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Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery  2021, Vol. 5 Issue (8): 13-24    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.2096-3467.2021.0253
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Disambiguating Author Names with Embedding Heterogeneous Information and Attentive RNN Clustering Parameters
Wang Ruolin1,Niu Zhendong1,2(),Lin Qika3,Zhu Yifan1,Qiu Ping1,Lu Hao4,Liu Donglei1
1School of Computer, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China
2Beijing Institute of Technology Library, Beijing 100081, China
3School of Computer Science and Technology, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, China
4Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
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[Objective] This paper proposes a name disambiguation method for scientific literature, aiming to distinguish scholars with the same name. The existing solutions utilizes document feature extraction or relationship between documents and co-authors, which loses higher-order attributes. [Methods] First, we established a unified feature extraction framework of Paper Embedding Network (PaperEmbNet), which combined content and relationship to build an academic heterogeneous information network for each author. Then, we designed a Clustering Parameters Method (AR4CPM) based on the Attentive Recurrent Neural Network to estimate the clustering number directly. Finally, we used the Hierarchical agglomerative clustering algorithm (HAC) to disambiguate author names with the predicted number as the preset parameter. [Results] We examined the proposed model with the AMiner-AND dataset and found the macro-F1 score was up to 4.75% higher than the suboptimal model, and the average training time was 5-10 minutes shorter than the existing baselines. [Limitations] We need to evaluate the performance of the proposed method with multilingual environment. [Conclusions] The proposed approach could effectively conduct the name disambiguation tasks.

Key wordsName Disambiguation      Academic Heterogeneous Information Network      Graph Embedding      Clustering     
Received: 12 March 2021      Published: 15 September 2021
ZTFLH:  TP391  
Fund:National Key R&D Program of China(2019YFB1406302)
Corresponding Authors: Niu Zhendong ORCID:0000-0002-0576-7572     E-mail:

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Wang Ruolin, Niu Zhendong, Lin Qika, Zhu Yifan, Qiu Ping, Lu Hao, Liu Donglei. Disambiguating Author Names with Embedding Heterogeneous Information and Attentive RNN Clustering Parameters. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2021, 5(8): 13-24.

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An Illustration of Name Disambiguation Task
The Overview of the Proposed Model
符号 描述
i 作者姓名 i
P i 作者姓名为 i的文章集合
p j i 和作者姓名 i关联的文章 j
I j i 文章 j的内容特征集合
R j i 文章 j的关系特征集合
C i 作者姓名 i的集群
a k 真实世界中的作者
姓名 本文方法 AMiner全局方法 GHOST方法 Zhang等方法 基于规则的方法
Prec Rec F1 Prec Rec F1 Prec Rec F1 Prec Rec F1 Prec Rec F1
Xu Xu 70.11 56.19 58.39 70.40 46.04 54.95 61.34 21.79 32.15 47.73 39.98 43.51 10.75 97.23 19.35
Rong Yu 64.72 43.88 52.30 47.46 41.05 44.03 92.00 36.41 52.17 66.53 36.90 47.47 30.81 97.79 46.86
Yong Tian 65.74 46.87 54.73 69.69 46.68 54.51 86.94 54.58 67.06 73.18 56.34 63.66 10.37 93.79 18.67
Lu Han 66.10 45.87 54.16 70.01 44.75 53.54 69.72 17.39 27.84 46.05 17.95 25.83 13.66 89.16 23.69
Lin Huang 58.92 41.24 48.52 47.60 41.13 44.13 86.15 17.25 28.74 69.43 33.13 44.86 13.86 99.46 24.33
Kexin Xu 61.04 41.91 49.70 48.47 41.33 44.61 92.90 28.52 43.64 85.74 44.13 58.27 91.45 99.60 95.35
Wei Quan 67.67 44.54 53.72 70.65 45.16 53.56 86.42 27.80 42.07 74.41 33.94 46.62 28.16 93.80 43.32
Tao Deng 74.55 44.64 55.84 74.50 45.53 55.71 73.33 24.50 36.73 55.25 27.93 37.11 16.30 95.16 27.84
Hongbin Li 60.60 41.48 49.25 83.83 53.46 64.72 56.29 29.12 38.39 65.79 52.86 58.62 13.25 96.41 23.30
Hua Bai 65.58 56.37 60.67 78.93 48.29 59.40 83.06 29.54 43.58 54.93 35.97 43.47 25.47 98.51 40.47
Meiling Chen 72.04 52.63 60.82 47.50 41.24 44.15 86.11 23.85 37.35 79.22 25.15 38.18 59.55 82.07 69.02
Yanqing Wang 72.46 48.85 56.68 39.41 58.17 47.16 80.79 40.39 53.86 72.73 42.62 53.74 25.72 62.47 36.44
XudongZhang 74.92 48.39 58.80 70.48 45.68 53.82 85.75 7.23 13.34 55.63 8.11 14.16 63.22 17.94 27.95
Qiang Shi 71.26 40.01 51.23 72.43 46.78 55.78 53.72 26.80 35.76 43.33 37.99 40.49 28.79 93.89 44.06
Min Zheng 68.44 47.43 56.03 72.01 47.26 55.44 80.50 15.21 25.58 53.62 17.63 26.54 15.41 98.72 26.66
Avg. 78.17 47.88 59.31 68.40 47.42 54.56 81.62 40.43 50.23 70.22 48.72 57.53 44.94 89.30 53.42
The Overall Result of Name Disambiguation
t-SNE Visualization of the Embedding Spaces on Name “Wang Shui” in AMiner-AND
Runtime Difference Between PaperEmbNet and Baselines
Plot of Feature Contribution in Terms of Precsion, Recall and F1 Score
The Effects of Embedding Dimension on Results
人名 实际值 本文方法 AMiner X_means
Xudong Zhang 69 66.35 55.79 9
Ruijin Liao 6 7.19 3.22 10
Zhifeng Liu 49 45.67 31.88 8
Yongqing Huang 9 8.08 5.26 3
Yongqing Li 30 28.31 39.57 10
Meiling Chen 38 40.25 48.13 12
Xiaoning Zhang 36 35.93 29.30 5
Jiamo Fu 7 7.31 3.78 4
Geng Yang 20 20.90 10.12 5
Zhigang Zeng 18 21.86 10.54 7
Results of Clustering Size Prediction
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