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Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery  2021, Vol. 5 Issue (8): 65-75    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.2096-3467.2021.0188
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Predicting Surgical Infections Based on Machine Learning
Su Qiang1,Hou Xiaoli1(),Zou Ni2
1School of Economics and Management, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China
2Shanghai General Hospital, Shanghai 200240, China
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[Objective] This paper proposes a prediction model for post-operative infection based on a combined machine learning algorithm, aiming to effectively reduce surgical site infection risks. [Methods] First, we used SMOTE, ADASYN, and random oversampling to reduce the imbalance of the original data. Then, we combined five commonly used predictive models: Lasso, SVM, GBDT, ANN and RF to create a hybrid prediction method. Finally, we used the improved artificial bee colony algorithm to optimize the weight of multiple combinations. [Results] The G-mean and F1 values of the ABC combination strategy method reached 0.791 2 and 0.669 3 respectively, which were 15.15% and 23.62% higher than the existing ones. [Limitations] The sample size used in the study needs to be expanded. [Conclusions] The proposed model can effectively predict post-operative infections.

Key wordsSurgical Site Infection      Forecast Combination      Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm      Oversampling      Machine Learning     
Received: 01 March 2021      Published: 15 September 2021
ZTFLH:  R619  
Fund:National Natural Science Foundation of China(71972146);National Natural Science Foundation of China(71974127)
Corresponding Authors: Hou Xiaoli ORCID:0000-0003-3609-4734     E-mail:

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Su Qiang, Hou Xiaoli, Zou Ni. Predicting Surgical Infections Based on Machine Learning. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2021, 5(8): 65-75.

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Framework of Combined Forecasting Method
预测结果 真实类别
阳性 阴性
阳性 TP FP
阴性 FN TN
Confusion Matrix
变量选取 类别变量 连续变量
一般情况 性别、ICD诊断编码、入住ICU 年龄、BMI、术前住院时长、ICU住院天数
既往病史 高血压、糖尿病、恶性肿瘤、肿瘤转移、心梗史、COPD、肾病史、肝病史、吸烟史、饮酒史
术前状态 术前30天有腹水、术前输血史、术前机械通气 RBC总数、WBC、血红蛋白、血肌酐、尿素氮、总胆红素、ALT、AST、白蛋白、前白蛋白、空腹血糖
手术信息 二次手术、手术方式、手术类型、主刀医生、切口类型、造口、引流、引流管数、术后吸氧 手术时长、术后早期血糖
SSI Data Details
SSI Data Under PCA
数据集名称 变量
Wisconsin 9 683 444 239 1.86
Abalone17VS78910 8 2 338 2 280 58 39.31
Description of KEEL Data
采样方法 分类器 准确率 敏感性 特异性 精确率 AUC GM F1
/ Lasso 0.914 4 0.340 0 0.976 3 0.683 4 0.932 4 0.576 2 0.454 1
GBDT 0.900 8 0.500 0 0.944 1 0.590 2 0.877 8 0.687 1 0.541 4
SVM 0.898 8 0.340 0 0.959 1 0.492 3 0.896 3 0.571 1 0.402 2
ANN 0.873 6 0.480 0 0.916 1 0.533 4 0.849 4 0.663 1 0.505 3
RF 0.906 6 0.400 0 0.961 3 0.762 0 0.906 2 0.620 1 0.524 6
SMOTE Lasso 0.852 3 0.720 0 0.866 7 0.493 5 0.916 2 0.789 9 0.585 6
GBDT 0.897 0 0.660 0 0.922 6 0.528 7 0.907 7 0.780 3 0.587 1
SVM 0.844 5 0.680 0 0.862 4 0.473 8 0.893 6 0.765 8 0.558 4
ANN 0.875 6 0.500 0 0.916 1 0.566 0 0.850 6 0.676 8 0.530 9
RF 0.912 4 0.540 0 0.952 7 0.647 7 0.930 6 0.717 3 0.589 0
随机过采样 Lasso 0.851 9 0.720 0 0.859 5 0.459 5 0.913 8 0.786 7 0.560 9
GBDT 0.895 0 0.620 0 0.924 7 0.530 8 0.913 4 0.757 2 0.571 9
SVM 0.840 7 0.640 0 0.862 4 0.456 6 0.895 0 0.742 9 0.533 0
ANN 0.871 7 0.500 0 0.911 8 0.521 9 0.845 8 0.675 2 0.510 7
RF 0.908 5 0.500 0 0.952 7 0.669 9 0.930 6 0.690 2 0.572 6
ADASYN Lasso 0.848 4 0.720 0 0.862 3 0.413 6 0.918 5 0.788 0 0.525 4
GBDT 0.881 4 0.560 0 0.916 1 0.491 0 0.908 8 0.716 3 0.523 2
SVM 0.827 0 0.640 0 0.847 3 0.380 1 0.894 4 0.736 4 0.476 9
ANN 0.865 9 0.520 0 0.903 2 0.509 0 0.852 5 0.685 3 0.514 4
RF 0.902 7 0.540 0 0.941 9 0.613 4 0.930 0 0.713 2 0.574 3
The Results of Single Model Combining Different Sampling Methods(SSI Dataset)
采样方法 组合策略 准确率 敏感性 特异性 精确率 AUC GM F1
/ Mean 0.912 4 0.460 0 0.961 3 0.659 5 0.924 0 0.665 0 0.542 0
Median 0.912 4 0.420 0 0.965 6 0.595 8 0.904 4 0.636 8 0.492 7
ABC 0.929 9 0.440 0 0.982 8 0.790 3 0.934 5 0.657 6 0.565 3
SMOTE Mean 0.889 2 0.600 0 0.920 4 0.560 1 0.930 0 0.743 1 0.579 3
Median 0.893 1 0.640 0 0.920 4 0.568 4 0.926 3 0.767 5 0.602 1
ABC 0.898 9 0.660 0 0.924 7 0.613 8 0.930 2 0.781 2 0.636 1
随机过采样 Mean 0.887 2 0.620 0 0.916 1 0.548 0 0.914 9 0.753 7 0.581 8
Median 0.891 1 0.620 0 0.920 4 0.558 3 0.906 9 0.755 4 0.587 5
ABC 0.908 6 0.620 0 0.939 8 0.599 9 0.928 5 0.763 3 0.609 8
ADASYN Mean 0.875 6 0.620 0 0.903 2 0.525 7 0.925 9 0.748 3 0.569 0
Median 0.875 6 0.620 0 0.903 2 0.536 7 0.926 1 0.748 3 0.575 3
ABC 0.900 8 0.600 0 0.933 3 0.594 2 0.922 0 0.748 3 0.597 1
The Results of Combination Model Under Different Sampling Methods(SSI Dataset)
准确率 敏感性 特异性 精确率 AUC GM F1
Mean 0.891 1 0.640 0 0.918 3 0.675 3 0.935 1 0.766 6 0.657 2
Median 0.889 2 0.620 0 0.918 3 0.658 7 0.933 1 0.754 5 0.638 8
ABC 0.916 4 0.660 0 0.948 4 0.678 9 0.936 9 0.791 2 0.669 3
The Results of the Full Model(SSI Dataset)
采样方法 分类器 Wisconsin Abalone
准确率 AUC GM F1 准确率 AUC GM F1
/ Lasso 0.966 2 0.993 5 0.961 1 0.951 8 0.975 6 0.839 7 0.129 1 0.032 8
GBDT 0.957 4 0.989 5 0.950 3 0.939 2 0.964 1 0.826 2 0.485 0 0.259 9
SVM 0.963 3 0.993 5 0.961 0 0.948 9 0.975 2 0.940 3 0.000 0 \
ANN 0.945 6 0.978 0 0.940 4 0.922 2 0.972 2 0.931 2 0.536 5 0.390 5
RF 0.960 4 0.990 8 0.956 7 0.944 5 0.974 8 0.863 2 0.223 4 0.093 6
SMOTE Lasso 0.966 2 0.993 6 0.963 2 0.952 3 0.873 4 0.932 9 0.839 8 0.375 6
GBDT 0.961 8 0.990 3 0.957 8 0.946 5 0.920 9 0.869 8 0.748 5 0.394 6
SVM 0.960 4 0.993 0 0.957 8 0.944 9 0.883 7 0.947 2 0.846 8 0.357 5
ANN 0.944 1 0.968 9 0.940 3 0.920 3 0.905 5 0.921 2 0.820 1 0.435 7
RF 0.961 8 0.988 6 0.958 8 0.946 3 0.873 0 0.852 2 0.767 7 0.335 2
随机过采样 Lasso 0.969 1 0.994 2 0.966 5 0.956 4 0.868 7 0.932 1 0.846 7 0.382 1
GBDT 0.966 2 0.990 9 0.965 2 0.953 1 0.952 1 0.901 0 0.680 5 0.416 7
SVM 0.966 3 0.994 5 0.966 3 0.952 8 0.883 7 0.948 2 0.838 2 0.365 6
ANN 0.947 1 0.974 4 0.943 6 0.925 0 0.888 8 0.937 1 0.830 1 0.377 3
RF 0.966 3 0.991 8 0.965 2 0.952 9 0.915 3 0.860 9 0.734 0 0.293 8
ADASYN Lasso 0.966 2 0.993 4 0.968 2 0.953 1 0.871 3 0.933 3 0.848 0 0.367 8
GBDT 0.966 3 0.987 3 0.966 2 0.953 0 0.913 6 0.880 1 0.723 9 0.355 6
SVM 0.961 8 0.993 2 0.966 7 0.947 7 0.882 8 0.948 1 0.846 3 0.348 5
ANN 0.947 1 0.983 6 0.944 7 0.925 6 0.918 3 0.949 3 0.862 5 0.426 2
RF 0.967 8 0.989 6 0.968 4 0.955 2 0.863 6 0.858 2 0.771 8 0.322 3
The Results of Single Model Combining Different Sampling Methods (KEEL Dataset)
采样方法 组合策略 Wisconsin Abalone
准确率 AUC GM F1 准确率 AUC GM F1
/ Mean 0.958 9 0.992 8 0.947 7 0.941 3 0.976 5 0.920 9 0.339 7 0.207 0
Median 0.964 7 0.993 6 0.954 8 0.949 9 0.976 5 0.922 8 0.285 3 0.151 5
ABC 0.960 4 0.993 2 0.954 9 0.944 9 0.975 2 0.931 9 0.364 7 0.230 4
SMOTE Mean 0.970 7 0.993 4 0.970 2 0.959 0 0.907 2 0.936 1 0.846 2 0.440 8
Median 0.970 7 0.993 2 0.968 5 0.959 0 0.899 1 0.926 3 0.851 3 0.421 5
ABC 0.970 7 0.994 2 0.970 6 0.959 0 0.901 2 0.941 4 0.861 9 0.421 8
随机过采样 Mean 0.964 7 0.992 2 0.961 2 0.949 9 0.912 3 0.939 1 0.839 6 0.440 5
Median 0.967 7 0.993 5 0.962 7 0.954 5 0.902 9 0.933 5 0.825 4 0.389 7
ABC 0.967 7 0.992 8 0.964 8 0.954 5 0.912 3 0.951 0 0.860 0 0.477 7
ADASYN Mean 0.967 7 0.992 5 0.971 2 0.954 9 0.905 9 0.942 1 0.835 9 0.397 1
Median 0.970 7 0.993 8 0.972 6 0.959 0 0.902 1 0.943 6 0.871 0 0.414 5
ABC 0.972 1 0.993 8 0.975 6 0.961 2 0.897 8 0.937 5 0.859 4 0.427 6
混合模型 Mean 0.960 4 0.992 5 0.957 0 0.944 3 0.956 0 0.944 8 0.780 9 0.448 9
Median 0.960 4 0.993 2 0.959 1 0.944 7 0.920 0 0.912 3 0.743 9 0.425 6
ABC 0.970 7 0.994 9 0.976 9 0.959 3 0.907 6 0.953 4 0.883 8 0.479 3
The Results of Combination Model Under Three Combination Strategy (KEEL Dataset)
Ranking of GM and F1Under Different Combination Strategies
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