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数据分析与知识发现  2021, Vol. 5 Issue (11): 124-134
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南京财经大学信息工程学院 南京 210023
Deep Collaborative Filtering Algorithm with Embedding Implicit Similarity Groups
Li Zhenyu,Li Shuqing()
College of Information Engineering, Nanjing University of Finance & Economics, Nanjing 210023, China
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【目的】 构建能捕获局部关联和表达用户显隐式偏好的深度协同过滤模型。【方法】 在显式推荐任务中嵌入利用隐式反馈查找的相似群,通过多层感知机分别同时对用户-项目、用户-相似项目群、项目-相似用户群进行建模。【结果】 在MovieLens两个数据集上的实验表明,该模型较各类协同过滤推荐算法的MAE和RMSE降低幅度分别最高达10.94%和11.79%。【局限】 使模型达到最佳性能的近邻数在不同数据集存在差异,最佳近邻数的确认问题有待探索。【结论】 该模型通过嵌入隐式相似群能有效弥补局限,使推荐结果更准确。

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关键词 局部关联显隐式偏好深度协同过滤    

[Objective] This paper tries to construct a deep collaborative filtering model that can capture local relevance as well as explicit / implicit feedbacks. [Methods] In the explicit recommendation tasks, we embedded similar groups found by implicit feedback search. Then, we create models for user-item group, user-similar-item group, and item-similar-user group with Multi-Layer Perceptron. [Results] We examined the new algorithm with MovieLens datasets. Compared with existing methods, the MAE and RMSE of our model were reduced by 10.94% and 11.79% respectively. [Limitations] More research is needed to identify the optimal number of the nearest neighbors for different datasets. [Conclusions] The new model could more effectively generate the recommendation results.

Key wordsLocal Relevance    Explicit and Implicit Preference    Deep Collaborative Filtering
收稿日期: 2021-02-08      出版日期: 2021-12-23
ZTFLH:  TP391  
通讯作者: 李树青,ORCID:0000-0001-9814-5766     E-mail:
李振宇, 李树青. 嵌入隐式相似群的深度协同过滤算法*[J]. 数据分析与知识发现, 2021, 5(11): 124-134.
Li Zhenyu, Li Shuqing. Deep Collaborative Filtering Algorithm with Embedding Implicit Similarity Groups. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2021, 5(11): 124-134.
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Fig.1  NCF框架基本原理
Fig.2  IsMLP通用框架
Fig.3  IsMLP向量学习原理
Fig.4  IsMLP评分预测模型
数据集 用户数量 项目数量 评分数量 稀疏度
MovieLens-100k 943 1 682 100 000 93.7%
MovieLens-Latest-small 610 9 724 100 836 98.3%
Table 1  数据集信息
优化器 向量嵌入维度 正则化 激活
MSE RMSprop 64 L2 ReLU 32 64
Table 2  神经网络参数设置
Fig.5  MovieLens-100k实验结果
Fig.6  MovieLens-Latest-Small实验结果
IsMLP-M 0.915 4 0.717 5
IsMLP-C 0.925 3 0.718 5
KNN-basic 1.021 5 0.806 9
KNN-withMeans 0.957 5 0.753 9
MF 0.948 9 0.740 9
MLP 0.952 7 0.741 3
NeuMF 0.938 1 0.730 3
Table 3  MovieLens-100k最优结果对比
IsMLP-M 0.866 8 0.660 4
IsMLP-C 0.867 9 0.660 7
KNN-basic 0.973 2 0.748 7
KNN-withMeans 0.902 7 0.690 7
MF 0.887 3 0.674 4
MLP 0.888 0 0.674 9
NeuMF 0.879 7 0.673 3
Table 4  MovieLens-Latest-Small最优结果对比
Fig.7  IsMLP和EsMLP对比
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