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New Technology of Library and Information Service  2015, Vol. 31 Issue (4): 50-57    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.1003-3513.2015.04.07
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Words and N-gram Models Analysis for “A Dream of Red Mansions”
Xiao Tianjiu, Liu Ying
Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, Chinad
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[Objective] Research on the relationship between the first 80 chapters and the last 40 chapters of “A Dream of Red Mansions”. [Methods] Combined quantitative with qualitative method, compare the first 40 chapters, the middle 40 chapters and last 40 chapters with each other to calculate the ratios of the unique words of every part. Clustering is conducted respectively by utilizing the function words, N-gram model of words and part-of-speech, all content words and the word length, compute the similarities among the first 40 chapters, the middle 40 chapters and last 40 chapters according to high-frequency words. [Results] There are differences between the first 80 chapters and the last 40 chapters. There are less long words in the first 80 chapters and it is more readable and coherent than the last 40 chapters. The first 80 chapters pay more attention to description of details, while the last 40 chapters focus more on the description of actions and scenes. [Limitations] Only consider words and N-gram models, semantic and pragmatic features are not utilized. [Conclusions] The author of the first 80 chapters and the author of the last 40 chapters are not the same according to these features.

Key wordsStylistic analysis      Hierarchical clustering      K-means clustering      N-gram     
Received: 20 August 2014      Published: 21 May 2015
:  P315.69  

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Xiao Tianjiu, Liu Ying. Words and N-gram Models Analysis for “A Dream of Red Mansions”. New Technology of Library and Information Service, 2015, 31(4): 50-57.

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