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Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery  2017, Vol. 1 Issue (1): 37-46    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.2096-3467.2017.01.05
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Extracting Semantic Knowledge from Plant Species Diversity Collections
Liu Jianhua1,2(), Wang Ying1, Zhang Zhixiong1, Li Chuanxi3
1National Science Library, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
2University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
3China Great Wall Asset Management Co., Ltd, Beijing 100045, China
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[Objective]This paper aims to extract semantic knowledge from the biodiversity studies. [Methods] We proposed a new knowledge extraction framework focusing on species. It included various entities as well as the relationship among them. The new method was then examined with various specialized databases. [Results] The species-oriented knowledge extraction framework, could successfully retrieve semantic information from the target entities and the relations among them. This method expanded the scope of knowledge extraction practice in the biodiversity field. [Limitations] The recall and precision ratio of the new method was effected by the dictionaries and rules. More studies are needed to examine the semantic relationship among the named entities beyond co-occurrence, hierarchical and simple syntactic relations. [Conclusions] The proposed method expands the contents and methods of knowledge extraction in biodiversity research. It supports the semantic information retrieval and computation.

Key wordsPlant Species Diversity      Plant Species      Knowledge Extraction      Relation Extraction     
Received: 14 April 2016      Published: 22 February 2017
ZTFLH:  G250  

Cite this article:

Liu Jianhua,Wang Ying,Zhang Zhixiong,Li Chuanxi. Extracting Semantic Knowledge from Plant Species Diversity Collections. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2017, 1(1): 37-46.

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实体类型 数量 实体类型 数量
物种-属(Genus) 115 698 植物茎(plantStemForm) 1 983
物种-科(family) 25 332 省(province) 1 845
习性(habit) 13 510 花期(plantFlowerTime) 1 773
花颜色(plantFlowerColor) 12 649 植物根类型(plantRootType) 1 725
实体类型 数量 实体类型 数量
生态环境(cultivatedHabitat) 12 277 化合物(chemicalCompound) 1 637
植物茎类型(plantStemType) 10 306 授粉系统(plantPollinationSystem) 1 509
物种-种(species) 9 478 基因(gene) 1 270
寿命(longevity) 8 233 国家(country) 1 227
植物果实类型(plantFruitType) 6 489 物种-目(order) 1 088
植物雌蕊融合(plantGynoeciumCarpelFusion) 4 875 花对称性(plantFlowerSymmetry) 1 043
植物雄蕊排列(planAndroeciumStamenArrangement) 4 793 化学元素(ChemicalElement) 736
植物叶规格(plantLeafArrangement) 3 908 实验材料与工具(Tool) 722
植物叶形状(plantLeafShape) 3 609 物理环境(PhysicalEnvironment) 717
植物叶缘(plantLeafMargin) 3 268 植物花被(plantFlowerPerianthForm) 621
花序形态(plantInflorescenceForm) 3 268 植物叶结构(plantLeafStructure) 510
植物叶面(plantLeafSurface) 2 859 器官(Organ) 780
花结构数量(plantNumbersOfFloralStructure) 2 815 机构(Organization) 323
植物叶部(plantLeafDivision) 2 615 培养环境(culturedHabitat) 264
无确定类型的主题词(Term) 2 482 物种-门(phylum) 252
光合作用(photosynthesis) 2 282 植物叶(plantLeaf) 244
植物叶性(plantFlowerSexuality) 2 222 物种-纲(class) 153
植物雄蕊类型(plantAndroeciumStamenType) 2 152 植物根结构(plantRootStructure) 127
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