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数据分析与知识发现  2020, Vol. 4 Issue (4): 91-99
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杭州电子科技大学认知与智能计算研究所 杭州 310018
Identifying Chinese / English Metaphors with Word Embedding and Recurrent Neural Network
Su Chuandong,Huang Xiaoxi(),Wang Rongbo,Chen Zhiqun,Mao Junyu,Zhu Jiaying,Pan Yuhao
Institute of Cognitive and Intelligent Computing, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou 310018, China
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【目的】 针对自然语言中普遍存在的隐喻现象,提出一种基于词向量融合和循环神经网络(RNN)的中英文隐喻识别方法。【方法】 通过本文提出的词嵌入融合算法将文本映射到词向量空间作为神经网络的输入,以RNN作为编码器,注意力机制和池化技术作为特征提取器,最后利用Softmax计算文本为隐喻的概率。【结果】 基于词嵌入融合的隐喻识别方法的准确率和F1值比基于普通词嵌入的方法在英文隐喻识别任务上可以提高11.8%和6.3%,在中文隐喻识别任务上可以提高8.9%和7.8%。【局限】 由于长距离依存问题,本文方法在句式复杂的长文本上隐喻识别效果不稳定。【结论】 基于词嵌入融合和RNN的模型在隐喻识别问题上表现非常好,说明词嵌入融合可以提高神经网络对隐喻的识别能力。

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关键词 隐喻识别深度学习词嵌入循环神经网络    

[Objective] This paper proposes a method to recognize Chinese and English metaphors with word vector combination and recurrent neural network (RNN), aiming to identify the ubiquitous metaphors from natural languages. [Methods] First, we mapped texts to the word vectors as inputs of the neural network with the help of word-embedding combination algorithm. Then, we used the RNN as encoder, and took the attention mechanism and the pooling technique as feature extractor. Finally, we utilized Softmax to calculate the probability of the text was a metaphor. [Results] The accuracy and F1 of the proposed method with English texts improved by 11.8% and 6.3%, compared with traditional method based on vanilla word embedding. For Chinese tasks, the accuracy and F1 of the proposed method also improved by 8.9% and 7.8%. [Limitations] Due to the long-distance dependence issue, our method could not effectively recognize metaphors in long texts with complex sentences. [Conclusions] The proposed model signifcantly improves the neural network’s ability to recognize metaphors.

Key wordsMetaphor Recognition    Deep Learning    Word Embedding    Recurrent Neural Network
收稿日期: 2019-07-12      出版日期: 2020-06-01
ZTFLH:  TP391  
通讯作者: 黄孝喜     E-mail:
苏传东,黄孝喜,王荣波,谌志群,毛君钰,朱嘉莹,潘宇豪. 基于词嵌入融合和循环神经网络的中英文隐喻识别*[J]. 数据分析与知识发现, 2020, 4(4): 91-99.
Su Chuandong,Huang Xiaoxi,Wang Rongbo,Chen Zhiqun,Mao Junyu,Zhu Jiaying,Pan Yuhao. Identifying Chinese / English Metaphors with Word Embedding and Recurrent Neural Network. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2020, 4(4): 91-99.
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Fig.1  词嵌入向量运算示意
Fig.2  通过词嵌入解释隐喻示意
Fig.3  词嵌入融合示意
Fig.4  基于循环神经网络的隐喻识别器架构
模型 词嵌入方式 数据集 准确率 精确率 召回率 F1值
MR G TroFi 65.3 56.1 88.5 67.7
MR F TroFi 62.0 58.5 83.6 67.3
MR P TroFi 63.6 54.0 85.9 66.3
EC-MR M1(G,P) TroFi 73.8 66.3 75.6 70.7
EC-MR M1(G,F,P) TroFi 71.1 63.3 73.1 67.9
EC-MR M2(G,P) TroFi 66.8 56.9 84.6 68.0
EC-MR M2(G,F,P) TroFi 64.2 54.3 88.6 67.3
SEQ - TroFi 73.7 68.7 76.4 72.0
MR G AN 84.2 76.0 95.0 84.3
MR F AN 80.9 79.5 77.5 78.5
MR P AN 83.1 76.6 90.0 82.8
EC-RNN M1(G,P) AN 83.1 77.8 87.5 82.4
EC-RNN M1(G,F,P) AN 82.0 74.0 92.5 82.2
EC-RNN M2(G,P) AN 84.3 75.0 97.5 84.8
EC-RNN M2(G,F,P) AN 86.5 86.8 82.5 84.6
SSN - AN 82.9 90.3 73.8 81.1
Table 1  隐喻识别器在英文隐喻识别任务上的表现(%)
模型 词嵌入方式 数据集 准确率 精确率 召回率 F1
MR B TroFi_CN 58.3 50.0 96.1 65.8
MR S TroFi_CN 59.9 51.6 85.9 64.1
MR W TroFi_CN 58.8 50.3 91.4 66.4
EC-MR M1(B,S) TroFi_CN 61.5 52.1 94.9 67.3
EC-MR M1(B,S,W) TroFi_CN 61.0 51.7 96.2 67.2
EC-MR M2(B,S) TroFi_CN 59.9 50.1 93.6 66.1
EC-MR M2(B,S,W) TroFi_CN 59.4 50.7 92.3 65.5
MR B AN_CN 84.3 82.5 82.4 82.5
MR S AN_CN 77.5 71.7 82.4 76.7
MR W AN_CN 84.3 82.6 84.5 83.3
EC-MR M1(B,W) AN_CN 85.4 84.6 82.5 83.5
EC-MR M1(B,S,W) AN_CN 85.4 86.5 80.0 83.1
EC-MR M2(B,W) AN_CN 85.4 82.9 85.0 84.0
EC-MR M2(B,S,W) AN_CN 86.4 86.8 82.6 84.5
Table 2  隐喻识别器在中文隐喻识别任务上的表现(%)
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