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New Technology of Library and Information Service  2008, Vol. 24 Issue (8): 70-75    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.1003-3513.2008.08.12
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Development of a Text Mining System Based on the Co-occurrence of Bibliographic Items in Literature Databases
Cui Lei   Liu Wei   Yan Lei   Zhang Han  Hou Yuefang  Huang Yingna  Zhang Hao
(Department of Information Management and Information System (Medicine), China Medical University, Shenyang  110001,China)
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This paper presents a text mining system based on the co-occurrence of bibliographic items in literature databases. This system produces the principal bibliometric indicators of a given document set oriented to PubMed and Web of Science, and some of results are presented by visualization techniques. Further more, it provides cluster analysis and association analysis by investigating the co-occurrence data of high-frequent MeSH terms, high-productive authors, highly-cited papers and highly-cited authors. Using these approaches users can mining the potential association rules among MeSH terms, and engage scientometric investigations.

Key wordsText Mining      Co-occurrence      Bibliographic System      Scientometrics     
Received: 19 March 2008      Published: 25 August 2008


Corresponding Authors: Cui Lei     E-mail:
About author:: Cui Lei, Liu Wei,Yan Lei,Zhang Han,Hou Yuefang,Huang Yingna,Zhang Hao

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Cui Lei, Liu Wei,Yan Lei,Zhang Han,Hou Yuefang,Huang Yingna,Zhang Hao. Development of a Text Mining System Based on the Co-occurrence of Bibliographic Items in Literature Databases. New Technology of Library and Information Service, 2008, 24(8): 70-75.

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