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数据分析与知识发现  2022, Vol. 6 Issue (6): 46-54
  研究论文 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
广东工业大学计算机学院 广州 510006
Session Sequence Recommendation with GNN, Bi-GRU and Attention Mechanism
Zhang Ruoqi,Shen Jianfang(),Chen Pinghua
School of Computers, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou 510006, China
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【目的】 解决传统会话序列推荐仅使用一次建模难以兼顾商品全面信息表达和序列中用户全局/短期兴趣捕获的问题。【方法】 将历史会话构建有向会话图,利用图神经网络学习有向会话图中的节点信息表达,丰富节点嵌入。使用双向门控循环神经网络和注意力机制捕获会话序列中用户的全局和短期兴趣,以生成推荐列表。【结果】 与次优模型SRGNN相比,在Yoochoose数据集上平均排序倒数提升1.02%,在Diginetica数据集上精确度提升2.11%。【局限】 本文模型在处理长序列时结果较差。【结论】 本文模型能够更好地建模用户行为序列,有效预测用户可能行为,提高推荐效率。

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关键词 序列推荐会话图神经网络Bi-GRU注意力机制    

[Objective] This study aims to improve the traditional session sequence recommendation algorithm, whose one-time modeling technique cannot represent the product’s comprehensive information or capture the user’s global/short-term interests. [Methods] First, we constructed a directed session graph based on the historical sessions, and used the GNN to learn their node information representation to enrich node embeddings. Then, we captured the user’s global and short-term interests in session sequences with Bi-GRU and attention mechanism to generate recommendation lists. [Results] We examined our new algorithm with the Yoochoose and the Diginetica datasets. Compared with the suboptimal model, the Mean Reciprocal Rank of our algorithm improved by 1.02%, and the precision improved by 2.11%, respectively. [Limitations] The proposed model did not work well with the long sequences. [Conclusions] Our new algorithm can more effectively model the user behavior sequence, predict the user’s possible actions, and improve the recommendation lists.

Key wordsSequential Recommendation    Session    GNN    Bi-GRU    Attention Mechanism
收稿日期: 2021-09-27      出版日期: 2022-07-28
ZTFLH:  TP391  
通讯作者: 申建芳, ORCID:0000-0002-6247-2682     E-mail:
张若琦, 申建芳, 陈平华. 结合GNN、Bi-GRU及注意力机制的会话序列推荐*[J]. 数据分析与知识发现, 2022, 6(6): 46-54.
Zhang Ruoqi, Shen Jianfang, Chen Pinghua. Session Sequence Recommendation with GNN, Bi-GRU and Attention Mechanism. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2022, 6(6): 46-54.
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Fig.1  模型框架
Fig.2  有向会话图
Fig.3  邻接矩阵
Fig.4  双向门控循环神经网络模块
Fig.5  门控循环单元内部结构
数据 Yoochoose Diginetica
点击数 557 248 982 961
项目数 16 766 43 097
平均长度 6.16 5.12
Table 1  数据集介绍

Yoochoose Diginetica
P @ 20 M R R @ 20 P @ 20 M R R @ 20
Item-KNN 51.60 21.81 28.35 9.45
FPMC 45.62 15.01 31.55 8.92
GRU4Rec 60.64 22.89 43.82 15.46
STAMP 68.74 29.67 45.64 14.32
SRGNN 69.27 29.67 49.04 16.53
GNN-DBLGRU-TA 70.23 30.31 50.13 16.63
GNN-BiGRU-TA 70.54 30.69 51.15 17.34
Table 2  实验结果对比

Diginetica 1 Diginetica 3 Diginatica 5 Diginatica 7
612 858 573 133 455 168 333 119
51 751 48 432 48 432 27 978
项目数 39 056 37 096 31 987 26 336
4.995 3 5.890 2 7.322 3 8.647 4
Table 3  Diginetica数据集不同长度序列属性
Fig.6  序列长度对模型性能的影响
Fig.7  模型对比
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