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数据分析与知识发现  2019, Vol. 3 Issue (8): 62-67
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基于物品质量和用户评分修正的协同过滤推荐算法 *
南京财经大学信息工程学院 南京 210046
Collaborative Filtering Recommendation Based on Item Quality and User Ratings
Fusen Jiao,Shuqing Li()
College of Information Engineering, Nanjing University of Finance & Economics, Nanjing 210046, China
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【目的】在个性化推荐中, 考虑物品质量和用户评分倾向性对用户打分的影响, 提高推荐效果。【方法】提出一种改进的协同过滤推荐算法: 利用物品质量评估算法实现了用户评分修正, 可以改进查找与用户兴趣相似的最近邻过程, 并在此基础上进行推荐。【结果】利用MovieLens数据集进行测试, 与传统协同过滤算法相比, 改进算法的MAE提高4.7%; 与其他几种改进算法相比, 精确度均有不同程度的提高。【局限】只关注现有的评分修正, 并没有考虑用户的兴趣漂移, 在一定程度上影响推荐效果。【结论】本文提出的算法推荐结果更加精确, 有效地减少了物品质量和用户评分倾向性对推荐结果的影响, 提高了推荐质量。

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关键词 推荐系统协同过滤物品质量评分修正    

[Objective] This paper proposes a modified collaborative filtering algorithm, aiming to improve the results of personalized recommendations. [Methods] First, we evaluated item quality and corrected user ratings based on their previous records. Then, we identified users with similar interests to generate better recommendations. [Results] We tested the new algorithm on MovieLens dataset and found the MAE was 4.7% higher than those of the traditional or other modified methods. [Limitations] The new algorithm does not address the interests drifting issues. [Conclusions] The proposed algorithm could recommend products to consumers more effectively.

Key wordsRecommender System    Collaborative Filtering    Item Quality    User Rating Correction
收稿日期: 2018-08-25      出版日期: 2019-09-29
ZTFLH:  TP391 G35  
通讯作者: 李树青     E-mail:
焦富森,李树青. 基于物品质量和用户评分修正的协同过滤推荐算法 *[J]. 数据分析与知识发现, 2019, 3(8): 62-67.
Fusen Jiao,Shuqing Li. Collaborative Filtering Recommendation Based on Item Quality and User Ratings. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2019, 3(8): 62-67.
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