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数据分析与知识发现  2022, Vol. 6 Issue (2/3): 329-337
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南京大学信息管理学院 南京 210023
Classifying Images of Intangible Cultural Heritages with Multimodal Fusion
Fan Tao,Wang Hao(),Li Yueyan,Deng Sanhong
School of Information Management, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, China
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【目的】 针对当前非遗图片分类不足的问题,提出结合非遗图片和文本描述,以多模态融合的方式进行非遗图片分类研究。【方法】 构建基于多模态融合的非遗图片分类模型(Image Classification Model with Multimodal Fusion,ICMMF),其主要由用于非遗图片视觉语义特征抽取的微调深度预训练模型、对文本特征进行抽取的BERT模型、融合视觉语义特征和文本描述特征的多模态融合层和预测类别输出层组成。【结果】 以国家级非遗项目——年画为例,对我国四大年画(绵竹年画、杨柳青年画、杨家埠年画及桃花坞年画)进行分类。将ICMMF模型在建立的数据集中进行实证,实验结果表明,对图片深度预训练模型中的卷积层进行微调,能够改善非遗图片的视觉语义特征,分类的F1值最高达72.028%。在同基线模型的对比中,ICMMF模型表现最优,F1值达77.574%。【局限】 ICMMF模型仅在年画数据集上进行了测试,未在更广泛的非遗项目中进行验证。【结论】 结合文本描述,以多模态的方式进行非遗图片分类,能够有效提升模型的分类性能;同时,对图片深度预训练模型中的卷积层进行微调,能够改善抽取的视觉语义特征。

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关键词 数字人文多模态分类图片分类    

[Objective] This paper proposes a new method combining images and texual descriptions, aiming to improve the classification of Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) images. [Methods] We built the new model with multimodal fusion, which includes a fine-tuned deep pre-trained model for extracting visual semantic features, a BERT model for extracting textual features, a fusion layer for concatenating visual and textual features, and an output layer for predicting labels. [Results] We examined the proposed model with the national ICH project-New Year Prints to classify the Mianzu Prints, Taohuawu Prints, Yangjiabu Prints, and Yangliuqing Prints. We found that fine-tuning the convolutional layer strengthened the visual semantics features of the ICH images, and the F1 value for classification reached 72.028%. Compared with the baseline models, our method yielded the best results, with a F1 value of 77.574%. [Limitations] The proposed model was only tested on New Year Prints, which needs to be expanded to more ICH projects in the future. [Conclusions] Adding textual description features can improve the performance of ICH image classification. Fine-tuning convolutional layers in image deep pre-trained model can improve extraction of visual semantics features.

Key wordsDigital Humanities    Multimodal Classification    Image Classification
收稿日期: 2021-08-25      出版日期: 2022-02-18
ZTFLH:  G202  
通讯作者: 王昊,ORCID: 0000-0002-0131-0823     E-mail:
范涛, 王昊, 李跃艳, 邓三鸿. 基于多模态融合的非遗图片分类研究*[J]. 数据分析与知识发现, 2022, 6(2/3): 329-337.
Fan Tao, Wang Hao, Li Yueyan, Deng Sanhong. Classifying Images of Intangible Cultural Heritages with Multimodal Fusion. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2022, 6(2/3): 329-337.
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Fig.1  非遗图片及文本描述示例
Fig.2  基于多模态融合的非遗图片分类模型
Fig.3  FICM结构
Table 1  年画类别图片及文本描述数量分布
模型 Precision (%) Recall (%) F1 (%)
block4_conv1 69.987 67.485 67.687
block4_conv2 72.675 71.432 71.684
block4_conv3 73.066 71.794 72.028
block4_conv4 68.549 68.149 68.119
fc 65.480 63.445 63.092
Table 2  对FICM中block4的各卷积层及全连接层(fc)微调的结果
原始图片 block5_conv1 block5_conv2 block5_conv3 block5_conv4
Table 3  FICM的block5中各卷积层的可视化结果
模型 Precision (%) Recall (%) F1 (%)
VGG19 69.696 68.814 68.721
CNN 65.399 62.624 62.997
SVM (V) 61.293 60.106 60.116
BERT 72.599 71.766 71.568
SVM (V+T) 75.748 73.690 73.885
ICMMF 78.813 77.113 77.574
Table 4  ICMMF同各基线模型的对比结果
Fig.4  利用不同模态的各类别年画分类结果
dropout F1 (%)
0.9 71.856
0.7 76.784
0.5 77.574
0.3 72.982
0.1 74.775
Table 5  dropout值对ICMMF模型性能的影响
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