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数据分析与知识发现  2020, Vol. 4 Issue (7): 66-75
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基于关键词词向量特征扩展的健康问句分类研究 *
1武汉大学信息管理学院 武汉 430072
2武汉大学信息系统研究中心 武汉 430072
Classification of Health Questions Based on Vector Extension of Keywords
Tang Xiaobo1,2,Gao Hexuan1()
1School of Information Management, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China
2Center for Studies of Information Systems, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China
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目的】基于医疗问答社区中的健康问句数据,提出基于关键词词向量特征扩展的健康问句分类模型,提升健康问句的分类效率,帮助医疗问答社区提高患者使用满意度。【方法】分别使用TF-IDF和LDA提取关键词,使用Word2Vec对关键词进行词向量特征扩展,并将其应用于医疗问答社区中的健康问句分类。【结果】本模型可以有效地提升健康问句分类的效果。当关键词提取方式为TF-IDF、训练词向量的语料库为问答全集语料库、保留词典中词语数为600、语言模型为CBOW时,准确率、召回率、F值分别为0.987 2、0.972 5、0.979 8,分类效果最优。【局限】 未在语义层面深度提取医学短文本关键词。【结论】基于关键词词向量特征扩展的健康问句分类模型在健康问句分类方面与现有分类方法相比具有更好的分类效果。

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关键词 特征扩展短文本分类Word2VecTF-IDF    

[Objective] This paper proposes a classification model for health questions based on keywords vector expansion, aiming to improve the user experience of medical question-answering community.[Methods] First, we extracted keywords from the questions using TF-IDF and LDA models.Then, we extended the word vector features with Word2Vec and applied them to the classification of health questions.[Results] The proposed method yielded better classification results with the TF-IDF as keyword extraction method and the complete questions/answers as training corpus. The number of words in the reserved dictionary was 600, and the language model was CBOW. The values of our optimal model’s P, R, F were 0.987 2, 0.972 5 and 0.979 8 respectively.[Limitations] We did not extracted keywords of short medical texts with semantic depth.[Conclusions] Our new classification model has better performance than the existing ones.

Key wordsFeature Expansion    Classification of Short Texts    Word2Vec    TF-IDF
收稿日期: 2019-12-04      出版日期: 2020-07-25
ZTFLH:  TP391  
通讯作者: 高和璇     E-mail:
唐晓波,高和璇. 基于关键词词向量特征扩展的健康问句分类研究 *[J]. 数据分析与知识发现, 2020, 4(7): 66-75.
Tang Xiaobo,Gao Hexuan. Classification of Health Questions Based on Vector Extension of Keywords. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2020, 4(7): 66-75.
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Fig.1  基于关键词词向量特征扩展的健康问句分类模型
Fig.2  LDA结构
序号 分类 数量 序号 分类 数量
1 牛皮癣 14 127 9 酒渣鼻 153
2 白癜风 20 984 10 灰指甲 686
3 荨麻疹 2 362 11 花斑癣 221
4 鱼鳞病 696 12 腋下多汗 360
5 脱发 2 515 13 银屑病 1 758
6 湿疹 2 122 14 头癣 340
7 腋臭 2 492 15 狐臭 523
8 带状疱疹 1 000
Table 1  健康问句分类及数量分布
Fig.3  困惑度-主题数曲线
语料库 CBOW skip-gram
维基百科中文语料 0.945 4 0.912 4 0.939 4 0.948 5 0.914 9 0.931 4
健康问句语料库 0.953 5 0.921 2 0.944 5 0.956 3 0.923 4 0.939 6
健康问句医生回答语料库 0.950 4 0.918 8 0.950 7 0.953 3 0.920 2 0.936 5
问答全集语料库 0.956 7 0.925 4 0.950 4 0.959 6 0.927 5 0.943 3
Table 2  不同语料库分类效果对比
CBOW skip-gram
300 0.985 6 0.966 9 0.976 1 `0.981 7 0.951 6 0.966 4
600 0.987 2 0.972 5 0.979 8 0.983 2 0.952 0 0.967 3
1 200 0.985 6 0.970 1 0.977 8 0.980 8 0.950 5 0.965 4
1 800 0.984 7 0.966 6 0.975 6 0.980 4 0.948 6 0.964 2
2 400 0.981 4 0.964 4 0.972 8 0.978 8 0.941 5 0.959 8
Table 3  健康问句扩展后分类效果对比(TF-IDF)
CBOW skip-gram
300 0.954 3 0.925 0 0.939 4 0.931 4 0.921 4 0.926 4
600 0.957 2 0.932 1 0.944 5 0.954 7 0.928 8 0.941 6
1 200 0.961 5 0.940 1 0.950 7 0.958 8 0.936 7 0.947 6
1 800 0.965 9 0.941 6 0.953 6 0.963 3 0.938 3 0.950 6
2 400 0.962 1 0.938 9 0.950 4 0.960 1 0.937 2 0.948 5
Table 4  健康问句扩展后分类效果对比(LDA)
模型 P R F
SVM 0.945 7 0.939 1 0.942 4
未进行扩展的CNN 0.959 6 0.927 5 0.943 3
LDA提取关键词后扩展词向量特征 0.965 9 0.941 6 0.953 6
TF-IDF提取关键词后扩展词向量特征 0.987 2 0.972 5 0.979 8
Table 5  不同模型分类效果对比
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