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Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery  2020, Vol. 4 Issue (1): 121-130    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.2096-3467.2019.0955
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Automatic Concept Update Strategy Towards Heterogeneous Terminology Integration
Haixia Sun1,2,Panpan Deng2,Jiao Li2,Liu Shen2,Qing Qian2()
1School of Information Management, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China
2Institute of Medical Information,Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Beijing 100020, China
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[Objective] This paper proposes a method updating integrated concept for the version evolution of source Knowledge Organization Systems (KOSs), aiming to promote the dynamic development of the heterogeneous terminology integration system.[Methods] Our model focuses on terms, synonym sets and preferred terms of concepts. Firstly, we identified terms changing types and preferred terms changing modes of concepts in source KOSs by exact string matching. Then, we recognized their synonym sets changing patterns through concept vector space. Finally, we updated synonym sets and preferred terms of integrated concepts fusion rule and similarity. We also assessed the results yielded by our method using medical integration concept set of STKOS and its important sources, MeSH and HUGO.[Results] The synonymous merging rate of new term from source KOSs reached 94.96%, and the update accuracy of preferred term of changed integrated concepts reached 99.91%.[Limitations] We did not consider ambiguity of the terms and the results were affected by the number of vocabulary and update order.[Conclusions] The proposed method can be applied to update concepts of synonymous knowledge organization systems because of their source KOSs evolution.

Key wordsSynonymous Interoperability      Interoperability Maintenance      Integrated Concept Updating      Knowledge Organization Systems     
Received: 20 August 2019      Published: 14 March 2020
ZTFLH:  TP393  
Corresponding Authors: Qing Qian     E-mail:

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Haixia Sun,Panpan Deng,Jiao Li,Liu Shen,Qing Qian. Automatic Concept Update Strategy Towards Heterogeneous Terminology Integration. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2020, 4(1): 121-130.

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Automatic Update of Integrated Concepts in Synonymous Interoperability System According to Source Vocabularies Evolution
Extension Algorithm for New Terms
新旧版本来源词表概念变化类别 变更数量
MeSH 2017 HUGO 2016
术语变更 删除术语DT 6873 20 383
新增术语NT 29 209 52 002
未变化术语UT 205 760 115 646
同义词集合变更 模式“0” 删除概念同义词集合Cdel 228 1 522
模式“1” 完全新增概念同义词集合Cnew 4 341 10 186
模式“2” 未变化同义词集合Sunc 44 883 16 766
拆分同义词集合Sut-split 135 0
合并同义词集合Sut-merge 91 2
复合操作变更同义词集合Sut-change 15 0
模式“3” 变化概念同义词集合Sc 5 246 12 862
优选术语变更 优选术语未变化PTunc 49 804 1 522
优选术语变化PTc 566 17 968
新概念优选术语PTnew 4 314 10 186
Version Change of MeSH and HUGO
整合概念变更类别 实验1 实验2 实验3 实验4
删除概念Cdel 127 1 575 1 649 1 693
新增概念Cnew Ptnew 2 272 9 446 7 187 11 704
同义词集合不变Sunc 优选术语未变Ptunc 388 867 16 856 55 037 55 489
同义词集合不变Sunc 优选术语改变Ptc 2 0 2 2
同义词集合改变Sc 优选术语未变Ptunc 4 438 11 638 16 492 16 049
同义词集合改变Sc 优选术语改变Ptc 114 1 411 1 565 1 521
Change of Integrated Concepts After 4 Experiments
评价数据集 实验1 实验2 实验3 实验4
序号 整合概念变更类别 整合概念数 新增术语数 整合概念数 新增术语数 整合概念数 新增术语数 整合概念数 新增术语数
1 Cnew 114 565 472 1 502 359 1 338 585 1 942
2 Sunc Ptc 2 0 0 0 2 0 2 0
3 Sc Ptunc 222 940 581 861 824 1 763 802 1 840
4 Sc Ptc 6 22 70 244 78 628 76 244
合计 344 1 527 1 123 2 607 1 263 3 729 1 465 4 026
Numbers of Concepts and New Terms in 4 Sampled Data Sets for Evaluation
同义词集合变更类别 实验1 实验2 实验3 实验4
Cnew 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%
Sc 92.00% 87.33% 72.48% 85.41%
合计 94.96% 94.63% 82.35% 92.45%
Merging Precion of New Terms
整合概念变更类别 实验1 实验2 实验3 实验4
Cnew Ptnew 98.25% 100.00% 98.33% 99.66%
Sunc Ptc 100.00% - 100.00% 100.00%
Sc Ptunc 97.30% 99.83% 99.88% 100.00%
Sc Ptc 50.00% 100.00% 94.87% 92.11%
合计 96.80% 99.91% 99.13% 99.45%
Precion of Preferred Terms Recommendation for Changed Concepts
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