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数据分析与知识发现  2023, Vol. 7 Issue (1): 63-75
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北京大学软件与微电子学院 北京 102600
Mining Differentiated Demands with Aspect Word Extraction: Case Study of Smartphone Reviews
Xiao Yuhan,Lin Huiping()
School of Software & Microelectronics, Peking University, Beijing 102600, China
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【目的】 提出一种基于深度学习的方面词提取方法,实现差异化与精细化的挖掘分析。【方法】 设计语境窗口自注意力(Context Window Self-Attention,CWSA)模型进行方面词提取,在把握文本整体信息的基础上,聚焦语境窗口内以及邻近文本的语义,从评论中挖掘细粒度的产品特征。在此基础上,采用方面级情感分析方法分析用户需求。【结果】 根据京东手机评论构造了方面词提取和方面级情感分析中文数据集,CWSA模型在该数据集上F1分数达到89.65%,效果优于基线方面词提取模型。【局限】 公开的中文领域方面词数据集较为匮乏,未来将构建多个产品的中文数据集以获得更丰富的实验分析,并在英文数据集上拓展模型的跨语言适应能力。【结论】 在近90万条京东手机评论上进行模型的应用验证,表明所提模型能为企业提供差异化与精细化的挖掘分析。

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关键词 深度学习方面词提取情感分析差异化需求挖掘    

[Objective] This paper proposes a new deep learning algorithm to extract aspect words, aiming to achieve differentiated and refined user demand analysis. [Methods] We designed a Context Window Self-Attention (CWSA) model to extract aspect words. This model focuses on semantics of the context window and adjacent texts based on overall information of the full-texts. Then, we extracted the fine-grained product features from their reviews. Finally, we conducted the aspect-level sentiment analysis to further examine user demands. [Results] The paper constructed a Chinese dataset for aspect word extraction and aspect-level sentiment analysis with nearly 900,000 reviews of smartphones sold by The proposed CWSA model’s F1 score reached 89.65% on this dataset, which was better than those of the baseline models. [Limitations] There are limited publicly accessible Chinese datasets for aspect word extraction and aspect-level sentiments. More Chinese and English datasets of multiple products need to be constructed to improve our model’s cross-language adaptability. [Conclusions] The proposed model improves differentiated and refined data mining.

Key wordsDeep Learning    Aspect Word Extraction    Sentiment Analysis    Differentiated Demand Mining
收稿日期: 2022-03-13      出版日期: 2023-02-16
ZTFLH:  TP391  
通讯作者: 林慧苹,ORCID:0000-0002-0500-1163, E-mail:。   
肖宇晗, 林慧苹. 基于CWSA方面词提取模型的差异化需求挖掘方法研究——以京东手机评论为例*[J]. 数据分析与知识发现, 2023, 7(1): 63-75.
Xiao Yuhan, Lin Huiping. Mining Differentiated Demands with Aspect Word Extraction: Case Study of Smartphone Reviews. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2023, 7(1): 63-75.
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Fig.1  基于CWSA方面词提取模型的需求挖掘方法流程
Fig.2  CWSA模型结构
标签 O O O O B I O O O B I I I O O O
情感倾向 -2 -2 -2 -2 -1 -1 -2 -2 -2 1 1 1 1 -2 -2 -2
Table 1  数据集标注示例
模型 F1/%
BiLSTM 76.46
CNN-CRF 80.59
BiLSTM-CRF 81.60
CGN 82.09
Seq2Seq4ATE 83.44
BERT-base 87.99
CWSA(本文) 89.65
Table 2  实验结果对比
用户评分 占比/%
1 13.80
2 3.20
3 8.10
4 0.80
5 74.10
Table 3  用户评分分布
Fig.3  用户评论长度分布
Fig.4  Jieba分词结果和CWSA提取出的词的长度分布对比
Fig.5  各区间方面词词频之和的占比
方面词 总频数 正面情感 中立情感 负面情感
屏幕 250 088 176 901 47 378 25 809
运行速度 248 014 203 120 13 429 21 465
拍照效果 215 501 175 628 17 103 22 770
音效 200 430 154 316 32 675 13 439
充电速度 7 503 6 967 173 363
发货速度 5 764 5 223 83 458
电池容量 5 162 4 256 340 566
屏幕分辨率 3 138 2 466 287 385
价保 1 613 35 16 1562
客服服务态度 1 439 1 133 45 261
后置摄像头 915 504 89 322
相素 432 343 12 77
120Hz刷新率 370 347 4 19
双立体声扬声器 40 38 2 0
諾基亚 6 2 0 4
超级快冲 5 5 0 0
Table 4  京东手机评论中的方面词及其情感态度示例
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