9 0.987 1 0.986 9 0.947 3 0.946 1 0.946 5
LSTM 0.869 8 0.869 5 0.868 2 0.892 0 0.893 6 0.892 3 0.985 9 0.986 5 0.986 2 0.944 9 0.945 2 0.944 1
LSTM+CNN 0.973 4 0.973 7 0.973 5 0.964 1 0.963 8 0.963 9 0.986 6 0.987 0 0.986 8 0.950 9 0.951 3 0.951 0
LSTM+Attention 0.970 0 0.970 8 0.970 2 0.975 9 0.975 9 0.975 8 0.992 0 0.991 9 0.991 9 0.940 7 0.941 3 0.940 8
0.980 4 0.980 6 0.980 4 0.982 8 0.982 7 0.982 7 0.990 4 0.990 3 0.990 3 0.955 5 0.956 8 0.955 9
Bi-LSTM 0.828 5 0.855 7 0.818 2 0.891 7 0.894 2 0.890 9 0.976 6 0.976 4 0.976 1 0.919 9 0.927 1 0.920 8
Bi-LSTM+CNN 0.974 3 0.975 3 0.974 7 0.976 1 0.975 5 0.975 7 0.986 8 0.987 2 0.986 9 0.948 5 0.951 5 0.949 1
Bi-LSTM+Attention 0.970 9 0.971 1 0.970 7 0.973 6 0.974 0 0.973 7 0.988 0 0.988 0 0.988 0 0.950 6 0.950 1 0.950 3
0.981 3 0.980 4 0.980 7 0.982 6 0.982 8 0.982 6 0.991 5 0.992 0 0.991 7 0.962 1 0.961 7 0.961 8
The Results of the Academic Text Structure Function Recognition of PLoS Using Word-Level HAN
编码器 PLoS Biology PLoS Medicine PLoS Genetics PLoS Computational Biology
Macro-P Macro-R Macro-F1 Macro-P Macro-R Macro-F1 Macro-P Macro-R Macro-F1 Macro-P Macro-R Macro-F1
LSTM 0.961 7 0.961 9 0.961 7 0.954 2 0.949 5 0.949 0 0.985 9 0.985 8 0.985 8 0.925 5 0.925 7 0.925 1
LSTM+CNN 0.975 8 0.977 1 0.976 4 0.982 2 0.981 7 0.981 9 0.989 5 0.989 7 0.989 6 0.935 2 0.935 2 0.935 2
LSTM+Attention 0.980 9 0.980 9 0.980 9 0.986 2 0.986 1 0.986 2 0.989 2 0.989 4 0.989 3 0.936 2 0.935 3 0.935 6
0.968 7 0.968 0 0.968 2 0.983 4 0.983 3 0.983 3 0.983 3 0.983 4 0.983 3 0.931 5 0.930 4 0.930 4
Bi-LSTM 0.971 6 0.970 8 0.971 0 0.960 6 0.957 4 0.957 0 0.976 7 0.974 4 0.975 0 0.938 7 0.939 2 0.938 5
Bi-LSTM+CNN 0.979 5 0.979 8 0.979 6 0.988 7 0.988 3 0.988 7 0.994 1 0.994 0 0.994 0 0.912 4 0.903 1 0.903 9
Bi-LSTM+Attention 0.977 9 0.977 5 0.977 7 0.954 3 0.954 5 0.952 8 0.985 7 0.985 4 0.985 4 0.956 6 0.956 5 0.956 5
Bi-LSTM+ CNN +Attention 0.981 5 0.982 0 0.981 6 0.988 9 0.988 1 0.988 3 0.989 9 0.990 2 0.990 0 0.952 7 0.952 3 0.952 5
The Results of the Academic Text Structure Function Recognition of PLoS Using Sentence-Level HAN
编码器 PLoS Biology PLoS Medicine PLoS Genetics PLoS Computational Biology
Macro-P Macro-R Macro-F1 Macro-P Macro-R Macro-F1 Macro-P Macro-R Macro-F1 Macro-P Macro-R Macro-F1
LSTM+CNN 0.959 7 0.959 5 0.959 5 0.964 5 0.964 3 0.964 3 0.978 5 0.978 6 0.978 5 0.899 5 0.892 5 0.893 6
LSTM+Attention 0.952 0 0.949 7 0.950 4 0.962 5 0.962 3 0.962 3 0.982 3 0.982 4 0.982 3 0.896 4 0.896 0 0.896 1
0.945 5 0.944 3 0.943 7 0.954 1 0.951 2 0.951 6 0.980 3 0.979 5 0.979 8 0.895 4 0.896 2 0.895 6
Bi-LSTM+CNN 0.965 0 0.964 8 0.964 9 0.960 8 0.959 7 0.959 9 0.981 2 0.981 0 0.981 1 0.885 8 0.863 7 0.859 9
Bi-LSTM+Attention 0.961 5 0.961 4 0.961 4 0.973 2 0.972 7 0.972 8 0.983 3 0.983 3 0.983 3 0.918 1 0.917 6 0.917 8
0.971 9 0.972 4 0.972 1 0.961 5 0.961 2 0.960 8 0.983 4 0.982 8 0.983 1 0.915 3 0.913 6 0.914 1
The Results of the Academic Text Structure Function Recognition of PLoS Using Paragraph-Level HAN
The Performance of Five Models
模型 Macro-P Macro-R Macro-F1 Accuracy-I Accuracy-M Accuracy-R Accuracy-D
Baseline-1 XGB TF-IDF 0.528 9 0.531 9 0.523 4 0.540 9 0.308 3 0.660 5 0.618 0
CHI 0.788 0 0.786 9 0.785 9 0.920 3 0.730 3 0.656 3 0.840 7
IG 0.604 6 0.608 2 0.604 8 0.731 7 0.481 7 0.585 9 0.633 4
Baseline-2 Bert Model 0.848 0 0.849 1 0.848 2 0.936 8 0.768 4 0.812 5 0.878 7
单词级HAN Bi-LSTM+CNN 0.826 0 0.829 4 0.826 6 0.858 0 0.798 8 0.766 3 0.880 9
Bi-LSTM+Attention 0.851 3 0.852 5 0.851 1 0.917 7 0.780 0 0.868 5 0.839 0
Bi-LSTM+CNN+Attention 0.836 2 0.836 5 0.836 2 0.880 2 0.812 9 0.808 1 0.843 8
句子级HAN Bi-LSTM+CNN 0.813 7 0.798 5 0.788 5 0.961 4 0.836 7 0.506 8 0.889 1
Bi-LSTM+Attention 0.866 8 0.866 6 0.866 1 0.967 2 0.818 6 0.800 4 0.880 1
Bi-LSTM+CNN+Attention 0.853 3 0.849 8 0.848 8 0.953 7 0.874 5 0.711 7 0.859 2
段落级HAN Bi-LSTM+CNN 0.840 8 0.839 8 0.839 6 0.919 6 0.825 3 0.811 3 0.803 2
Bi-LSTM+Attention 0.861 6 0.860 1 0.860 4 0.912 3 0.824 6 0.851 9 0.851 5
Bi-LSTM+CNN+Attention 0.786 6 0.747 2 0.741 7 0.656 1 0.529 3 0.884 2 0.919 4
Training Results of Optimal Models in ACP with Clear Section Functionality
The Distribution of Irregular Data Title Numbers and Prediction Labels in ACP
The Distribution of References and the Clue Word “use” in IMRaD(e.g. PLoS Biology
项目 DTW 余弦距离 欧氏距离 K-S检验(p-value)
参考文献 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.008 2 0.012 8 0.012 2 0.009 2 0.004 7 0.002 2 0.006 5 0.004 3 0.676 6 0.794 2 0.260 6 0.443 1
动作线索词“use” 0.000 1 0.000 2 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.028 7 0.009 2 0.015 9 0.030 0 0.003 8 0.008 8 0.006 3 0.004 1 0.140 0 0.556 0 0.140 0 0.882 8
The Distribution Similarity of Reference, the Cue Word “use” and the Result of K-S Test
The Distribution of References in Train Set and Test Set
DTW 余弦距离 欧氏距离 K-S检验(p-value)
0.000 3 0.000 2 0.000 2 0.000 4 0.064 8 0.033 2 0.046 3 0.145 6 0.012 2 0.010 1 0.008 2 0.012 4 0.140 0 0.047 0 0.443 1 0.099 4
The Distribution Similarity of References in the Two Data Sets and the Result of K-S Test
The Distribution Similarity of References after Replacing the Results Section with the New Materials & Methods and Discussion
DTW 余弦距离 欧氏距离 K-S 检验(p-value)
Materials & Methods_train 0.000 2 0.030 5 0.007 9 0.676 6
extra_Materials & Methods_predict 0.000 2 0.036 2 0.008 7 0.260 6
The Distribution Similarity with extra_Materials & Methods and the Result of K-S Test
extra_Discussion _train
DTW 余弦距离 欧氏距离 K-S检验(p-value)
Discussion_train 0.000 1 0.093 4 0.005 2 0.099 4
extra_Discussion_predict 0.000 2 0.108 9 0.007 8 0.443 1
The Distribution Similarity with extra_Discussion and the Result of K-S Test
The Distribution of Cue Words in IMRaD in Train Set and Test Set
单词 DTW 余弦距离 欧氏距离 K-S 检验(p-value)
show 0.000 2 0.000 2 0.000 5 0.000 2 0.103 5 0.054 4 0.034 0 0.093 4 0.007 1 0.009 0 0.019 1 0.007 7 0.343 9 0.193 0 0.013 1 0.535 8
use 0.000 2 0.000 2 0.000 2 0.000 2 0.047 8 0.017 8 0.037 6 0.101 5 0.007 4 0.007 4 0.010 0 0.008 8 0.140 0 0.556 0 0.443 1 0.093 4
perform 0.000 4 0.000 6 0.000 4 0.000 3 0.349 4 0.124 2 0.106 7 0.273 9 0.019 7 0.025 9 0.016 6 0.015 3 0.013 1 0.031 4 0.013 1 0.008 2
follow 0.000 5 0.000 5 0.000 4 0.000 3 0.232 6 0.125 4 0.121 0 0.292 8 0.017 2 0.020 2 0.018 7 0.011 6 0.003 0 0.003 0 0.069 1 0.003 0
find 0.000 4 0.000 4 0.000 5 0.000 3 0.186 3 0.153 4 0.126 8 0.171 7 0.015 3 0.014 5 0.021 5 0.014 0 0.260 6 0.005 0 0.260 6 0.193 0
report 0.000 5 0.000 4 0.000 7 0.000 5 0.301 9 0.259 3 0.242 8 0.268 0 0.024 3 0.018 4 0.030 5 0.021 3 0.000 2 0.013 1 0.020 5 0.000 3
suggest 0.000 5 0.000 3 0.000 6 0.000 5 0.297 6 0.384 3 0.172 2 0.239 6 0.022 3 0.014 6 0.026 8 0.020 7 0.069 1 0.000 0 0.047 0 0.000 6
include 0.000 6 0.000 5 0.000 4 0.000 3 0.298 4 0.161 3 0.119 6 0.275 5 0.022 4 0.025 0 0.016 5 0.012 7 0.031 4 0.008 2 0.099 4 0.140 0
The Distribution Similarity of Cue Words and the Result of K-S Test
数据 PLoS Biology PLoS Medicine PLoS Genetics PLoS Comp. Biol. ACP
Macro-F1 Macro-
PLoS Biology - - - 0.964 0 0.962 9 0.962 8 0.983 8 0.983 3 0.983 5 0.892 5 0.883 3 0.883 1 0.660 6 0.504 1 0.459 4
PLoS Medicine 0.943 2 0.940 8 0.941 2 - - - 0.945 1 0.941 5 0.942 0 0.831 6 0.765 7 0.763 0 0.520 3 0.500 5 0.455 4
PLoS Genetics 0.979 4 0.980 2 0.979 6 0.957 6 0.956 6 0.956 4 - - - 0.927 0 0.927 7 0.926 9 0.560 5 0.565 3 0.526 4
PLoS Com. Biol. 0.977 2 0.976 7 0.976 9 0.967 9 0.967 6 0.967 6 0.984 8 0.984 0 0.984 3 - - - 0.691 5 0.584 4 0.526 4
ACP 0.714 4 0.643 6 0.581 7 0.700 8 0.585 5 0.553 3 0.712 0 0.627 8 0.559 3 0.690 7 0.607 7 0.558 8 - - -
Analysis of Adaptation of HAN (e.g. Bi-LSTM+CNN+Attention)
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[1] Chen Jie,Ma Jing,Li Xiaofeng. Short-Text Classification Method with Text Features from Pre-trained Models[J]. 数据分析与知识发现, 2021, 5(9): 21-30.
[2] Li Wenna,Zhang Zhixiong. Research on Knowledge Base Error Detection Method Based on Confidence Learning[J]. 数据分析与知识发现, 2021, 5(9): 1-9.
[3] Sun Yu, Qiu Jiangnan. Research on Influence of Opinion Leaders Based on Network Analysis and Text Mining [J]. 数据分析与知识发现, 0, (): 1-.
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[5] Li Wenna, Zhang Zhixiong. Entity Alignment Method for Different Knowledge Repositories with Joint Semantic Representation[J]. 数据分析与知识发现, 2021, 5(7): 1-9.
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[15] Yan Qiang,Zhang Xiaoyan,Zhou Simin. Extracting Keywords Based on Sememe Similarity[J]. 数据分析与知识发现, 2021, 5(4): 80-89.
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