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New Technology of Library and Information Service  2014, Vol. 30 Issue (3): 65-72    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.1003-3513.2014.03.10
Current Issue | Archive | Adv Search |
Research on the Framework of a User Intent-oriented Intelligent Search Engine
Zheng Wei1, Liang Zhanping1,2, Liang Jian3
1 Department of Information Management, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China;
2 Institute of Scientific & Technical Information of China, Beijing 100038, China;
3 Information Center of Ministry of Science and Technology, Beijing 100038, China
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[Objective] This paper proposes a framework of the intent-oriented intelligent search engine system, and studies the key content ranking algorithm in detail. [Methods] This paper reinvents the search engine algorithms based on the user search intent in three aspects, i.e., content storage, content retrieval and content ranking, and considers multiple factors in the content ranking algorithm, including relevance, reliability, variety and hotness of the content. [Results] Experiments indicate that the relavence of the search results from the intent-based intelligent search algorithm has stably better performance which dominates the traditional keywords-based algorithm. [Limitations] Building intelligent search engine is so complicated that there are still many technical and engineering problems to resolve. Much more experiments need to be conducted to futher verify and improve the content ranking algorithm. [Conclusions] This research lays a foundation of building the next generation intent-oriented intelligent search engine.

Key wordsIntelligent search      User modeling      Retrieval      Ranking     
Received: 29 September 2013      Published: 15 April 2014
:  TP393  

Cite this article:

Zheng Wei, Liang Zhanping, Liang Jian. Research on the Framework of a User Intent-oriented Intelligent Search Engine. New Technology of Library and Information Service, 2014, 30(3): 65-72.

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