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Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery  2020, Vol. 4 Issue (2/3): 122-133    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.2096-3467.2019.0732
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Topic Resonance of Micro-blogs on Similar Public Health Emergencies
Liang Yanping1,An Lu1,2(),Liu Jing2
1Center for Studies of Information Resources, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China
2School of Information Management, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China
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[Objective] This study aims to explore the resonance patterns of micro-blog users on different topics from similar public health emergencies.[Methods] We constrcted a random resonance model for sub-topics of public health emergencies based on the Langevin equation and collected more than 170,000 microblog entries on the Shandong vaccine incident and the Changchun Changsheng vaccine incident from the Sina Weibo platform. We analyzed the resonance pattern of micro-blog topics by calculating topic factors, geography factors, attitude values and topic salience.[Results] The topics about the progress of events, the public opinion, and the government response generated obvious resonance. However, the topics on the background knowledge and post-measures failed to cause resonance from similar public health emergencies.[Limitations] We only analyzed the resonance patterns with micro-blogging topics on two similar events. More research is needed to examine our findings with other cases.[Conclusions] Resonances exist between the topics of similar public health emergencies, which are related to the number of relevant micro-blog entries, topic contents and other factors.

Key wordsMicroblogging Topics      Stochastic Resonance      Langevin Equation      Online Public Opinions      Emergency      Similar Events     
Received: 21 June 2019      Published: 26 April 2020
ZTFLH:  G350  
Corresponding Authors: Lu An     E-mail:

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Liang Yanping,An Lu,Liu Jing. Topic Resonance of Micro-blogs on Similar Public Health Emergencies. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2020, 4(2/3): 122-133.

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情感值e 情感强度e?
e<-10000000000 0.00
-1000000000≤e<-100000000 0.05
-100000000≤e<-10000000 0.10
-100≤e<-10 0.45
-10≤e<0 0.50
0≤e≤10 0.50
10<e≤100 0.55
1000000000<e≤10000000000 0.95
10000000000<e 1.00
Emotional Intensity of Microblogging Posts
话题因素i 地域因素r 态度值p 长生疫苗事件热度H 山东疫苗事件舆情指数s
0.03 0.06 0.51 0.61 0.39
Parameters of the Vaccine Event Resonance Model
Stochastic Resonance in Two Vaccine Events
山东疫苗事件 长春疫苗事件
事件进展 澎湃新闻报道未冷藏疫苗流入多省,或致人命;多家药品批发企业涉山东“疫苗”案被通报;沃森生物子公司被撤销经营执照… 国家药监局发布对长春长生的飞行检查结果;国家药监局负责人介绍#长生问题疫苗#案情况:已责令企业停止生产,对企业立案调查;山东查明长春长生25万支百白破疫苗流向,将开展后续补种工作…
群众意见 网友要求政府部门尽快查清涉事医院和受害者;家长为孩子健康成长表示担忧;网友谴责政府失职… 网友谴责政府部门不作为;网友谴责有人为疫苗事件洗地;网友对祖国的下一代的遭遇感到痛心…
政府回应 政府提醒群众到正规疫苗接种单位接种疫苗;世卫组织称问题疫苗的几乎不会产生毒性反应;李克强要求问责疫苗案公职人员… 中国疾控中心专家解答疫苗接种有关问题;世卫组织就长春长生疫苗事件发布媒体声明;李克强总理对疫苗事件作出批示…
知识科普 注射未冷藏疫苗不能产生病毒抗体;一类疫苗与二类疫苗知识普及 1989年美国默克公司将乙肝疫苗技术转让给中国;中国疫苗之父汤飞凡;疫苗的工作原理…
事后措施 多地拟将全面实施在预防接种异常反应补偿中全程引入商业保险补偿机制 多地开展疫苗冷链运输检查工作;国家药监局:对全部疫苗进行全链条彻查
Topic Types

华北 185 55 186 69 453 948
东北 37 105 62 173 240 617
华东 160 45 124 90 533 952
华中 123 40 103 62 267 595
西南 321 110 196 76 507 1 210
西北 222 95 227 56 400 1 000
华南 185 50 115 166 267 783
合计 1 233 500 1 033 692 2 667 6 125
Popular Weibo Posts Distribution of Different Topic Types

华北 0.15/0.21 0.11/0.18 0.18/0.26 0.10/0.13 0.17/0.23
东北 0.03/0.05 0.21/0.17 0.06/0.10 0.25/0.28 0.09/0.39
华东 0.13/0.19 0.09/0.12 0.12/0.33 0.13/0.14 0.20/0.22
华中 0.10/0.11 0.08/0.10 0.10/0.32 0.09/0.12 0.10/0.35
西南 0.26/0.21 0.22/0.24 0.19/0.13 0.11/0.20 0.19/0.22
西北 0.18/0.21 0.19/0.17 0.22/0.22 0.08/0.12 0.15/0.29
华南 0.15/0.23 0.10/0.19 0.11/0.24 0.24/0.15 0.10/0.19
Distribution of Geographical Factors and Topic Factors
话题类型 事件进展 群众意见 政府回应 知识科普 事后措施
p 0.51 0.49 0.51 0.52 0.51
Topic Attitude Values of Microblogging Users
话题类型 长春疫苗事件s1 山东疫苗事件s2
事件进展 0.33 0.26
群众意见 0.48 0.50
政府回应 0.10 0.16
知识科普 0.06 0.05
事后措施 0.03 0.03
The Salience of Topics in Two Vaccine Events
话题因素i 地域因素r 态度值p 长生疫苗
0.05 0.03 0.51 0.33 0.26
Resonance Model Parameters of Event Progress Topics
Resonance of Event Progress Topic
话题因素i 地域因素r 态度值p 长生疫苗
0.17 0.21 0.49 0.48 0.50
Resonance Model Parameters of Public Opinion Topics
Resonance of Public Opinion Topics
话题因素i 地域因素r 态度值p 长生疫苗话题
0.10 0.06 0.51 0.10 0.16
Resonance Model Parameters of Government Response Topics
Resonance of Government Response Topics
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