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数据分析与知识发现  2022, Vol. 6 Issue (8): 75-83
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兰州交通大学电子与信息工程学院 兰州 730070
Algorithm for Entity Coreference Resolution with Neural Network and Global Reasoning
Zhou Ning(),Jin Gaoya,Shi Wenqian
School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Lanzhou Jiaotong University, Lanzhou 730070, China
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【目的】 提出融合神经网络与全局推理的实体共指消解模型,解决文本内实体信息复杂,指代信息具有不明确性且分布稀疏的问题,探索更有效的共指消解算法。【方法】 首先,利用神经网络模型抽取出文档中的实体和其前指词;其次,结合句子的上下文信息进行全局推理,将此推理结果加入神经网络模型中,从而提高实体共指消解的精确度。【结果】 在OntoNotes 5.0数据集上进行实体共指消解实验,结果验证了所提算法的有效性。融合神经网络与全局推理的实体共指消解算法能有效地提高共指消解性能和更好地理解文本语义信息,最终在CoNLL评测标准下F1值达到74.76%。【局限】 需加入更精确的知识推理。【结论】 与近几年其他的共指消解模型对比实验结果证明了所提算法的实用性与有效性。

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关键词 神经网络共指消解实体消歧全局推理    

[Objective] This paper proposes a model for entity coreference resolution, which integrates neural network and global reasoning. It tries to address the issues of complex entity information in the text as well as the ambiguity and sparse distribution of referential information. [Methods] First, we used the neural network model to extract the entities and their antecedents from the documents. Then, we combined the context information of the sentence to perform global reasoning. Finally, we added the reasoning results to the neural network model to improve the accuracy of entity coreference resolution. [Results] We examined our new model on the OntoNotes 5.0 dataset. The new model’s F1 score reached 74.76% under the CoNLL evaluation standard. [Limitations] More precise knowledge reasoning needs to be added. [Conclusions] Compared with the existing models, the proposed algorithm improves the coreference resolution performance and better understand text semantic information.

Key wordsNeural Network    Coreference Resolution    Eentity Disambiguation    Global Reasoning
收稿日期: 2021-10-14      出版日期: 2022-09-23
ZTFLH:  TP391  
通讯作者: 周宁,ORCID:0000-0001-7466-8925     E-mail:
周宁, 靳高雅, 石雯茜. 融合神经网络与全局推理的实体共指消解算法*[J]. 数据分析与知识发现, 2022, 6(8): 75-83.
Zhou Ning, Jin Gaoya, Shi Wenqian. Algorithm for Entity Coreference Resolution with Neural Network and Global Reasoning. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2022, 6(8): 75-83.
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Fig.1  模型框架
Fig.2  Bi-LSTM模型结构
英文 中文 阿拉伯文
训练集 验证集 测试集 训练集 验证集 测试集 训练集 验证集 测试集
单词(*103 1 300 160 170 750 110 90 240 30 30
文档(篇) 2 802 343 348 1 810 252 218 359 44 44
实体(*103 35.1 4.5 4.5 28.2 3.8 3.5 8.3 0.9 0.9
表述(*103 155.5 19.1 19.7 102.8 14.1 12.8 27.5 3.3 3.2
指代链(*103 120.4 4.6 15.2 74.5 10.3 9.2 19.2 2.3 2.2
Table 1  OntoNotes 5.0数据集规模
参数名称 数值
学习率 0.001
词向量维度 300
字符向量维度 8
最大先行词数 50
最大句子数 50
最小先行词数 30
Bi-LSTM隐藏层维度 200
FFNN隐藏层维度 150
Dropout 0.2
Table 2  模型参数设置
Bi-LSTM层数 准确率/% 召回率/% F1/%
1 71.72 54.57 61.89
2 71.62 47.15 56.70
3 73.07 73.95 73.69
4 68.52 57.19 63.32
Table 3  Bi-LSTM层数实验结果对比
激活函数 准确率/% 召回率/% F1/%
tanh 70.62 57.62 63.43
Sigmoid 73.07 73.95 73.69
ReLU 72.35 52.51 60.79
Table 4  不同激活函数实验结果对比
λ取值 准确率/% 召回率/% F1/%
0.1 69.86 33.50 45.17
0.2 68.77 45.49 54.68
0.3 68.29 55.58 61.26
0.4 73.07 73.95 73.69
0.5 72.19 50.87 59.61
Table 5  不同阈值实验结果对比
准确率/% 召回率/% F1/% 准确率/% 召回率/% F1/% 准确率/% 召回率/% F1/%
Wiseman等[12] 76.20 69.30 72.60 66.20 55.80 60.50 59.40 54.90 57.10 63.40
Clark等[18] 76.10 69.40 72.60 65.60 56.00 60.40 59.40 53.00 56.00 63.00
Wiseman等[15] 77.50 69.80 63.40 66.80 57.00 61.50 62.10 53.90 57.70 64.20
Clark等[19] 79.20 70.40 74.60 69.90 58.00 63.40 63.50 55.50 59.20 65.70
Clark等[20] 79.90 69.30 74.20 71.00 56.50 63.00 63.80 54.30 58.70 65.30
Lee等[13] 78.40 73.40 75.80 68.60 61.80 65.00 62.70 59.00 60.80 67.20
+Feature 80.43 76.00 78.17 72.15 64.81 68.59 64.82 63.01 63.90 70.22
+全局推理 80.65 81.66 81.20 70.81 72.38 72.08 67.75 67.82 67.80 73.69
Joshi等[24] 80.20 82.40 81.30 69.60 73.80 71.60 69.00 68.60 68.80 73.90
Joshi等[24]+全局推理 84.48 78.60 81.42 69.86 76.74 73.14 72.08 67.35 69.73 74.76
Table 6  实验结果对比
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