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Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery  2021, Vol. 5 Issue (6): 36-50    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.2096-3467.2020.1218
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Interpretable Recommendation of Reinforcement Learning Based on Talent Knowledge Graph Reasoning
Ruan Xiaoyun,Liao Jianbin,Li Xiang,Yang Yang,Li Daifeng()
School of Information Management, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou 510006, China
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[Objective] This paper proposes an interpretable reinforcement learning method for job recommendation based on talent knowledge graph reasoning, which addresses the issues of difficulties in large-scale application, cold start, and lack of novelty. [Methods] First, we constructed a knowledge graph for the social experience of the job applicants based on their resume data. Then, we trained a strategic agent with the knowledge graph and the theory of reinforcement learning. This algorithm, which divided the reasoning process into choosing directions and nodes, could identify potential high-quality recommendation targets from the knowledge graph. [Results] The MRR@20 (81.7%), Hit@1 (74.8%), Hit@5 (92.2%) and Hit@10 (97.0%) of the proposed model were higher than those of the LR, BPR, JRL-int, JRL-rep and PGPR models. [Limitations] The size of the experimental datasets and the task-types needs to be further expanded. [Conclusions] Our model could effectively recommend jobs for applicants based on their previous experience or other successful recommendations. It also provides reasoning paths with the help of knowledge graph.

Key wordsWork Recommendation      Knowledge Graph Reasoning      Reinforcement Learning      Interpretable Recommendation     
Received: 06 December 2020      Published: 19 March 2021
ZTFLH:  TP393  
Fund:National Natural Science Foundation of China(61702564);National Natural Science Foundation of China(72074231);Soft Science General Program of Guangdong Province, China(2019A101002020)
Corresponding Authors: Li Daifeng     E-mail:

Cite this article:

Ruan Xiaoyun,Liao Jianbin,Li Xiang,Yang Yang,Li Daifeng. Interpretable Recommendation of Reinforcement Learning Based on Talent Knowledge Graph Reasoning. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2021, 5(6): 36-50.

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Examples of Job Recommendations Based on the Talent Social Experience Knowledge Graph
Main Workflow
Hierarchical Reasoning Work Recommendation Model Based on the Talent Social Experience Knowledge Graph
大类 中类 原始岗位
计算机技术 测试 软件测试工程师,测试工程师,软件测试,云产品测试开发,集成测试工程师……
后端开发 后端工程师,web后端工程师,python后端开发工程师,高级后端工程师,后端组长,广告后端架构师……
前端开发 前端工程师助理,js工程师,Web前端开发工程师,html工程师,前端工程师,移动前端负责人……
信息安全 网络信息安全工程师,信息安全经理,信息安全保障中心网络工程师,安全咨询顾问,密码算法工程师……
大数据&数据分析 应用分析专员,数据支持专员,数据主管,大数据工程师,数据支撑专员,舆情分析,数据科学家……
算法 语音算法工程师,推荐算法工程师,图像算法工程师,融合算法工程师,人工智能工程师,数据算法工程师……
数据库开发 dba专员,oracle erp应用工程师,etl+oracle数据仓库,oracle高级工程师,数据库设计员,SQL技术支持……
…… ……
Examples of Position Categories
Visualization of Talent’s Social Experience Knowledge Graph
实体类型 描述 数量
User 用户 39 081
Work 工作 96 990
Corporation 公司/单位名称 61 125
Position 岗位名称 249
Industry 行业名称 38
Keyword 关键词 90 149
School 毕业院校 1 149
Discipline 专业 84
Entity Statistics of Talent Social Experience Knowledge Graph
关系类型 描述 数量
Employer CorporationEmployerUser 97 003
Work_as UserWork_asPosition 97 003
Work UserWorkWork 97 003
Provide CorporationProvidePosition 97 003
Describe_position PositionDescribe_positionKey_word 897 510
Field UserFieldIndustry 97 003
Involve PositionInvolveIndustry 97 003
Graduation UserGraduationSchool 46 178
Major UserMajorDiscipline 46 178
Attr_Position WorkAttr_PositionPosition 97 003
Attr_Corporation WorkAttr_CorporationCorporation 97 003
Attr_Key_word WorkAttr_Key_wordKey_word 897 510
Attr_Industry WorkAttr_IndustryIndustry 97 003
Relationship Statistics of Talent Social Experience Knowledge Graph
模型 MRR@20(%) Hit@1(%) Hit@5(%) Hit@10(%)
LR 28.7 18.0 50.8 73.7
BPR 30.6 20.2 51.7 74.1
JRL-int 34.9 25.3 55.6 77.4
JRL-rep 34.7 25.0 61.8 80.6
Our 81.7 74.8 92.2 97.0
Comparison of Effects for Ranking-only Model
模型 P@10(%) R@10(%) P@20(%) R@20(%) MRR@20(%) 候选集平均大小(个)
PGPR 0.2 1.9 0.3 6.1 0.8 69.6
Our 1.6 16.1 0.9 17.1 11.8 58.1
Comparison of Effects for Recall and Ranking Model
嵌入维度 P@10(%) R@10(%) P@20(%) R@20(%) MRR@20(%) 候选集平均大小(个)
200 0.7 7.4 0.4 8.3 5.7 61.8
250 1.6 16.1 0.9 17.1 11.8 59.1
300 0.7 7.2 0.4 7.6 5.5 58.1
Effect of Graph Embedding Dimension on Model Performance
路径长度 2-hop 3-hop 4-hop 5-hop 6-hop
路径模式数量 3 5 19 6 25
推理路径占比 16.0% 16.2% 63.4% 1.9% 2.5%
有效路径占比 82.3% 4.5% 12.5% 0.2% 0.6%
Number and Effectiveness of Path Patterns with Different Lengths
Effective Path Patterns of Different Lengths Discovered by Agents
Case Analysis of Real Job Recommendation
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