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New Technology of Library and Information Service  2008, Vol. 24 Issue (9): 64-69    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.1003-3513.2008.09.11
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An Empirical Study of Ranking “211 Project” Universities Based on Websites Hyperlinks Analysis
Wang Jiandong  Sun Huiming
(Department of Information Management, Peking University,  Beijing 100871,China)
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The paper points out that there are two defects in the current study on university evaluation based on websites hyperlinks analysis, the first lies in the hypothesis that all links are of equal importance and the second is the fact that the data are unreliable. Then the authors design an FBS crawling algorithm, which can crawl different types of websites to different extent, and construct and initiate a quantitative study on the hyperlink community of universities of “211 Project”. Based on the data, the authors design an experiment in order to test the three SNA indexes which can measure the significance of notes in the network. The results show that the proximity prestige index performs better than the other two indexes. Combining the proximity prestige index with PageRank arithmetic, the authors then design a new index, which is called “UnivRank” in short. The final results show that the new index performs significantly better than the other ones.

Key words Websites hyperlinks analysis      University evaluation      SNA      PageRank      UnivRank     
Received: 19 March 2008      Published: 25 September 2008


Corresponding Authors: Wang Jiandong     E-mail:
About author:: Wang Jiandong,Sun Huiming

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Wang Jiandong,Sun Huiming. An Empirical Study of Ranking “211 Project” Universities Based on Websites Hyperlinks Analysis. New Technology of Library and Information Service, 2008, 24(9): 64-69.

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