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New Technology of Library and Information Service  2006, Vol. 1 Issue (7): 41-46    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.1003-3513.2006.07.10
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A Study on Perl Programming Language Aided Informetrics
Chen Tun Chen Xin2
1(Library of Southwest University for Nationalities, Chengdu 610041, China)
2(Pharmacy College, Chengdu University of T.C.M., Chengdu 610075, China)
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This paper studies the application of Perl programming language in the informetrics. The results which have been extracted from GenBank database show that the Perl is very suitable for informetrics study. Aided with the Perl, we can obtain the information of advance, hotspots, core authors of wanted field from massive GenBank database. So the Perl can be helpful for the special information service in library.

Key wordsInformetrics      Perl      Co-word analysis     
Received: 03 April 2006      Published: 25 July 2006


Corresponding Authors: Chen Xin     E-mail:
About author:: Chen Tun,Chen Xin

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Chen Tun,Chen Xin . A Study on Perl Programming Language Aided Informetrics. New Technology of Library and Information Service, 2006, 1(7): 41-46.

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