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数据分析与知识发现, 2019, 3(4): 63-70
doi: 10.11925/infotech.2096-3467.2018.0666
Analysis of Knowledge Sharing Behavior of Medical Professional Users in Online Health Communities Based on Social Capital and Motivation Theory
彭昱欣1, 邓朝华1,, 吴江2


【目的】结合动机理论和社会资本理论, 从多个维度探讨影响医学专业用户知识共享意愿的因素。【方法】采取问卷调查法在线收集数据, 利用SPSS20进行描述性统计及因子分析, 并结合结构方程模型的实证方法对研究假设进行检验。【结果】信任(β=0.10, P<0.05)、共享愿景(β=0.19, P<0.01)、利他主义(β=0.17, P<0.05)、声誉(β=0.12, P<0.05)以及健康知识自我效能调节作用下的利他主义对知识共享意愿(β=0.13, P<0.05)均有积极显著的影响。社会联结、认同和互惠等因素的影响不显著(P>0.05)。【局限】对不显著的变量还需挖掘更深层次的原因。【结论】本文为在线健康社区医学专业用户知识共享行为的相关研究提供理论依据, 为在线健康社区管理者制定医学专业用户知识共享激励机制提供参考建议, 具有一定的实践意义。

关键词: 在线健康社区 ; 社会资本理论 ; 动机理论 ; 结构方程模型 ; 知识共享


[Objective] Based on social capital theory and motivation theory, this paper constructs a research model and explores the factors affecting the willingness of medical professional users to share knowledge from multiple dimensions. [Methods] The questionnaire survey method is used to collect data online, SPSS20 is used for descriptive statistics and factor analysis, and the structural equation model is used to verify the hypotheses. [Results] The results are as follows: trust (β=0.10, P<0.05), shared vision(β=0.19, P<0.01), altruism(β=0.17, P<0.05), reputation(β=0.12, P<0.05), and altruism moderated by knowledge self-efficacy have a positive significant impact on the willingness to share knowledge (β=0.13, P<0.05), but social interaction, identification, reciprocity have no significant impact on the willing to share knowledge (P>0.05). [Limitations] There is also a need to dig deeper reasons for variables that are not significant. [Conclusions] The results provide a theoretical evidence for the research of medical professional user’s knowledge sharing intention, and provides references for online health community managers to formulate knowledge sharing incentive mechanism for medical professional users, which has certain practical significance.

Key words: Online Health Communities ; Social Capital Theory ; Motivation Theory ; Structural Equation Model ; Knowledge Sharing

1 引 言

随着在线健康社区(Online Health Communities, OHC)的发展, 用户可通过网络进行自由开放的知识问答、专家咨询、成员交流等活动分享自己医疗健康方面的知识[1,2]。但在现实中, 健康社区信息提供者的身份、专业知识量以及在网络中自愿分享信息的动机会影响患者参与的积极性[3]。因此, 加强医学专业人员的知识共享行为, 提高社区信息质量显得尤为重要。已有研究多从患者角度出发, 较少关注专业健康知识共享的供给方, 即医学专业用户的视角。此外, 用户在虚拟社区的知识共享行为与其参与动机[4]和拥有的资源[5]密切相关。因此, 本文结合社会资本理论和动机理论, 采用结构方程模型的实证方法探讨在线健康社区中医学专业用户知识共享意愿的影响因素。

2 理论基础
2.1 在线医疗健康社区知识共享

在线健康社区是以提高社区成员健康素养为目的, 社区内信息的频繁交换改变了人们获取知识和分享知识的途径。医学专业用户可通过在主页发表文章、在线咨询、电话咨询或参与论坛讨论等方式将其掌握的专业知识与健康经验等与其他社区成员交流, 其他用户可将在线健康社区中的知识转化为自身经验[4]。知识共享行为是在线健康社区实现健康知识传播与积累的基础。

2.2 社会资本理论

虚拟社区中的社会资本表示人与人之间的联系以及通过联系而积累的个人财富, 是社区人际网络中建立的信任合作与集体行为[5]。在线健康社区的社会资本体现为用户所拥有的医学健康资源, 医学专业用户拥有的社会资本即专业的知识和资源。目前该理论已广泛应用于虚拟社区的知识共享机制研究, 认为在社会网络中人们可通过实际资源和潜在资源的交换实现知识共享[6,7]。社会资本理论主要包括三个维度: 结构维度、关系维度、认知维度[8]

2.3 动机理论

动机是驱使人产生行为的内部原因。动机理论将用户行为动机分为外部动机和内部动机两大类。外部动机是指一个人的行为绩效以及他的感知价值; 而内部动机是指个体实施某一种行动主要是出于自身的利益(比如个人的兴趣、个人享受等)。已有研究证明, 利他主义[5]、个体的努力绩效期望、社会影响[9]等方面的动机对其行为意向具有积极的影响。

2.4 研究模型与假设

(1) 知识共享意愿

知识是一种重要的组织资源, 可为企业在激烈的竞争中提供持续的优势[10], 组织想要得到良好发展, 必须考虑如何使专家将专业的知识传授给新手[11]。在医疗背景下, 知识是指由医生掌握的与患者疾病或治疗相关的事实、资料、经验及信息。根据已有研究, 知识共享意愿的影响因素大致包括: 成本和收益、激励制度、内在和外在动机、社会资本、社会和个人认知、组织氛围等[12]。也有研究从情境因素和个人因素两方面讨论知识共享行为, 认为互惠和信任是两个重要的情境因素, 而自我效能感和相对优势等被认为是影响共享行为的个人因素[13]。本研究从社会资本理论和动机理论的不同维度出发, 讨论医学专业用户的知识共享意愿。

(2) 结构维度

社会资本的结构维度指社会网络中个体之间的联系形成的整个网络的结构。社会联结指社区成员间存在的关系, 其大小反映了虚拟社区中个体间关系的强度。较高的联结强度可以拉近成员之间的距离, 产生熟悉感。研究表明, 虚拟社区中用户与他人的互动越强, 越容易发展合作和集体行为[14]。Zhao等验证了较高的网络密度对知识的外化、共享和集成有积极正向作用[6]。因此, 在线健康社区中, 医学专业用户与他人的社会联结对医学知识的共享有积极影响。提出以下假设:

H1: 社会联结对在线健康社区中医学专业用户的知识共享意愿有正向影响。

(3) 关系维度

社会资本的关系维度指个体间关系的质量, 也是社会关系所创造的资本, 主要包括三个变量: 信任、互惠和认同。

信任是逐渐建立的, 在用户交互过程中, 随着对他人能力、善意等方面的认可逐渐建立起信任。基于情感和认知的信任对团队层面的知识共享具有积极影响[13], 信任常作为知识共享行为的前提或中介变量。本文认为, 建立在信任基础上的知识共享行为, 将有利于促进医学专业用户的知识共享意愿。

认同是指个体对于社区的认同感, 是个体间共同拥有的对事物的理解和认识。虚拟社区是存在于个体成员信念中的非正式实体, 是具有相似问题或相同经历群体的集合, 认同感可使用户积极参与到社区活动中, 对于虚拟社区中信息的交流和共享意愿具有促进作用[15]。医学用户作为参与社区活动的一员, 因此, 本文认为认同感也应对其共享意愿产生影响。

互惠指个体得到他人帮助的同时会给予对方回报。知识贡献者期望未来在需要时能够得到他人的帮助。因此, 知识共享最显著的优点便是互惠性。Wasko等的研究也表明用户在社会网络中的知识共享行为受到社区互惠规则的影响[16]。本文认为, 医学专业用户作为参与资源交换的一方, 其共享意愿也会受到互惠性的影响。提出以下假设:

H2: 信任对在线健康社区中医学专业用户的知识共享意愿有正向影响。

H3: 认同对在线健康社区中医学专业用户的知识共享意愿有正向影响。

H4: 互惠对在线健康社区中医学专业用户的知识共享意愿有正向影响。

(4) 认知维度

社会资本的认知维度指个体对事物共同的看法和理解。虚拟社区的形成与个体的共同兴趣、价值观密切相关, 即共享愿景。在线健康社区中大多数个体参与的目的是获得与健康相关的信息或疾病治疗信息。Tsai等提出拥有共享愿景的社区成员更倾向于分享资源[17]。在线健康社区中, 医生与患者为改善健康状况、提高健康素养共同努力。因此本文认为, 共享愿景对医学专业用户的知识共享行为有积极作用。提出以下假设:

H5: 共享愿景对在线健康社区医学专业用户的知识共享意愿有正向影响。

(5) 动 机

动机是指推动个体在社区内发生信息行为的动力, 分为内部动机和外部动机。内部动机即个体行为的内在动力, 可通过利他主义来衡量。利他是个人自发做出的对他人有利的行为, 是一种对他人主动而不求回报的帮助。研究发现利他主义可促进用户在社会化网络问答社区内的知识共享[18]。在线健康社区中, 医生可通过在线咨询、发布文章以及参与患者话题讨论的方式提供免费服务, 而这些行为与医生个人主动的无私分享有密切关系[19]。因此, 本文认为利他主义对知识共享行为有积极的作用。

外部动机是指个体在外界因素影响下产生的动机。对于在线健康社区, 选取声誉作为衡量外部动机的指标, 声誉的追求是医学专业用户寻求更高地位和形象的表现, 他们可在社区中分享对于专业问题的看法, 向外界提供有价值的信息, 吸引他人的肯定和关注, 进而获得社会的认可和地位的提升[20]。因此, 本文认为医学专业用户的声誉若得到满足, 便可促进其知识共享行为。提出以下假设:

H6: 利他主义对在线健康社区医学专业用户知识共享意愿有正向影响。

H7: 声誉对在线健康社区医学专业用户知识共享意愿有正向影响。

(6) 健康知识自我效能

自我效能指个体对自己完成某项工作能力的主观判断, 由Bandura于社会认知理论中提出, 该理论指出感知自我效能可通过认知、动机、情感和决策4个协调一致的过程对用户行为产生影响[21]。对两个信息技术行业专业虚拟社区的研究发现, 拥有高自我效能感的用户比低自我效能的用户更容易进行相关行为[22]。在线健康社区中的健康知识自我效能指个体对其自身有能力回答他人问题或提供有价值的健康知识的信心。通过有效的知识分享, 也可以增进个体对自身行为的信心[23]。因此认为, 健康知识自我效能可以调节内部和外部动机与医学用户知识共享意愿之间的关系。提出假设:

H8: 健康知识自我效能可调节声誉与知识共享意愿之间的关系。

H9: 健康知识自我效能可调节利他主义与知识共享意愿之间的关系。

根据以上分析, 建立理论模型, 如图1所示。

图1 研究模型

3 研究设计
3.1 变量测量

本研究模型包括9个变量, 对每个潜在变量采用多指标估计, 所采用的测量指标均来自已有相关文献, 根据本研究特点对相关指标进行针对性的修订, 以提高量表效度。最终指标的定义和测量项数如表1所示。

表1 变量来源与定义

3.2 数据收集

本文研究对象是在线健康社区的医疗健康专业用户, 这些用户主要为医学专业人员, 具备医学专业知识。将设计好的问卷在智慧健康、移动医疗等相关社交网络群、微信群、QQ群中发放, 社群均由从事医疗行业的专业人员组成。调查共持续两周, 收到393份有效答卷。

对样本的基本信息进行统计, 其中男性占比53.0%, 女性占比47.0%; 年龄分布情况, 24岁以下受访者18人, 仅占4.6%, 主要分布在24~40岁之间, 共312人, 占比79.3%, 40岁及以上共63人, 占比16.1%; 学历分布情况, 30.2%的受访者学历为本科, 39.6%为硕士, 23.1%为博士, 专科及以下比例较低, 仅为7.1%; 收入水平分布情况, 45.0%受访者年收入水平分布在50 000-80 000元, 51.4%高于80 000元, 仅3.6%低于50 000元; 社交媒体活动情况, 55.5%的医学用户表示平时在社区中最常进行的活动是与患者或同行讨论疾病相关问题, 但也有50.1%的医学用户表示更多地讨论其他轻松的话题。总体来看, 样本的年龄、学历及收入水平等分布情况与实际相符, 因此认为本研究样本抽样合理。

4 实证检验
4.1 信度和效度检验

在进行模型估计之前, 采用 Cronbach’s $\mathrm{ }\!\!\alpha\!\!\text{ }$值检验样本数据的信度, 平均提取方差(Average Variance Extracted, AVE)检验量表的聚合效度, 复合信度系数指标(Composite Reliabilities, CR)检验量表的信度。检验结果如表2所示。

表2 变量信效度检验结果

结果表明, 各变量的平均提取方差均大于0.5, 说明构建的潜变量已经解释了子测度项中大部分的方差, 该量表有良好的聚合效度。CR均大于0.7, 说明模型的内容较一致。所有变量的Cronbach’ s $\mathrm{ }\!\!\alpha\!\!\text{ }$值均大于0.7, 问卷的总体信度为0.811, 因此问卷的内部一致性较好。

因子相关矩阵如表3所示, 变量的AVE平方根都大于因子与其他因子之间的相关系数, 表明该变量可以比其他变量更好地解释其所属测度项的方差, 因此有较好的区分效度。

表3 因子相关矩阵

4.2 假设检验结果

结构方程模型不仅可以测度指标与潜变量之间的关系, 还可以测度潜变量之间的关系, 根据图1研究模型, 列出如下结构方程模型和测量方程模型。结构方程模型如下。

$\begin{align} & \eta \mathrm{=}{{\beta }_{\mathrm{1}}}{{\xi }_{\mathrm{1}}}\mathrm{+}{{\beta }_{\mathrm{2}}}{{\xi }_{\mathrm{2}}}\mathrm{+}{{\beta }_{\mathrm{3}}}{{\xi }_{\mathrm{3}}}\mathrm{+}{{\beta }_{\mathrm{4}}}{{\xi }_{\mathrm{4}}}\mathrm{+}{{\beta }_{\mathrm{5}}}{{\xi }_{\mathrm{5}}}\mathrm{+}{{\beta }_{\mathrm{6}}}{{\xi }_{\mathrm{6}}}\mathrm{+} \\ & \ \ \ \ \ {{\beta }_{\mathrm{7}}}{{\xi }_{\mathrm{7}}}\mathrm{+}{{\beta }_{\mathrm{8}}}{{\xi }_{\mathrm{6}}}{{\xi }_{\mathrm{8}}}\mathrm{+}{{\beta }_{\mathrm{9}}}{{\xi }_{\mathrm{7}}}{{\xi }_{\mathrm{8}}}\mathrm{+}\zeta \\ \end{align}$ (1)

其中, ${{\beta }_{i}}$为路径系数, 模型中包括一个内生潜变量(知识共享意愿, η)和8个外生潜变量(社会联结${{\xi }_{\mathrm{1}}}$, 信任${{\xi }_{\mathrm{2}}}$, 认同${{\xi }_{\mathrm{3}}}$, 互惠${{\xi }_{\mathrm{4}}}$, 共享愿景${{\xi }_{\mathrm{5}}}$, 利他主义${{\xi }_{\mathrm{6}}}$, 声誉${{\xi }_{\mathrm{7}}}$, 健康知识自我效能${{\xi }_{\mathrm{8}}}$), 每个潜变量都由对应的观测变量来测量, ζ为结构方程模型的误差项。


$x\mathrm{=}{{\lambda }_{x}}\xi \mathrm{+}{{\delta }_{x}}$ (2)

$y={{\lambda }_{y}}\mathrm{+}{{\varepsilon }_{y}}$ (3)

其中, x, y分别为外生变量(ξ)、内生变量(η)的观测变量; ${{\lambda }_{x}}$、${{\lambda }_{y}}$分别为潜变量与观测变量之间的回归系数矩阵; ${{\delta }_{x}}$、${{\varepsilon }_{y}}$为其测量误差。采用AMOS 17.0对结构模型进行检验, 检验结果如图2所示。

图2 模型检验结果
(注: *表示P<0.050; **表示P<0.010; n.s表示不显著。)

路径系数反映了潜变量之间影响的方向和影响的程度。R2值反映结构模型中内生潜变量被外生变量解释的程度, 也反映了模型的预测能力, R2值越大其潜变量的解释能力增强。本研究提出的9个假设, 其中5个假设得到了支持(H2、H5、H6、H7、H9)。

社会资本结构维度的社会联结对医学专业用户知识共享意愿的影响并不显著(P>0.05), 这一结果与已有研究有些许差异, 出现这一现象的原因可能是: 健康社区中, 医学专业用户所占比重较少, 并且被视为专家, 其发言具有权威性, 会受到病人的高度依赖和尊重, 因此医学专业用户与患者并非平等的交互关系, 其知识共享行为具有结构性力量[28]的特征, 已有研究较多探讨的是社会联结与患患交互之间的关系, 因此该现象有待进一步研究。

认同感对医学专业用户的知识共享行为影响也不显著(P>0.05)。本研究从医学专业人员的视角进行, 专业人员拥有一定的专业资本[29], 在OHC中的参与行为不仅仅是简单的业务流程, 而是一种特殊的专业服务, 医学专业用户在OHC中交流专业健康知识, 更多地体现为一种工作职责。因此, 该过程的产生并不需要具备对社区或社区成员较高的认同感。

互惠性在本实验中也缺乏显著性(P>0.05), 这一现象可能有以下两方面原因:

(1) 由于医学用户有限的数量及其权威的专业技能, 使得参与OHC的行为具有结构性力量的特点, 这一现象与社交网络类似, 例如微博中, 拥有大量粉丝的微博名人, 其主动关注他人的数量却很少, 因此微博的互惠性也较差。这与产生交互的双方影响力不平衡有直接关系。相对于普通用户而言, 医学专业用户拥有更多的健康知识, 普通用户更希望得到医学专业用户的专业支持, 因此互惠性对专业用户的知识共享意愿并不显著。

(2) Kankanhalli等[30]研究发现参与者在较强的共享规范下可能会弥补社区中低水平的互惠, 因此究竟何种原因可以调节互惠对知识共享意愿的影响, 也是未来值得深入探讨的问题。

信任(β=0.10, P<0.05)、共享愿景(β=0.19, P<0.01)对医学专业用户在在线健康社区的知识共享具有显著正向影响, 这与之前的研究一致, 表明可以通过提升医生感知患者的信任度, 明确健康社区的定位和目标来引导医学用户的共享行为。此外, 内部动机和外部动机对医学用户的共享意愿均有显著影响, 内部动机的利他主义(β=0.17, P<0.05)比外部动机的声誉(β=0.12, P<0.05)影响程度更高。这一结果是医学人道主义精神的体现, 但二者均具有显著性, 在今后的研究中可结合医生的专业优势等因素深入探讨何种因素会分别促进两种动机发挥作用。结果还发现, 在健康知识自我效能的调节作用下, 利他主义对在线健康社区医学专业用户知识共享意愿有显著正向影响(β=0.13, P<0.05), 管理者可以推送通过知识共享有效帮助患者的案例, 增强医学用户的信心, 激发助人为乐的动机, 促进健康知识共享。但在健康知识自我效能调节作用下的声誉对医学专业用户知识共享意愿的影响不显著(P>0.05), 说明医生对自身专业能力的把握程度并不能有效影响声誉与医学专业用户知识共享行为的关系。

5 结 语

本研究主要从社会资本理论和动机理论对在线健康社区医学专业人员的知识共享行为进行研究, 构建研究模型对在线健康社区知识共享的影响因素进行分析和实证研究, 对在线健康社区的知识共享实践具有一定指导意义。

研究结果表明: 研究模型的数据拟合良好, 在线健康社区中, 信任、共享愿景、利他主义、声誉以及健康知识自我效能调节作用下的利他主义均有积极作用。因此, 严格把控社区知识共享的质量, 提升用户体验, 搭建一个主题明确的社区以提升共享愿景, 建立一定形式的声誉鼓励机制, 加强医学人文教育, 激发用户的主观能动性, 均可以提高医学专业人员参与的积极性, 促进社区知识共享的良好发展。

本研究的意义在于: 将社会资本理论与动机理论相结合讨论知识共享意愿的影响因素; 构建了医学专业用户知识共享意愿的理论模型; 从医学专业用户的视角分析知识共享意愿, 发现与普通用户之间的共享行为差异, 引发更多的思考; 弥补对医学专业用户研究较少的问题。

本研究也存在一定的不足之处: 通过研究发现社会联结、认同感及互惠性这些在已有研究中得到证实的指标对医学专业用户知识共享意愿的影响不显著, 因此在用户拥有资本不平衡的背景下如何促进知识共享意愿还需要进行更深入的研究。此外, 问卷调查法受被访者的主观影响较大, 可能会存在测量偏差, 未来研究可基于数据挖掘与文本分析的方法, 将用户在社区中的社会资本与行为等进行量化, 进而得出更有说服力的结论。


彭昱欣: 论文起草及最终版本修订;

邓朝华: 提出研究思路, 设计研究方案, 数据收集与处理;

吴江: 进行研究调查, 论文最终版本修订。




支撑数据由作者自存储, E-mail:。

[1] 邓朝华. 知识共享行为分析. sav. 专业用户知识共享行为分析.


[1] Lin M J J, Hung S W, Chen C J. Fostering the Determinants of Knowledge Sharing in Professional Virtual Communities[J]. Computers in Human Behavior, 2009, 25(4): 929-939.
Professional virtual communities (PVCs), which are formed on the Internet, are expected to serve the needs of members for communication, information, and knowledge sharing. The executives of organizations should consider PVCs as a new innovation or knowledge pool since members share knowledge. However, many PVCs have failed due to members’ low willingness to share knowledge with other members. Thus, there is a need to understand and foster the determinants of members’ knowledge sharing behavior in PVCs. This study develops an integrated model designed to investigate and explain the relationships between contextual factors, personal perceptions of knowledge sharing, knowledge sharing behavior, and community loyalty. Empirical data was collected from three PVCs and tested using structural equation modeling (SEM) to verify the fit of the hypothetical model. The results show that trust significantly influences knowledge sharing self-efficacy, perceived relative advantage and perceived compatibility, which in turn positively affect knowledge sharing behavior. Furthermore, the study finds that the norm of reciprocity does not significantly affect knowledge sharing behavior. The results of the study can be used to identify the motivation underlying individuals’ knowledge sharing behavior in PVCs. By investigating the impacts of contextual factors and personal perceptions on knowledge sharing behavior, the integrated model better explains behavior than other proposed models. This study might help executives of virtual communities and organizations to manage and promote these determinants of knowledge sharing to stimulate members’ willingness to share knowledge and enhance their virtual community loyalty. As only little empirical research has been conducted on the impact of knowledge sharing self-efficacy, perceived relative advantage, and perceived compatibility on the individual’s knowledge sharing behavior in PVCs, the empirical evidence reported here makes a valuable contribution in this highly important area.
DOI:10.1016/j.chb.2009.03.008      URL     [本文引用:1]
[2] 张李义, 李慧然. 基于互动视角的在线医疗问答患者用户使用研究[J]. 数据分析与知识发现, 2018, 2(1): 76-87.
【目的】研究社会交互对在线医疗问答患者用户使用意愿的作用机理。【方法】以互动为研究视角,基于互动感知理论构建在线医疗问答患者用户使用研究理论模型,采用调研问卷的方式收集371份有效数据,使用Smart PLS 3.0工具对模型进行检验。【结果】本文验证了在线医疗问答情境下患者在贡献信息时感知的自我效能和利他愉悦,人机交互时的感知易用性和感知有用性,以及认知信任和情感信任对其使用意愿的正向影响,扩展了以往的研究情景。较以往研究更进一步的是本文发现患者用户在接收信息时感知的信息和情感支持对认知和情感信任具有不同影响,并在患–医和患–患交互中表现出差异。【局限】由于疾病类型和信息作用方式(直接或间接)差异而导致的结果差异尚待研究。【结论】在线医疗问答患者用户的人际互动和人机互动感知对其使用意愿均有正向影响。
URL     [本文引用:1]
(Zhang Liyi, Li Huiran.Studying Social Interaction of Online Medical Question-Answering Service[J]. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2018, 2(1): 76-87.)
[3] Yan Z, Wang T, Chen Y, et al.Knowledge Sharing in Online Health Communities: A Social Exchange Theory Perspective[J]. Information & Management, 2016, 53(5): 643-653.
Online health communities (OHC) are becoming valuable platforms for patients to communicate and find support. These communities are different from general online communities. The knowledge shared in an OHC can be categorized as either general (public) or specific (private), and each category is shared in vastly different ways. Using the social exchange theory, we propose a benefit vs. cost knowledge sharing model for OHCs. The benefits are mainly based on Maslow's hierarchy of needs, and the cost includes cognitive and executional costs. We use this benefit vs. cost model to examine how OHC members share general and specific knowledge. Data were collected from 323 users of two well-known OHCs in China and were analyzed using the structural equation model. The results demonstrate that three factors positively impact the sharing of both general and specific knowledge: a sense of self-worth, members perceived social support, and reputation enhancement. Another factor, face concern, has a negative influence on specific knowledge sharing and a positive influence on general knowledge sharing. Executional cost only negatively impacts general knowledge sharing, and cognitive cost only negatively impacts specific knowledge sharing. This study of OHCs reveals that personal benefits promote knowledge sharing and costs prohibit it. These impacts vary between general knowledge and specific knowledge sharing.
DOI:10.1016/      URL     [本文引用:1]
[4] Vera-Munoz S C, Ho J L, Chow C W. Enhancing Knowledge Sharing in Public Accounting Firms[J]. Accounting Horizons, 2006, 20(2): 133-155.
DOI:10.2308/acch.2006.20.2.133      URL     [本文引用:2]
[5] Chang H H, Chuang S S.Social Capital and Individual Motivations on Knowledge Sharing: Participant Involvement as a Moderator[J]. Information & Management, 2011, 48(1): 9-18.
The Internet is a communication channel that allows individuals to share information and knowledge. However, it is not obvious why individuals share knowledge with strangers for no apparent benefit. What are the critical factors influencing such behavior? To attempt to understand this paradox, we combined the theories of social capital and individual motivation to investigate the factors influencing knowledge sharing behavior in a virtual community, applying a participant involvement concept to analyze the moderating effects of individual motivation on knowledge sharing behavior. By analyzing the results of a survey using a questionnaire, we found that altruism, identification, reciprocity, and shared language had a significant and positive effect on knowledge sharing. Reputation, social interaction, and trust had positive effects on the quality, but not the quantity, of shared knowledge. Participant involvement had a moderating effect on the relationship of altruism and the quantity of shared knowledge. Theoretical and managerial implications are discussed.
DOI:10.1016/      URL     [本文引用:3]
[6] Zhao J, Ha S, Widdows R.The Influence of Social Capital on Knowledge Creation in Online Health Communities[J]. Information Technology and Management, 2016, 17(4): 311-321.
Abstract This study investigates how social capital influences knowledge creation in online health communities (OHCs), based on social capital theory. The study proposes that three social capital dimensions, namely trust, shared language, and network density, affect OHC members’ externalization and combination of knowledge creation, and that these in turn lead to membership continuance intention (MCI). Trust also directly contributes to MCI in the model. Three hundred fifty-three members from eight existing US based OHCs participated in surveys. The results provide overall support for the proposed model. Among the three dimensions of social capital, network density plays a critical role in developing both externalization and combination of knowledge creation. Externalization of knowledge in turn affects members’ MCI. Supplemental analysis shows that trust and shared language influence OHC members’ knowledge creation indirectly via network density.
DOI:10.1007/s10799-014-0211-3      URL     [本文引用:2]
[7] Zhang L, Cheng J.Effect of Knowledge Leadership on Knowledge Sharing in Engineering Project Design Teams: The Role of Social Capital[J]. Project Management Journal, 2015, 46(5): 111-124.
Knowledge sharing is a precondition for engineering project design teams to achieve an efficient design; however, designers are not always willing to share knowledge with other team members. To improve knowledge sharing, this article investigates the effect of knowledge leadership on knowledge sharing in engineering project design teams by examining the role of social capital. Our results show a significant indirect effect of knowledge leadership on knowledge sharing through the mediating role of social capital. Therefore, effective knowledge sharing depends on knowledge leaders to develop a share vision, and promote a trustworthy and collaborative environment for designers.
DOI:10.1002/pmj.21525      [本文引用:1]
[8] Nahapiet J, Ghoshal S. Social Capital, Intellectual Capital,the Organizational Advantage[J]. The Academy of Management Review, 1998, 23(2): 242-266.
DOI:10.5465/amr.1998.533225      URL     [本文引用:1]
[9] Zhang F, Kaufman D.The Impacts of Social Interactions in MMORPGs on Older Adults’ Social Capital[J]. Computers in Human Behavior, 2015, 51: 495-503.
Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games (MMORPGs) can offer older adults many opportunities to maintain current and develop meaningful and supportive relationships. Social capital plays an important role in later life. This study analyzed the relationships between older adults’ social interactions in MMORPGs and their online social capital. A Web questionnaire was published to eight World of Warcraft (WoW, a popular MMORPG) player forums. A total of 222 older adults who were aged 55+ and mainly living in North America completed the questionnaire and became the participants of this study. To answer the research questions and test the four hypotheses, hierarchical multiple regression analysis was applied, and Cohen’s f2 was computed to compare effect sizes. It is found that enjoyment of relationships has deep impacts on older adults’ social capital. The positive effects of gameplay on older adults are much dependent on the context of gameplay and enjoyment of relationships.
DOI:10.1016/j.chb.2015.05.034      URL     [本文引用:1]
[10] Foss N J, Pedersen T.Transferring Knowledge in MNCs: The Role of Sources of Subsidiary Knowledge and Organizational Context[J]. Journal of International Management, 2002, 8(1): 49-67.
We link up with the recent literature on the differentiated MNC and in particular with its stress on intra-MNC knowledge flows. However, rather than focusing on the characteristics of knowledge as determinants of knowledge transfer within MNCs, we focus instead on levels of knowledge in subsidiaries, the sources of transferable subsidiary knowledge and on the organizational means and conditions that realize knowledge transfer as the relevant determinants. We find largely positive support for the relevant hypotheses. These are tested on a unique dataset on knowledge development in subsidiary firms [the Centre of Excellence (CoE) project].
DOI:10.1016/S1075-4253(01)00054-0      URL     [本文引用:1]
[11] Hinds P J, Patterson M, Pfeffer J.Bothered by Abstraction: The Effect of Expertise on Knowledge Transfer and Subsequent Novice Performance[J]. Journal of Applied Psychology, 2001, 86(6): 1232-1243.
Although experts should be well positioned to convey their superior knowledge and skill to novices, the organization of that knowledge, and particularly its level of abstraction, may make it difficult for them to do so. Using an electronic circuit-wiring task, the authors found that experts as compared with beginners used more abstract and advanced statements and fewer concrete statements when providing task instructions to novices. In a 2nd study, the authors found that beginner-instructed novices performed better than expert-instructed novices and reported fewer problems with the instructions when performing the same task. In Study 2, the authors found that although novices performed better on the target task when instructed by beginners, they did better on a different task within the same domain when instructed by experts. The evidence suggests that the abstract, advanced concepts conveyed by experts facilitated the transfer of learning between the different tasks.
DOI:10.1037/0021-9010.86.6.1232      PMID:11768064      URL     [本文引用:1]
[12] Bock G W, Kim Y G.Breaking the Myths of Rewards: An Exploratory Study of Attitudes About Knowledge Sharing[J]. Information Resource Management Journal, 2002, 15(2): 14-21.
Many CEOs and managers understand the importance of knowledges sharing among their employees and are eager to introduce the knowledge management paradigm in their organizations. However little is know about the determinants of the individuals knowledge sharing behavior. The purpose of this study is to develop an understanding of the factors affecting the individuals knowledge sharing behavior in the organizational context. The research model includes various constructs based on social exchange theory, self-efficacy, and theory of reasoned action. Research results from the field survey of 467 employees of four large, public organization show that expected associations and contribution are the major determinants of the individuals attitude toward knowledge sharing. Expected rewards, believed by many as the most important motivating factor for knowledge sharig, are not significantly related to the attitude toward knowledge sharing. As expected, positive attitude toward knowledge sharing is found to lead to positive intention to share knowledge and, finally, to actual knowledge sharing behaviors.
DOI:10.4018/irmj.2002040102      URL     [本文引用:1]
[13] Wang S, Noe R A.Knowledge Sharing: A Review and Directions for Future Research[J]. Human Resources Management Review, 2010, 20(2): 115-131.
The success of knowledge management initiatives depends on knowledge sharing. This paper reviews qualitative and quantitative studies of individual-level knowledge sharing. Based on the literature review we developed a framework for understanding knowledge sharing research. The framework identifies five areas of emphasis of knowledge sharing research: organizational context, interpersonal and team characteristics, cultural characteristics, individual characteristics, and motivational factors. For each emphasis area the paper discusses the theoretical frameworks used and summarizes the empirical research results. The paper concludes with a discussion of emerging issues, new research directions, and practical implications of knowledge sharing research.
DOI:10.1016/j.hrmr.2009.10.001      URL     [本文引用:2]
[14] 郭佳. 基于知识贡献的社交问答平台个人创新行为研究[J]. 现代情报, 2017, 37(8): 49-56.
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1008-0821.2017.08.007      URL     [本文引用:1]
(Guo Jia.Drives User’ Innovative Behavior in Social Q&A Platform: From the Perspectives of Knowledge Contribut, ion[J]. Journal of Modern Information, 2017, 37(8): 49-56.)
[15] 申传香. 社会资本理论视角的网上问答社区用户知识共享行为研究[D]. 杭州: 浙江工商大学, 2018.
(Shen Chuanxiang.The Study on Users’ Knowledge Sharing Behavior in Online Q&A Communities Based on Social Capital Theory[D]. Hangzhou: Zhejiang Gongshang University, 2018.)
[16] Wasko M M L, Faraj S. Why Should I Share? Examining Social Capital and Knowledge Contribution in Electronic Networks of Practice[J]. Management Information Systems Quarterly, 2005, 29(1): 35-57.
Electronic networks of practice are computer-mediated discussion forums focused on problems of practice that enable individuals to exchange advice and ideas with others based on common interests. However, why individuals help strangers in these electronic networks is not well understood: there is no immediate benefit to the contributor, and free-riders are able to acquire the same knowledge as everyone else. To understand this paradox, we apply theories of collective action examine bow individual motivations and social capital influence knowledge contribution in electronic networks. This study reports on the activities of one electronic network supporting a professional legal association. Using archival, network, survey, and content analysis data, we empirically test model of knowledge contribution. We find that people contribute their knowledge when they perceive that it enhances their professional reputations, when they have the experience to share, and when they are structurally embedded in the network. Surprisingly, contributions occur without regard to expectations of reciprocity from others high levels of commitment to the network.
DOI:10.2307/25148667      URL     [本文引用:1]
[17] Tsai W, Ghoshal S.Social Capital and Value Creation: The Role of Intrafirm Networks[J]. Academy of Management Journal, 1998, 41(4): 464-476.
[18] 甘春梅, 黄悦. 社会化问答社区不同用户行为影响因素的实证研究[J]. 图书情报知识, 2017(6): 114-124.
DOI:10.13366/j.dik.2017.06.114      URL     [本文引用:1]
(Gan Chunmei, Huang Yue.An Empirical Study on Factors Affecting Different User Behaviors in Social Q&A Community[J]. Documentation, Information & Knowledge, 2017(6): 114-124.)
[19] Zhang X, Liu S, Deng Z, et al.Knowledge Sharing Motivations in Online Health Communities: A Comparative Study of Health Professionals and Normal Users[J]. Computers in Human Behavior, 2017, 75: 797-810.
The effect of motivations on knowledge sharing behavior has been extensively investigated in various online communities. However, this topic is rarely examined in the context of online health communities (OHCs). Furthermore, the difference in the motivations of sharing knowledge between two types of members in OHCs health professionals and normal users, is never examined. The present study models and examines both the extrinsic (reputation and reciprocity) and intrinsic (knowledge self-efficacy, altruism, and empathy) motivations of health professionals and normal users. The hypotheses derived from the research model were empirically validated using an online survey of 443 members of three famous online health communities in China. Results show that reciprocity and altruism positively affect the knowledge sharing intention of both health professionals and normal users. Moreover, reputation and knowledge self-efficacy have a greater influence on the knowledge sharing intentions of health professionals than normal users; whereas reciprocity, altruism, and empathy have a greater influence on the knowledge sharing intentions of normal users than health professionals. These new findings expand our understanding on the motivations that may affect knowledge sharing intentions in the context of OHCs.
DOI:10.1016/j.chb.2017.06.028      URL     [本文引用:1]
[20] Wu H, Lu N. Online Written Consultation, Telephone Consultation and Offline Appointment: An Examination of the Channel Effect in Online Health Communities[J]. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 2017, 107: 107-119.
Abstract INTRODUCTION: The emergence of online health communities broadens and diversifies channels for patient-doctor interaction. Given limited medical resources, online health communities aim to provide better treatment by decreasing medical costs, making full use of available resources and providing more diverse channels for patients. OBJECTIVES: This research examines how online channel usage affects offline channels, i.e., "Online Booking, Service in Hospitals" (OBSH), and how the channel effects change with doctors' online and offline reputation. METHODS: The study uses data of 4254 doctors from a Chinese online health community. RESULTS: Our findings demonstrate a strong relationship between online health communities and offline hospital communication with an important moderating role for reputation. There are significant channel effects, wherein written consultation complements OBSH (0205=3.320, p<0.10), but telephone consultation can be a readily substitute for OBSH (0205=-9.854, p<0.001). We also find that doctors with higher online and offline reputations can attract more patients to use the OBSH (0205 online =0.433, p<0.001; 0205 offline =2.318&2.123, p<0.001). Third, channel effects fluctuate, relative to doctors' online and offline reputations: doctors with higher online reputations mitigate substitution effects between telephone consultation and OBSH (0205=0.064, p<0.01), and doctors with higher offline reputations mitigate complementary effects between written consultation and OBSH (0205=-1.586&-1.417, p<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: This study contributes to both knowledge and practice. This study shows that there is channel effect in healthcare, websites' managers can encourage physicians to provide online services, especially for these physicians who do not have enough patients. Copyright 0008 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
DOI:10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2017.08.009      PMID:29029686      URL     [本文引用:1]
[21] Bandura A.Self-Efficacy Mechanism in Human Agency[J]. American Psychologist, 1982, 37(2): 122-147.
Abstract Addresses the centrality of the self-efficacy mechanism (SEM) in human agency. SEM precepts influence thought patterns, actions, and emotional arousal. In causal tests, the higher the level of induced self-efficacy, the higher the performance accomplishments and the lower the emotional arousal. The different lines of research reviewed show that the SEM may have wide explanatory power. Perceived self-efficacy helps to account for such diverse phenomena as changes in coping behavior produced by different modes of influence, level of physiological stress reactions, self-regulation of refractory behavior, resignation and despondency to failure experiences, self-debilitating effects of proxy control and illusory inefficaciousness, achievement strivings, growth of intrinsic interest, and career pursuits. The influential role of perceived collective efficacy in social change and the social conditions conducive to development of collective inefficacy are analyzed. (21/2 p ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2006 APA, all rights reserved). 1982 American Psychological Association.
DOI:10.1037/0003-066X.37.2.122      URL     [本文引用:2]
[22] Chen C J, Hung S W.To Give or to Receive? Factors Influencing Members’ Knowledge Sharing and Community Promotion in Professional Virtual Communities[J]. Information & Management, 2010, 47(4): 226-236.
Professional virtual communities (PVCs) bring together geographically dispersed, like-minded people to form a network for knowledge exchange. To promote knowledge sharing, it is important to know why individuals choose to give or to receive knowledge with other community members. We identified factors that were considered influential in increasing community knowledge transfer and examined their impact in PVCs. Data collected from 323 members of two communities were used in our structural equation modeling (SEM). The results suggested that norm of reciprocity, interpersonal trust, knowledge sharing self-efficacy, and perceived relative advantage were significant in affecting knowledge sharing behaviors in PVCs. The knowledge contributing and collecting behaviors were positively related to knowledge utilization. Furthermore, while the collecting behavior had a significant effect on community promotion, the influence of contributing behavior on community promotion was limited.
DOI:10.1016/      URL     [本文引用:1]
[23] Dev R D O, Kamalden T F T, Geok S K, et al. Spiritual Intelligence on Health Behaviours Among Malaysian University Students in a Malaysian Public University: The Mediating Role of Self Efficacy[J]. Malaysian Journal of Movement, Health & Exercise, 2018, 7(2): 53-64.
[24] Chiu C M, Hsu M H, Wang E T G. Understanding Knowledge Sharing in Virtual Communities: An Integration of Social Capital and Social Cognitive Theories[J]. Decision Support Systems, 2006, 42(3): 1872-1888.
The biggest challenge in fostering a virtual community is the supply of knowledge, namely the willingness to share knowledge with other members. This paper integrates the Social Cognitive Theory and the Social Capital Theory to construct a model for investigating the motivations behind people's knowledge sharing in virtual communities. The study holds that the facets of social capital — social interaction ties, trust, norm of reciprocity, identification, shared vision and shared language — will influence individuals' knowledge sharing in virtual communities. We also argue that outcome expectations — community-related outcome expectations and personal outcome expectations — can engender knowledge sharing in virtual communities. Data collected from 310 members of one professional virtual community provide support for the proposed model. The results help in identifying the motivation underlying individuals' knowledge sharing behavior in professional virtual communities. The implications for theory and practice and future research directions are discussed.
DOI:10.1016/j.dss.2006.04.001      URL     [本文引用:2]
[25] Chow W S, Chan L S. Social Network, Social Trust and Shared Goals in Organizational Knowledge Sharing[J]. Information & Management, 2008, 45(7):458-465.
The aim of our study was to further develop an understanding of social capital in organizational-knowledge-sharing. We first developed a measurement tool and then a theoretical framework in which three social capital factors (social network, social trust, and shared goals) were combined with the theory of reasoned action; their relationships were then examined using confirmatory factoring analysis. We then surveyed of 190 managers from Hong Kong firms, we confirm that a social network and shared goals significantly contributed to a person's volition to share knowledge, and directly contributed to the perceived social pressure of the organization. The social trust has however showed no direct effect on the attitude and subjective norm of sharing knowledge.
DOI:10.1016/      URL     [本文引用:2]
[26] 赵越岷, 李梦俊, 陈华平. 虚拟社区中消费者信息共享行为影响因素的实证研究[J]. 管理学报, 2010, 7(10): 1490-1494.
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This study explored the relationships between potential organizational power, viewed as structural position, and the use of power through behavioral tactics. Results indicate that structural position, measured as an individual's network centrality and level in the organizational hierarchy, and behavior--use of assertiveness, ingratiation, exchange, upward appeal, rationality, and coalition formation--relate independently and significantly to others' perceptions of the individual's power. In addition, structure partially mediated the relationship between behavior and power, and the behavioral strategies partially mediated the structure-power relationship. Significant interaction effects were also found.
DOI:10.2307/256588      URL     [本文引用:1]
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react-text: 370 Why do online health services (OHSs) have a relatively low visit-use rate? Drawing on the status quo bias (SQB) theory and the rational choice theory, we developed an integrated research model to explore this phenomenon. To test the model, an online-survey was conducted in China with 339 valid responses for analysis. There are three insightful theoretical of the results: (1) Inhibitors in... /react-text react-text: 371 /react-text [Show full abstract]
DOI:10.1080/07421222.2017.1334480      URL     [本文引用:1]
[30] Kankanhalli A, Tan B C Y, Wei K K. Contributing Knowledge to Electronic Knowledge Repositories: An Empirical Investigation[J]. Management Information Systems Quarterly, 2005, 29(1): 113-143.
Organizations are attempting to leverage their knowledge resources by employing knowledge management (KM) systems, a key form of which are electronic knowledge repositories (EKRs). A large number of KM initiatives fail due to the reluctance of employees to share knowledge through these systems. Motivated by such concerns, this study formulates and tests a theoretical model to explain EKR usage by knowledge contributors. The model employs social exchange theory to identify cost and benefit factors affecting EKR usage, and social capital theory to account for the moderating influence of contextual factors. The model is validated through a large-scale survey of public sector organizations. The results reveal that knowledge self-efficacy and enjoyment in helping others significantly impact EKR usage by knowledge contributors. Contextual factors (generalized trust, pro-sharing norms, and identification) moderate the impact of codification effort, reciprocity, and organizational reward on EKR usage, respectively. It can be seen that extrinsic benefits (reciprocity and organizational reward) impact EKR usage contingent on particular contextual factors whereas the effects of intrinsic benefits (knowledge self-efficacy and enjoyment in helping others) on EKR usage are not moderated by contextual factors. The loss of knowledge power and image do not appear to impact EKR usage by knowledge contributors. Besides contributing to theory building in KM, the results of this study inform KM practice.
DOI:10.2307/25148670      URL     [本文引用:1]
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关键词(key words)

Online Health Communities
Social Capital Theory
Motivation Theory
Structural Equation Model
Knowledge Sharing


Peng Yuxin
Deng Zhaohua
Wu Jiang
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