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数据分析与知识发现  2021, Vol. 5 Issue (10): 1-14
  研究论文 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
1安徽农业大学经济技术学院 合肥 231200
2合肥工业大学管理学院 合肥 230009
3合肥工业大学过程优化与智能决策教育部重点实验室 合肥 230009
Chinese Text Classification with Feature Fusion
Wang Yan1,Wang Huyan2(),Yu Bengong2,3
1Economic and Technical College, Anhui Agricultural University, Hefei 231200, China
2School of Management, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China
3Key Laboratory of Process Optimization & Intelligent Decision-Making, Ministry of Education, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China
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【目的】 通过结合拼音字符特征、汉字字符特征、词级别语义特征和词性特征,缓解文本所呈现出的弱结构化、拼写错误及其同音词较多的问题,丰富语义特征,提高模型的分类能力。【方法】 多特征融合的文本分类方法,在词级别特征的基础上进行词性特征、汉字字符特征和拼音字符特征构建多特征语义表示,然后将特征输入BiGRU中获取上下文语义特征,输入CNN中获取局部语义特征,最终将特征进行融合并输入Softmax中进行分类,预测需要的类别标签。【结果】 在两个不同的数据集下,多特征融合的模型的准确率分别达到83.3%和91.1%,比其他分类模型准确率至少提升了7个百分点。【局限】 实验数据数量较少,未在更多的数据集上进行验证。【结论】 所提方法提升了模型的语义表征能力,是一种有效的文本分类模型,为企业进行高效文本分类提供了有效支持。

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关键词 词性标记词级别特征文本分类拼音字符特征汉字字符特征    

[Objective] This paper proposes a new classification model for Chinese texts, aiming to address the issues of weak structure, spelling errors or homonyms in the texts. [Methods] We constructed a multi-feature fusion method based on the traditional fusion features model for text classification. Then, we combined word level features, part of speech feature extension, the Chinese character features and the Pinyin letters to create multi-feature semantic representation. Third, we introduced the new multi-semantic characteristics into the BiGRU to obtain the context semantics, which were processed with the multi-channel CNN to generate the main features. Finally, we merged these features for the softmax layer to finish the classification tasks, and predicted the required category labels. [Results] The accuracy of our multi-feature fusion model reached 83.3% and 91.1% with two datasets, which was 7% higher than the existing model. [Limitations] More research is needed to examine the model with larger datasets. [Conclusions] The proposed model could effectively finish the Chinese text classification tasks.

Key wordsPart of Speech Tag    Word Level Characteristics    Text Classification    Pinyin Character Features    Chinese Character Features
收稿日期: 2021-03-08      出版日期: 2021-07-01
ZTFLH:  G350  
通讯作者: 王胡燕,ORCID:0000-0001-8267-6183     E-mail:
王艳, 王胡燕, 余本功. 基于多特征融合的中文文本分类研究*[J]. 数据分析与知识发现, 2021, 5(10): 1-14.
Wang Yan, Wang Huyan, Yu Bengong. Chinese Text Classification with Feature Fusion. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2021, 5(10): 1-14.
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Fig.1  多特征融合文本分类模型结构
Fig.2  CBOW模型结构
Fig.3  GRU节点结构
环境 配置参数
处理器 Intel(R) Core(TM) I5-4200U CPU @1.6GHz
显卡 NVIDIA GeForce GT 740M
内存 12GB
编译器、语言 PyCharm,Python3.7
Table 1  实验环境配置参数
数据项 计算机专利 搜狗新闻
来源 SooPAR专利 搜狗实验室开源
类别数 5 5
数量 10 000 10 000
平均长度(字符) 210 843
最短长度(字符) 150 30
最长长度(字符) 300 400
Table 2  数据集信息
参数 设定值
卷积核宽度 {1,3,5}
卷积核个数 64
GRU单元数 100
Batch Size 32
Epoch 20
Optimizer Adam
Dropout Rate 0.25
Table 3  模型参数设置
数据集 模型 Acc P R F1
计算机专利 POS-BiGRUCNN 57.3% 59.4% 58.1% 60.0%
PY-BiGRUCNN 64.1% 65.3% 63.5% 64.1%
HZ-BiGRUCNN 65.2% 62.7% 62.6% 62.2%
Word-BiGRUCNN 76.1% 76.9% 76.2% 76.5%
POS-Word-BiGRUCNN 78.1% 77.5% 77.1% 77.3%
PY-Word-BiGRUCNN 79.1% 78.8% 78.5% 77.5%
HZ-Word-BiGRUCNN 80.2% 79.5% 79.3% 79.5%
PY-POS-Word-BiGRUCNN 81.3% 80.3% 78.6% 79.4%
HZ-POS-Word-BiGRUCNN 81.2% 81.3% 80.5% 80.9%
PY-HZ-Word-BiGRUCNN 82.2% 82.3% 81.9% 80.9%
PY-POS-HZ-Word-BiGRUCNN(本文) 83.3% 83.6% 82.9% 83.4%
Table 4  多特征融合模型对比(计算机专利)
数据集 模型 Acc P R F1
搜狐新闻 POS-BiGRUCNN 64.9% 61.3% 62.6% 63.3%
PY-BiGRUCNN 72.3% 71.9% 69.8% 71.2%
HZ-BiGRUCNN 75.2% 72.7% 72.6% 72.2%
Word-BiGRUCNN 83.6% 81.6% 80.1% 79.8%
POS-Word-BiGRUCNN 85.1% 84.2% 81.9% 82.1%
PY-Word-BiGRUCNN 86.0% 84.8% 82.2% 83.2%
HZ-Word-BiGRUCNN 87.2% 85.7% 84.3% 84.2%
PY-POS-Word-BiGRUCNN 89.1% 87.6% 89.3% 87.5%
HZ-POS-Word-BiGRUCNN 89.4% 89.6% 89.3% 89.5%
PY-HZ-Word-BiGRUCNN 90.2% 89.6% 89.9% 89.1%
PY-POS-HZ-Word-BiGRUCNN(本文) 91.1% 91.3% 90.8% 89.7%
Table 5  多特征融合模型对比(搜狐新闻)
模型 Acc P R F1
LSTM 74.4% 74.7% 74.7% 74.9%
GRU 75.0% 74.4% 75.7% 75.1%
BiGRU 75.2% 75.5% 75.5% 75.6%
CNN 73.7% 72.1% 71.5% 71.6%
PY-POS-HZ-Word-BGRU(本文) 83.3% 83.6% 82.9% 83.4%
Table 6  基准模型对比结果
Fig.4  单滤波器实验结果
Fig.5  双滤波器实验结果
Fig.6  三种滤波器结合实验结果
Fig.7  词向量维度对模型的影响
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