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数据分析与知识发现  2022, Vol. 6 Issue (6): 11-21
  研究论文 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
1南京大学工程管理学院 南京 210023
2广东财经大学工商管理学院 广州 510320
3南京大学信息管理学院 南京 210023
Impacts of Message Framing on Changing Intention of Health Behaviors —An Eye-Tracking Experiment
Han Wenting1(),Han Xi2,Zhu Qinghua3
1School of Management & Engineering, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, China
2School of Business Administration, Guangdong University of Finance & Economics, Guangzhou 510320, China
3School of Information Management, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, China
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【目的】 探究收益-损失框架和时间框架对前意向阶段个体健康行为意愿改变的作用,寻找有效引导个体健康行为意愿改变的健康信息类型。【方法】 基于信息框架设计4类健康信息,利用眼动实验记录被试阅读健康信息的眼动数据并采取方差分析的方法进行分析;结合后续半结构化访谈探究信息框架与健康行为意愿改变间的作用机制及前意向阶段个体的个性化信息需求。【结果】 损失框架信息比获得框架信息更能引起被试关注(总注视时长:49.456>32.633,P=0.045;平均注视时长:0.314>0.223,P=0.003)。短期和长期框架信息之间无明显差异(总注视时长:P=0.524;注视次数:P=0.291;平均注视时长:P=0.240)。健康信息通过增强感知风险、感知收益及自我效能影响健康行为意愿。此外,通过访谈数据总结了前意向阶段个体在健康行为改变过程中所需的6类健康信息。【局限】 被试结构单一,数量有限,眼动实验仅测试了两种框架信息的作用。【结论】 研究结论可为后续针对前意向阶段个体的个性化健康信息干预提供参考。

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关键词 信息框架健康行为改变收益-损失框架时间框架眼动实验    

[Objective] This paper explores the impacts of message framing (gain-loss framing and time framing) on the changing intention of individual’s health behaviors in a pre-contemplative stage, aiming to identify the information guiding people’s health behavioral intentions. [Methods] First, we designed four types of health information based on message framing theory. Then, we used an eye-tracking experiment to record participants’eye movements while reading health information and analyzed these data with ANOVA. Third, we used the semi-structured interview to explore the mechanism between message framing and health behavioral intentions. Finally, we identified participants’ health information needs. [Results] Loss framing information attracted more attention than the gain framing information (Total Fixation Duration: 49.456>32.633, P=0.045; Average Fixation Duration: 0.314>0.223, P=0.003). There was no significant difference between short-term framing and long-term framing information (Total Fixation Duration: P=0.524; Fixation Count: P=0.291; Average Fixation Duration: P=0.240). Health information influenced behavioral intention by increasing perceived risks, benefits and self-efficacy. Six types of health information acquired by individuals in the pre-contemplative stage were identified through interview data. [Limitations] The diversity and number of subjects, as well as types of message framing need to be expanded. [Conclusions] This study provides some reference for personalized health information intervention studies in the future.

Key wordsMessage Framing    Health Behavior Change    Gain-Loss Framing    Temporal Framing    Eye-Tracking Experiment
收稿日期: 2021-10-07      出版日期: 2022-07-28
ZTFLH:  G203  
通讯作者: 韩文婷, ORCID:0000-0002-7690-7990     E-mail:
韩文婷, 韩玺, 朱庆华. 信息框架对健康行为意愿改变的作用研究——眼动实验与启示*[J]. 数据分析与知识发现, 2022, 6(6): 11-21.
Han Wenting, Han Xi, Zhu Qinghua. Impacts of Message Framing on Changing Intention of Health Behaviors —An Eye-Tracking Experiment. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2022, 6(6): 11-21.
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Fig.1  实验材料示例
因变量 自变量 均值 F P
总注视时长 损失框架 49.456 4.834 0.045*
收益框架 32.633
注视次数 损失框架 165.130 0.152 0.702
收益框架 152.500
平均注视时长 损失框架 0.314 8.727 0.003**
收益框架 0.223
Table 1  收益-损失框架信息的方差分析结果
因变量 自变量 均值 F P
总注视时长 近期框架 15.624 0.428 0.524
远期框架 13.530
注视次数 近期框架 70.380 1.206 0.291
远期框架 57.380
平均注视时长 近期框架 0.215 1.504 0.240
远期框架 0.243
Table 2  时间框架信息的方差分析结果
Fig.2  健康信息对健康行为意愿改变的作用机制
序号 健康信息需求 访谈资料
1 健康行为
2 健康行为
3 健康风险
4 健康收益
5 健康知识
6 监督奖励
Table 3  前意向阶段个体的健康信息需求
Fig.3  前意向阶段个体在健康行为意愿改变中的6类健康信息需求
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