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Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery  2021, Vol. 5 Issue (9): 31-41    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.2096-3467.2021.0266
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Construction and Application of GCN Model for Text Classification with Associated Information
Zhou Zeyu1,2,Wang Hao1,2(),Zhao Zibo1,2,Li Yueyan1,2,Zhang Xiaoqin3
1School of Information Management, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, China
2Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Data Engineering and Knowledge Service, Nanjing 210023, China
3Jinling Library, Nanjing 210023, China
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[Objective] This paper tries to learn the text contexts and the polysemy of words, aiming to improve the performance of automatic text classification. [Objective] We proposed a GCN model for long text classification with associated information. First, we used BERT to obtain the initial features of word vectors of the long texts. Then, we input these initial features into the BiLSTM model to capture their semantic relationship. Third, we represented the word features as nodes of the graph convolutional network SGCN. Fourth, we used the vector similarity between words as the edge to connect the nodes, and construct a graph structure. Finally, we input the long text representation from SGCN into the fully connected layers to finish the classification tasks. [Results] We examined our model with Chinese scientific literature having multiple subjects. The accuracy of our model is 0.834 09, which is better than the benchmark model. [Limitations] We only treated the texts as single topic ones for multi-classification tasks. [Conclusions] The proposed model based on BERT, BiLSTM and SGCN algorithms could effectively classify long texts.

Key wordsGraph Convolutional Network      Deep Learning      BERT      Text Classification     
Received: 16 March 2021      Published: 15 October 2021
ZTFLH:  G202  
Fund:*National Natural Science Foundation of China(72074108);2020 Wuxi Association for Science and Technology Soft Science Research Project(KT-20-C058);Innovative Research Project for Doctoral Candidates of Nanjing University(CXYJ21-69)
Corresponding Authors: Wang Hao     E-mail:

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Zhou Zeyu,Wang Hao,Zhao Zibo,Li Yueyan,Zhang Xiaoqin. Construction and Application of GCN Model for Text Classification with Associated Information. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2021, 5(9): 31-41.

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The Text Multi-Classification Model Based on BERT-BiLSTM-SGCN
分类号 含义 总计数据 训练集数量 测试集数量
R181 流行病学基本理论方法 1 871 1 575 296
R183 传染病预防 1 281 1 158 123
R184 防疫措施与管理 1 909 1 723 186
R259 现代医学内科疾病 1 731 1 512 219
R473 专科护理学 2 323 1 834 489
R511 病毒传染病 4 813 3 529 1 284
R563 肺疾病 1 952 1 668 284
合计 15 880 12 999 2 881
Distribution of Literature with Only One Classification Number
The Adjacency Matrix Constructed Based on the Similarity Between Words
序号 模型 模型介绍 准确率
1 TextBERT-BiLSTM-Softmax 将文档级TextBERT得到该文档的文本嵌入输入BiLSTM模型后,再输入Softmax得到分类结果 0.833 04
2 TextBERT-Softmax 将文档级TextBERT得到该文档的文本嵌入直接输入Softmax得到分类结果 0.829 57
3 TextBERT-BiLSTM-SVM SVM是一个二元线性分类器,自提出以来便在各种机器学习相关工作中取得了很好的效果。其扩展性良好,经过不断发展,SVM方法在非线性分类和多元分类的任务中也表现出不错的实验效果。这里选择SVM方法进行对比实验。将文档级TextBERT得到该文档的文本嵌入,输入BiLSTM模型后,再输入SVM中得到分类结果 0.829 29
4 TextGCN 使用One-Hot作为特征输入,构建基于文档和词的异构图[7],在GCN上对文本进行半监督分类 0.728 90
5 WordBERT-TextGCN 将WordBERT 嵌入初始化进行节点表示,构建与TextGCN相同的基于文档和词的异构图,在GCN上对文本进行半监督分类 0.729 23
6 WordBERT-BiLSTM-TextGCN 将WordBERT 得到的词向量输入BiLSTM模型后得到的特征输入进行节点表示,构建与TextGCN相同的基于文档和词的异构图,在GCN上对文本进行半监督分类 0.734 06
Text Classification Results of Different Models
Classification Results of BERT-BiLSTM-SGCN Under Different Word Segmentation Conditions
Influence of Different Parameters on the Model Results
The Results of Different Categories of WordBERT-BiLSTM-SGCN with Optimal Parameters
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