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数据分析与知识发现  2021, Vol. 5 Issue (11): 45-58
  研究论文 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
1南京大学信息管理学院 南京 210023
2南京大学政务信息资源研究所 南京 210023
3南京财经大学信息工程学院 南京 210023
4北京航空航天大学自动化科学与电气工程学院 北京 100191
A Personalized Recommendation Model with Time Series Fluctuation of User Interest
Ding Hao1,2,Ai Wenhua1,2,Hu Guangwei1,2(),Li Shuqing3,Suo Wei4
1School of Information Management, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, China
2Institute of Government Data Resources,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210023, China
3School of Information Engineering, Nanjing University of Finance and Economics, Nanjing 210023, China
4School of Automation Science and Electrical Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing 100191,China
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【目的】 构建基于项目类别的神经网络与模糊聚类混合时序预测模型,结合用户兴趣波动幅度的趋势以提升推荐准确度。【方法】 对不同幅度的兴趣波动分别采用神经网络和模糊聚类的方法构建趋势预测模型。本文采用神经网络对小幅波动序列数据进行滑动特征提取并预测,而大幅波动序列数据则通过模糊聚类的隶属度划分模糊关系。【结果】 通过4组数据的仿真实验,结果表明针对不同幅度兴趣波动的数据特征提取可以获得更准确的预测效果,较其他时序推荐对比算法,RMSE最大降低了19.18%,Hit Ratio最大提高了45.78%。【局限】 由于兴趣波动的趋势分析依赖用户历史数据,当历史数据量过于稀疏时需采用额外的冷启动算法对数据进行预处理。【结论】 本文方法对兴趣波动特征的泛化能力更强、运行速度快、波动分析和推荐预测更准确,有助于优化个性化信息服务。

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关键词 时间序列兴趣波动神经网络模糊聚类混合预测个性化推荐    

[Objective] This paper constructs a prediction model based on hybrid time series to improve the recommendation accuracy. [Methods] First, we constructed a trend prediction model using neural network and fuzzy clustering technique for interest fluctuations at different magnitudes. Then, we utilized neural network to extract and predict the sliding features of small fluctuation series. Finally, we used the membership degree of fuzzy clustering to divide the relationship for large fluctuation series data. [Results] User simulation tests with four groups of experimental data showed that extracted data features for different amplitudes of interest fluctuation yielded more accurate prediction results, which were 19.18% lower than other algorithms’ RMSE and 45.78% higher than other algorithms' Hit-Ratio. [Limitations] The analysis of time fluctuation relies on historical data, therefore, additional cold-start algorithm is needed to preprocess the sparse historical data. [Conclusions] This method could effectively process the fluctuation of interest, and improve the personalized information services.

Key wordsTime Series    Interest Fluctuation    Neural Networks    Fuzzy Clustering    Hybrid Forecasting    Personalized Recommendation
收稿日期: 2021-03-24      出版日期: 2021-12-23
ZTFLH:  TP391  
通讯作者: 胡广伟,ORCID:0000-0003-1303-363X     E-mail:
丁浩, 艾文华, 胡广伟, 李树青, 索炜. 融合用户兴趣波动时序的个性化推荐模型*[J]. 数据分析与知识发现, 2021, 5(11): 45-58.
Ding Hao, Ai Wenhua, Hu Guangwei, Li Shuqing, Suo Wei. A Personalized Recommendation Model with Time Series Fluctuation of User Interest. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2021, 5(11): 45-58.
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Fig.1  模型框架
Fig.2  项目复合类别的结构划分
Fig.3  神经网络模型示意图
Fig.4  时序模糊聚类模型示意图
子区间 [0,1] (1,2) [2,3] (3,4) [4,5]
模糊集 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5
评价标准 评价很低 评价较低 评价中等 评价较高 评价很高
Table 1  模糊时间序列的评价标准划分
项目ID 标题 类型
24 Powder (1995) Drama|Sci-Fi
25 Leaving Las Vegas (1995) Drama|Romance
26 Othello (1995) Drama
30 Now and Then (1995) Children|Drama
Table 2  MovieLens公开数据集基础信息
数据集划分 用户 项目 评分 稀疏度
ML10M@60% 42 941 6 089 10 000 054 98.69%
ML10M@80% 57 254 8 273 8 195 257 98.27%
ML20M@60% 83 096 16 625 10 025 571 99.27%
ML20M@80% 110 795 20 213 17 425 571 99.22%
Table 3  测试数据集规模
Fig.5  MovieLens数据集中各个标签数据占比
Fig.6  不同测试集中参数 α δ性能验证结果
时间单位 兴趣波动幅度 α-取值区间比例
α-区间 [0,0.05) [0.05,0.10) [0.10,0.15) [0.15,0.20) [0.20,0.25)
0.480 3 0.312 5 0.059 1 0.036 7 0.031 6
0.468 7 0.321 7 0.066 4 0.038 8 0.026 6
0.3991 0.340 4 0.062 2 0.053 3 0.036 8
α-区间 [0.25,0.30) [0.30,0.35) [0.35,0.40) [0.40,0.45) [0.45,∞)
0.024 4 0.021 3 0.019 4 0.011 2 0.003 5
0.022 5 0.020 9 0.017 4 0.011 8 0.005 2
0.032 4 0.027 3 0.024 7 0.017 1 0.006 7
Table 4  用户兴趣波动幅度总体分布情况
Fig.7  用户兴趣幅度波动时序方差变化
Fig.8  Hit Ratio与VAR变化关系
项目类型 用户
用户A 用户B 用户N
Adventure A2 → A2,A3
A3 → A3,A4,A5
A1 → A2
A2 → A2,A3,A4
A2 → A2,A3
A3 → A2,A3,A4
Animation A2 → A2 A2 → A5
[Action,Adventure] A2 → A3
A3 → A3,A4
A2 → A3 A3 → A2,A3,A4
[Action,Comedy] A2 → A3
A3 → A1,A2,A3
A2 → A3 A2 → A3
A3 → A4
[Action,War,Western] A2 → A2,A3
A3 → A3,A4
A2 → A3
A3 → A3
A2 → A3
A3 → A2,A3
Table 5  用户模糊时间序列的模糊关系组(部分示例)
随机预测 1.876 3.879
仅用神经网络拟合预测 0.843 1.338
仅用模糊时间序列预测 0.952 1.521
本文HTSRF方法 0.681 0.860
Table 6  不同兴趣波动幅度预测方法评价
Fig.9  不同时序模型迭代训练预测性能比较
方法名称 平均迭代时间/s 平均响应时间/s 平均内存占用/MB
HTSRF 13 0.28 60
PFM 17 0.79 73
SVD++ 592.3 7.86 200
DREAM 30.8 0.25 105
RPF 19 1.27 89
Table 7  不同时序模型时间和空间消耗对比
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