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数据分析与知识发现  2022, Vol. 6 Issue (5): 20-33
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中国科学院文献情报中心 北京 100190; 中国科学院大学经济与管理学院图书情报与档案管理系 北京 100190
Mining Policy Text Relevance with Syntactic Structure and Semantic Information
Wu Kaibiao,Lang Yuxiang,Dong Yu()
National Science Library, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China; Department of Library, Information and Archives Management, School of Economics and Management, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
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【目的】 进一步提高政策文本语义关联挖掘的深度,探索政策文本关联挖掘方法。【方法】 融合依存句法分析和词嵌入模型,分别从句子信息和词义信息角度挖掘政策文本内容深层次语义关联,且在设置依存句法抽取规则时充分考虑政策文本的用语特征。【结果】 在方法效果上,在政策文本关联程度区分相对较低的测试数据集中,所提方法F1值达到0.857,相较于融合TF-IDF和余弦相似度的算法,提升了22.78%;在方法功能上,可从文本用词的细微差异刻画政策文本关联。【局限】 在语义信息挖掘上,方法目前采用开源模型,后续可自主训练特定政策领域词向量模型以进一步提高准确度;在句子信息挖掘上,方法依赖于现有依存句法分析工具的准确性。【结论】 所提方法效果较好,功能较强,能有效揭示政策文本内容关联程度,可为政策文本量化研究提供新的研究视角和工具方法。

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关键词 政策文本关联依存句法分析词嵌入模型    

[Objective] This paper proposes a new method to analyze policy text relevance, aiming to retrieve more in-depth semantic information. [Methods] First, we built a new algorithm combining the dependency parsing analysis and word embedding model. Then, we analyzed the semantic relevance of policy texts from the perspective of sentence and word meaning information. Our method fully utilized the language characteristics of the policy texts to establish the extraction rules for dependency syntax. [Results] For test dataset with a relatively low degree of policy text association, our new algorithm’s F1 value reached 0.857, which was 22.78% higher than the algorithm fusing TF-IDF and cosine similarity. We also described policy text relevance with the subtle word differences. [Limitations] For semantic inforamiton mining, more research is needed to train word vector models for specific policy domains to further improve their accuracy. In sentence information mining, the accuracy of existing dependency syntactic analysis tools could be improved. [Conclusions] The proposed algorithm could effectively reveal the policy text association, as well as bring new research perspectives and tools for quantitative research on policy texts.

Key wordsPolicy Text Relevance    Dependency Parsing    Word Embedding
收稿日期: 2021-06-20      出版日期: 2022-06-21
ZTFLH:  D630  
通讯作者: 董瑜,ORCID:0000-0001-9006-5462     E-mail:
武楷彪, 郎宇翔, 董瑜. 融合句法结构和词义信息的政策文本关联挖掘方法研究*[J]. 数据分析与知识发现, 2022, 6(5): 20-33.
Wu Kaibiao, Lang Yuxiang, Dong Yu. Mining Policy Text Relevance with Syntactic Structure and Semantic Information. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2022, 6(5): 20-33.
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Fig.1  整体实验方案设计
Fig.2  依存句法分析结构示意图
Fig.3  政策文本关联效果验证测试集类别划分
Fig.4  政策文本关联挖掘过程示意图
Fig.5  测试数据集相似度热力图
Fig.6  算法性能随相似度阈值变化趋势
关联计算方法 最优相似度值 P R F1值
本文方法 0.345 0.875 0.840 0.857
基于TF-IDF和余弦相似度的方法 0.265 0.633 0.780 0.698
Table 1  本文方法与常规主题模型方法对比实验结果
Fig.7  测试数据集通过“人才”一词的政策文本关联示意图
Fig.8  基于词形相同比较的政策文本关联挖掘示意图
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