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数据分析与知识发现  2024, Vol. 8 Issue (1): 146-156
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北京科技大学经济管理学院 北京 100083
Constructing Patent Knowledge Graph with SpERT-Aggcn Model
He Yu,Zhang Xiaodong(),Zheng Xin
School of Economics and Management, University of Science and Technology Bejing, Beijing 100083, China
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【目的】 针对知识图谱构建中识别嵌套实体以及提升关系抽取精度的问题,提出信息抽取模型SpERT-Aggcn,并构建绿色合作专利知识图谱。【方法】 基于SpERT-Aggcn模型抽取专利摘要文本中的嵌套实体和关系,采用Protégé构建本体并根据所构建本体实现三元组的映射。【结果】 在关系抽取任务上,SpERT-Aggcn比SpERT模型的F1值高2.61个百分点,其中长距离关系抽取F1值高4.42个百分点;构建的绿色合作专利知识图谱包含699 517个实体、3 241 805条关系。【局限】 SpERT-Aggcn模型的短距离关系F1值低于SpERT模型,说明本文模型对于短距离关系的识别能力较差。【结论】 通过基于跨度的实体识别模型以及引入依存文法信息的关系抽取模型,构建的知识图谱完整度更高。

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关键词 绿色合作专利知识图谱图卷积网络信息抽取    

[Objective] This paper proposes an information extraction model (SpERT-Aggcn) and constructs knowledge graphs for green cooperation patents based on this model. It helps us identify nested entities and improve the accuracy of relationship extraction for knowledge graphs. [Methods] First, we utilized the SpERT-Aggcn model to extract nested entities and relationships from patent abstracts. Then, we built an ontology using Protégé and mapped the triples with the constructed ontology. [Results] In relationship extraction, the SpERT-Aggcn model’s F1 score was 2.61% higher than the SpERT model. The SpERT-Aggcn model’s F1 score was 4.42% higher than the SpERT model for the long-distance relationship extraction tasks. The constructed knowledge graph for green cooperation patents contained 699,517 entities and 3,241,805 relationships. [Limitations] The F1 score of SpERT-Aggcn for extracting short-distance relationships was lower than the SpERT model, indicating a weaker capability of the proposed model in identifying short-distance relationships. [Conclusions] The proposed model could help us construct better knowledge graphs.

Key wordsGreen Cooperation Patent    Knowledge Graph    Graph Convolution Network    Information Extraction
收稿日期: 2022-10-31      出版日期: 2023-04-28
ZTFLH:  TP393  
通讯作者: 张晓冬,ORCID:0000-0002-8203-9763,。   
何玉, 张晓冬, 郑鑫. 基于SpERT-Aggcn模型的专利知识图谱构建研究*[J]. 数据分析与知识发现, 2024, 8(1): 146-156.
He Yu, Zhang Xiaodong, Zheng Xin. Constructing Patent Knowledge Graph with SpERT-Aggcn Model. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2024, 8(1): 146-156.
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Fig.1  序列标注模型与基于跨度模型的区别
Fig.2  绿色合作专利知识图谱构建流程
Fig.3  SpERT-Aggcn模型结构
Fig.4  SpERT-Aggcn实体识别模块
Fig.5  Aggcn模块
Fig.6  关系抽取模块
模型 实体识别 关系抽取
Precision(%) Recall(%) F1(%) Precision(%) Recall(%) F1(%)
SpERT 79.25 83.39 81.27 48.82 68.21 56.91
SpERT-Aggcn 82.01 81.01 81.51 52.92 68.00 59.52
Table 1  测试集结果
模型 专利-优点:(间隔长度为45字) 专利-设备:(间隔长度为42字) 空间关系:(间隔长度为12字) 设备-原料:(间隔长度为5字)
SpERT 64.46 68.49 52.87 41.07
SpERT-Aggcn 68.88 70.17 54.72 40.61
Table 2  关系分类F1值(%)
ID 问题类型 实例
实例1 漏标纠正 [本实用新型][结构简单],[对污泥处理效果好],[充分利用能源]
实例2 语义错误 [本发明]公开了一种以[[转炉][钢渣]]为原料制备[[钙铁]双氧载体]的方法,属于[固体废弃物]利用技术领域
实例3 实体漏检 [本发明]涉及一种[[餐饮[垃圾]]自动粉碎压榨一体化设备]
实例4 关系漏检 [本发明]专利-优点能够[提高高压环路互锁系统可靠性和稳定性]专利-优点
Table 3  负例
Fig.7  绿色合作专利知识图谱本体
Fig.8  基于Neo4j的知识图谱可视化
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