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数据分析与知识发现  2020, Vol. 4 Issue (10): 113-123
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天津师范大学计算机与信息工程学院 天津 300387
Classification Model for Few-shot Texts Based on Bi-directional Long-term Attention Features
Xu Tongtong,Sun Huazhi,Ma Chunmei(),Jiang Lifen,Liu Yichen
College of Computer and Information Engineering, Tianjin Normal University, Tianjin 300387, China
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【目的】 针对当前文本分类任务中存在的训练数据匮乏以及模型泛化性能低等问题,在少样本环境下研究文本分类问题,提出一种少样本文本分类模型。【方法】 基于元学习中的分段训练机制将文本分类任务划分为多个子任务;为了捕捉每个子任务中文本的长效上下文信息,提出双向时间卷积网络;为了捕获辨别力更强的特征,联合双向时间卷积网络和注意力机制提出双向长效注意力网络;利用一种新的神经网络模型度量每个子任务中查询样本与支持集的相关性,从而实现少样本文本分类。【结果】 在ARSC数据集上进行实验,实验结果表明,在少样本环境下,该模型的分类准确率高达86.80%,比现有先进的少样本文本分类模型ROBUSTTC-FSL和Induction-Network-Routing的准确率分别提高了3.68%和1.17%。【局限】 仅针对短文本分类问题,对于篇幅较长的文本,其分类能力有限。【结论】 双向长效注意力网络克服了训练数据匮乏问题且充分捕获文本的语义信息,有效提高了少样本文本分类性能。

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关键词 少样本文本分类注意力机制少样本学习双向时间卷积网络    

[Objective] This paper proposes a classification model for few-shot texts, aiming to address the issues of data scarcity and low generalization performance.[Methods] First, we divided the text classification tasks into multiple subtasks based on episode training mechanism in meta-learning. Then, we proposed a Bi-directional Temporal Convolutional Network (Bi-TCN) to capture the long-term contextual information of the text in each subtask. Third, we developed a Bi-directional Long-term Attention Network (BLAN) to capture more discriminative features based on Bi-TCN and multi-head attention mechanism. Finally, we used the Neural Tensor Network to measure the correlation between query samples and support set of each subtask to finish few-shot text classification.[Results] We examined our model with the ARSC dataset. The classification accuracy of this model reached 86.80% in few-shot learning setting, which was 3.68% and 1.17% better than those of the ROBUSTTC-FSL and Induction-Network-Routing models.[Limitations] The performance of BLAN on long text is not satisfactory. [Conclusions] BLAN overcomes the issue of data scarcity and captures comprehensive text features, which effectively improves the performance of few-shot text classification.

Key wordsFew-shot Text Classification    Attention Mechanism    Few-shot Learning    Bi-TCN
收稿日期: 2020-03-18      出版日期: 2020-11-09
ZTFLH:  TP393  
通讯作者: 马春梅     E-mail:
徐彤彤,孙华志,马春梅,姜丽芬,刘逸琛. 基于双向长效注意力特征表达的少样本文本分类模型研究*[J]. 数据分析与知识发现, 2020, 4(10): 113-123.
Xu Tongtong,Sun Huazhi,Ma Chunmei,Jiang Lifen,Liu Yichen. Classification Model for Few-shot Texts Based on Bi-directional Long-term Attention Features. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2020, 4(10): 113-123.
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Fig.1  亚马逊评论情感分类数据集中2-way 5-shot任务示例
Fig.2  BLAN模型结构
Fig.3  改进后的TCN模型结构
Fig.4  Bi-TCN模型结构图
Fig.5  ARSC数据集中测试任务数据样例
Table 1  参数设置
模型 平均准确率/%
Matching Network
Prototypical Network
Relation Network
BLAN (本文模型)
Table 2  模型在ARSC数据集上的平均准确率
模型 参数量
BLAN (本文)
Table 3  不同模型的参数量比较
Fig.6  Loss变化曲线
方法 平均准确率/%
Table 4  不同方法充当特征提取模块时的平均准确率
Fig.7  长效特征学习模型对比结果
模型 平均准确率/%
Table 5  有无注意力特征表达模块时模型的平均准确率
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