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(浙江警察学院计算机与信息安全系,浙江省杭州市 310051)
Alarm Text Classification based on BERT-DPCNN
Zhang Jing,Gao Zixin,Ding Weijie
Department of Computer and Information Security, Zhejiang Police College, Hangzhou 310051, China
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关键词 BERTDPCNN警情文本分类激活函数     

[Objective]The operation of modern police service relies on a large amount of alarm text data. How to intelligently classify the massive alarm text data has become a topic of concern in the field of public security.

[Methods]A BERT-DPCNN-based text classification model is proposed for the alarm text classification task. The BERT pre-training model is used to generate text word vectors, and the activation function and dynamic learning rate are also modified in the DPCNN to improve the performance of classification.

[Results]Experiments are carried out for the comparison of BERT-DPCNN with six other models, which are BERT, BERT-CNN, BERT-RCNN, BERT-RNN, BERT-LSTM, and ERNIE, respectively. The results show that BERT-DPCNN achieves the best performance in terms of accuracy, recall, and precision. In the binary classification task, the accuracy of BERT-DPCNN reached over 98%, and in the eleven classification task, the accuracy reached over 82%, verifying the effectiveness of the proposed model.

[Limitations]Due to the large number of model parameters and limited iterations, further testing is still needed to fully evaluate the performance of the proposed model.

[Conclusions]The BERT-DPCNN-based text classification model effectively improves the accuracy of alarm text classification and provides a certain data support for public security agencies to analyze and judge police situations.

Key words BERT    DPCNN    Alarm text classification    Activation function
     出版日期: 2024-05-17
ZTFLH:  TP391  
张静, 高子信, 丁伟杰. 基于BERT-DPCNN的警情文本分类研究 [J]. 数据分析与知识发现, 10.11925/infotech.2096-3467.2023.1347.
Zhang Jing, Gao Zixin, Ding Weijie. Alarm Text Classification based on BERT-DPCNN . Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 0, (): 1-.
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