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Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery  2018, Vol. 2 Issue (1): 51-63    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.2096-3467.2017.0890
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Predicting Mobile Purchase Decisions Based on User Browsing Logs
Zhang Pengyi(), Wang Danxue, Jiao Yifan, Chen Xiuyu, Wang Jun
Department of Information Management, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
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[Objective] This research characterizes users’ browsing patterns, aiming to predict their purchasing decisions on mobile shopping applications. [Methods] First, we mapped the request parameters of the logs with users’ information behavior types. Then, we used logistic binary regression and C&R decision tree techniques to establish models to predict the buying decisions. The data set included 3,923,429 lines of server logs generated by 290 heavy users of a popular mobile shopping app in March 2015. [Results] We found that the frequency of users’ browsing behaviors was stable during the weekdays and reached its peak every night before bedtime. Users paid much attention to product details and those with deeper browsing behaviors are more likely to read introduction to the shop and share related information. The number of views was in line with the power-law distribution and 90% of the merchandise was checked less than 16 times. We also found that goods viewed by 9 times and placed in the carts were most likely to be bought. There was a positive correlation between the purchases of goods and the numbers of views or sharing of the item and the shop. The C&R decision tree model’s prediction accuracy was slightly higher than that of the Logistic binary regression model. However, the former’s variable types were far less than the latter. [Limitations] Logs cannot fully reflect all users’ behaviors, which lead to some ambiguity of our analysis. The conclusion might not tell the whole story since the logs were generated by heavy users in one month. [Conclusions] The pattern of user browsing and buying behaviors could be used to enhance their experience of the mobile shopping applications. Logistic binary regression might better predict users’ buying decisions than the C&R decision trees model.

Key wordsInformation Browsing      Information Behavior      Purchase Decision      Mobile Shopping      Mobile Electricity Business     
Received: 06 September 2017      Published: 05 February 2018
ZTFLH:  G250.2  

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Zhang Pengyi,Wang Danxue,Jiao Yifan,Chen Xiuyu,Wang Jun. Predicting Mobile Purchase Decisions Based on User Browsing Logs. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2018, 2(1): 51-63.

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字段 含义 字段 含义
log_date 登录时间 request_params 请求参数
h、m、s 时、分、秒 shop_id 店铺ID
uri 用户访问链接 twitter_id 商品ID
request_name 请求名 user_id 用户ID
字段 含义 字段 含义
user_id 用户ID order_create_time 订单生成时间
twitter_id 商品ID pay_time 支付时间
order_id 订单ID
一级行为 二级行为 备注
浏览商品详情 查看商品详情 进入单品页查看商品详情
浏览单个商品信息(单品页主体信息, 预加载)
浏览单个商品信息(单品页详细信息, 主要是实拍图、尺码等)
浏览商品评价、晒单 单品页上点击“评论”, 查看商品所有评论
查看商品大图 浏览单个商品信息(单品页点击主图, 查看商品大图)
下拉浏览商品详情 下拉浏览商品详情
浏览店铺详情 查看店铺信息 单品页上的店铺简介。单品页预加载会多次请求
查看店铺热卖 单品页上的店铺热销。单品页预加载同样多次请求
查看店铺商品列表 浏览店铺商品列表, 会随着用户下拉不停地刷新, 筛选不同选项卡
分享商品、店铺 点击分享按钮
查看购物车 在单品页或者活动页右上角点击icon查看购物车或点击查看购物车
购买行为 添加购物车 将商品添加到购物车
提交订单 选择商品后提交订单
成功支付 支付完成订单
日志记录 频次 占比(%)
查看商品详情 180 198 21.10
172 089 20.15
浏览商品评价、晒单 161 720 18.94
分享商品、店铺 89 539 10.48
查看店铺热卖 88 363 10.35
查看店铺信息 86 775 10.16
下拉浏览商品详情 40 430 4.73
查看店铺商品列表 9 554 1.12
查看商品大图 7 100 0.83
添加购物车 5 995 0.70
提交订单 2 530 0.30
成功支付 1 955 0.23
查看购物车 1 798 0.21
浏览记录 商品总数 占比(%) 累计百分比(%) 浏览记录 商品总数 占比(%) 累计百分比(%)
1 22 411 23.94 23.94 11 1 706 1.82 81.58
2 3 233 3.45 27.39 12 2 940 3.14 84.72
3 825 0.88 28.27 13 1 361 1.45 86.17
4 1 135 1.21 29.48 14 1 667 1.78 87.95
5 1 124 1.20 30.68 15 855 0.91 88.86
6 3 044 3.25 33.93 16 1 195 1.28 90.14
7 13 809 14.75 46.48 17 1 055 1.13 91.27
8 12 809 13.68 62.36 18 986 1.05 92.32
9 12 768 13.64 76.00 19 579 0.62 92.94
10 3 515 3.76 79.76 20 588 0.63 93.57
浏览商品尺码规格、细节图、实拍图等详情 浏览商品
查看店铺商品列表 分享商品、店铺 查看购物车
查看商品详情 1 .764** .757** .280** .846** .877** .838** .188** .772** .078**
1 .738** .199** .739** .844** .910** .119** .811** .060**
浏览商品评价、晒单 1 .194** .724** .797** .775** .351** .852** .114**
查看商品大图 1 .177** .257** .221** .073** .211** .051**
下拉浏览商品详情 1 .798** .757** .198** .707** .069**
查看店铺信息 1 .930** .278** .877** .083**
查看店铺热卖 1 .160** .893** .063**
查看店铺商品列表 1 .384** .035**
分享商品、店铺 1 .087**
查看购物车 1
1 0 0 2 0.01 2 0.01
2 0 0 3 0.09 2 0.06
3 1 0.12 0 0 0 0
4 12 1.06 1 0.09 1 0.09
5 79 7.03 2 0.18 2 0.18
6 100 3.29 13 0.43 11 0.36
7 49 0.35 25 0.18 16 0.12
8 341 2.66 92 0.72 61 0.48
9 832 6.55 215 1.68 167 1.31
10 265 7.54 78 2.22 53 1.51
11 148 8.68 38 2.23 31 1.82
12 151 5.14 32 1.09 24 0.82
13 128 9.40 44 3.23 32 2.35
14 120 9.14 33 2.59 27 1.62
15 99 9.88 28 2.82 20 2.34
16 173 10.62 49 3.06 36 3.01
17 220 11.35 65 3.29 53 2.62
18 225 12.09 93 3.53 63 2.81
19 136 12.83 50 3.76 43 3.00
20 115 13.56 48 4.00 36 3.20
添加购物车 提交订单 成功支付
添加购物车 1 .304** .291**
提交订单 1 .931**
成功支付 1
添加购物车 提交订单 成功支付
查看商品详情 .396** .423** .411**
浏览商品尺码规格、细节图、实拍图等详情 .345** .342** .331**
浏览商品评价、晒单 .315** .36** .353**
查看商品大图 .19** .14** .132**
下拉浏览商品详情 .387** .382** .371**
查看店铺信息 .372** .398** .386**
查看店铺热卖 .352** .373** .361**
查看店铺商品列表 .079** .08** .078**
分享商品、店铺 .318** .348** .339**
查看购物车 .109** .071** .068**
步骤 -2对数似然 考克斯-斯奈尔R方 内戈尔科R方
7 2198.826* .455 .606
实测 预测
支付 正确百分比
.0 1.0
步骤7 支付 .0 1 294 116 91.8
1.0 358 1 052 74.6
总体百分比 83.2
B 标准误差 瓦尔德 自由度 显著性 Exp(B)
查看商品详情 .285 .059 22.933 1 .000 1.329
浏览商品尺码规格、细节图、实拍图等详情 -.118 .043 7.730 1 .005 .888
浏览商品评价、晒单 .074 .026 7.855 1 .005 1.076
查看商品大图 .421 .145 8.398 1 .004 1.523
下拉浏览商品详情 .724 .100 52.800 1 .000 2.063
查看店铺热卖 .554 .119 21.575 1 .000 1.741
查看购物车 1.021 .277 13.559 1 .000 2.775
常量 -2.471 .105 554.732 1 .000 .085
是否购买 正确百分比
观测值 是否购买 268 109 71.09
973 17 642 94.77
总体百分比 82.93
是否购买 正确百分比
观测值 是否购买 283 94 75.07
1 215 17 400 93.47
总体百分比 84.27
是否购买 正确百分比
观测值 是否购买 278 99 73.74
1 117 17 498 94.00
总体百分比 83.87
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