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Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery  2017, Vol. 1 Issue (11): 1-11    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.2096-3467.2017.0877
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Quantification Constraint System for Pragmatic Disambiguation: From Linguistic Design to Computational Implementation
Yang Chunlei
College of English Studies, Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai 201600, China
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[Objective] This article tries to bridge ontological linguistic design and its computational implementation, taking quantification constraint system (QCS) for pragmatic disambiguation as an example. [Methods] First, this study explained the rationale of QCS, and introduced the new research methodology. Second, the author proposed the criteria to identify effective constraints and integrate them to a system, as well as the algorithm to optimize vote assignment. Third, it described the lexical and grammatical regularities pertinent to quantification. Fourth, this paper formulated regularities using type description language (TDL) and then implemented them based on two Chinese computational grammars, namely ManGO and Zhong[|]. [Results] This new method effectively processed complex linguistic phenomena (e.g., quantification, binding and anaphora). [Conclusions] The proposed method could accelerate the development of linguistics, which provides technical support for artificial intelligence and deep linguistic processing.

Key wordsQuantification      Constraint System      Pragmatic Disambiguation      Computational Implementation      Natural Language Processing     
Received: 30 August 2017      Published: 27 November 2017
ZTFLH:  H087  

Cite this article:

Yang Chunlei. Quantification Constraint System for Pragmatic Disambiguation: From Linguistic Design to Computational Implementation. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2017, 1(11): 1-11.

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