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数据分析与知识发现  2021, Vol. 5 Issue (11): 145-152
  研究论文 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
1中国医科大学财务处 沈阳 110122
2中国医科大学图书馆 沈阳 110122
3中国医科大学健康科学研究院 沈阳 110122
4中国医科大学健康管理学院 沈阳 110122
5中国医科大学护理学院 沈阳 110122
Improving PubMedBERT for CID-Entity-Relation Classification Using Text-CNN
Dong Miao1,4,Su Zhongqi2,Zhou Xiaobei3,Lan Xue4,Cui Zhigang5,Cui Lei4()
1Financial Section, China Medical University, Shenyang 110122, China
2China Medical University Library, Shenyang 110122, China
3Institute of Health Sciences, China Medical University, Shenyang 110122, China
4School of Health Management, China Medical University, Shenyang 110122, China
5Nursing School, China Medical University, Shenyang 110122, China
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【目的】 改进PubMedBERT在化学诱导性疾病(CID)实体关系分类的效果。【方法】 提出一种基于PubMedBERT并结合Text-CNN的实体关系分类方法。该方法以实体对和文本组成句子对进行输入,利用PubMedBERT预训练模型对化学诱导性疾病相关文本进行编码获取全局特征,通过Text-CNN捕捉文本局部重要信息,判断实体对是否具有CID关系。【结果】 在BioCreative V CDR数据集中,该方法的精确率、召回率和F1值分别达到78.3%、73.5%和75.8%,较其他方法最少提升了3.1%、1.5%和3.3%。【局限】 仅考虑了化学诱导性疾病文本语料,在临床等其他语料上的效果有待检验。【结论】 该方法能够捕捉化学诱导性疾病文本特征,提升实体关系分类的效果。

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关键词 CID实体关系分类PubMedBERTText-CNN句子对    

[Objective] This paper tries to improve the performance of PubMedBERT for CID entity relation classification. [Methods] We proposed a classification model based on PubMedBERT, which was also fine-tuned by Text-CNN. Then, we input entity pairs and sentence pairs to the model. Third, we used PubMedBERT to encode CID texts and obtained their global features. Finally, we captured important local information from the global features with Text-CNN to decide whether entity pairs have CID relation. [Results] The precision, recall and F1 value of this method on the BioCreative V CDR dataset reached 78.3%, 73.5% and 75.8% respectively, which were at least 3.1%, 1.5% and 3.3% higher than other methods. [Limitations] This model only examines CID texts, and more research is needed to evaluate its performance on clinical data or corpus of other domains. [Conclusions] This method can capture the features of CID texts and improve their entity relation classification.

Key wordsCID Entity Relation Classification    PubMedBERT    Text-CNN    Sentence Pair
收稿日期: 2021-07-06      出版日期: 2021-12-23
ZTFLH:  TP391  
通讯作者: 崔雷,ORCID:0000-0001-9479-8225     E-mail:
董淼, 苏中琪, 周晓北, 兰雪, 崔志刚, 崔雷. 利用Text-CNN改进PubMedBERT在化学诱导性疾病实体关系分类效果的尝试[J]. 数据分析与知识发现, 2021, 5(11): 145-152.
Dong Miao, Su Zhongqi, Zhou Xiaobei, Lan Xue, Cui Zhigang, Cui Lei. Improving PubMedBERT for CID-Entity-Relation Classification Using Text-CNN. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2021, 5(11): 145-152.
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Fig.1  模型架构图
Fig.2  BC5CDR5语料库(PMID:354896)
Dataset Document Chemicals Diseases CID
Mention ID Mention ID
Training 500 5203 1467 4182 1965 1038
Development 500 5347 1507 4244 1865 1012
Test 500 5385 1435 4424 1988 1066
Table 1  BC5CDR5语料库摘要
ID e1 e2 sentence
3693336_1 triazolo manic triazolam-induced brief episodes of secondary mania in a depressed patient. large doses of triazolam repeatedly induced brief episodes of mania in a depressed elderly woman. features of organic mental disorder (delirium) were not present. manic excitement was coincident with the duration of action of triazolam. the possible contribution of the triazolo group to changes in affective status is discussed
Table 2  BC5CDR5的正样本
ID e1 e2 sentence
3693336_2 triazolo depressed triazolam-induced brief episodes of secondary mania in a depressed patient. large doses of triazolam repeatedly induced brief episodes of mania in a depressed elderly woman. features of organic mental disorder (delirium) were not present. manic excitement was coincident with the duration of action of triazolam. the possible contribution of the triazolo group to changes in affective status is discussed
Table 3  BC5CDR5的负样本
方法 Precision Recall F1
Best Approach of BioCreative V CDR[24] 55.6% 58.4% 57.0%
LSTM-based[20] 64.9% 49.3% 56.0%
CNN-based[15] 60.9% 59.5% 60.2%
BERT Original 70.1% 67.7% 65.6%
BERT+Text-CNN 71.2% 68.3% 69.7%
ClinicalBERT 70.5% 69.3% 69.8%
ClinicalBERT+Text-CNN 70.9% 70.0% 70.4%
BioBERT 72.0% 70.3% 71.1%
BioBERT+Text-CNN 73.1% 72.0% 72.5%
PubMedBERT 75.2% 69.1% 72.0%
PubMedBERT+Text-CNN 78.3% 73.5% 75.8%
Table 4  在BC5CDR5语料库上各模型结果的比较
Method Precision Recall F1
PubMed Embedding+Text-CNN 62.7% 56.3% 59.3%
Glove Embedding+Text-CNN 60.4% 54.6% 57.4%
PubMedBERT+Text-CNN 78.3% 73.5% 75.8%
Table 5  预训练模型与词嵌入模型的对比
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