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数据分析与知识发现  2021, Vol. 5 Issue (1): 3-15
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1中国科学院文献情报中心 北京 100190
2中国科学院大学经济与管理学院图书情报与档案管理系 北京 100190
3科技大数据湖北省重点实验室 武汉 430071
4中国科学院武汉文献情报中心 武汉 430071
A Review on Main Optimization Methods of BERT
Liu Huan1,2,3,Zhang Zhixiong1,2,3,4(),Wang Yufei1,2,3
1National Science Library, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
2Department of Library, Information and Archives Management, School of Economics and Management, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
3Hubei Key Laboratory of Big Data in Science and Technology, Wuhan 430071, China
4Wuhan Library, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan 430071, China
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【目的】 对谷歌发布的BERT语言表示模型的主要优化改进方法进行梳理,为后续基于BERT的相关研究开发提供借鉴。【文献范围】 自BERT发布以来,到目前与BERT模型优化改进相关的41篇主要文献及相关模型。【方法】 根据模型优化改进的技术路线,从改进预训练目标、融合外部知识库、改进Transformer结构和预训练模型压缩4个方面,分别阐述优化改进的方式及产生的效果。【结果】 预训练目标优化和Transformer结构改进最早受到研究者关注,并且成为BERT模型优化改进的主要方式,随后预训练模型压缩及外部知识库的融合也成为新的发展方向。【局限】 BERT模型相关研究发展迅速,可能未覆盖一些相关研究工作。【结论】 研究者可重点关注预训练目标优化和Transformer结构改进方面的研究,同时考虑根据不同应用场景选择模型优化方向。

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关键词 BERT模型预训练知识融合模型压缩    

[Objective] This paper analyzes and summarizes the main optimization methods of the BERT language representation model released by Google to provide reference for future studies based on BERT. [Coverage] A total of 41 main literatureor models related to optimization of BERT have been reviewed and analyzed. [Methods] The optimization routes were explained from four aspects: pre-training targets optimization, external knowledge base fusion, Transformer structure evolution and pre-training model compression. [Results] The optimization of pre-training targets and the improvement of Transformer structure caught the earliest attention by researchers, and became the main routes to optimize BERT. After that, the pre-training model compression and the integration of external knowledge bases have also become new directions of research. [Limitations] Research on BERT has developed extremely rapidly, and some of the related research work may not yet be covered. [Conclusions] Researchers can focus on pre-training targets optimization and Transformer structure improvement, and consider choosing the optimization routes according to different application scenarios.

Key wordsBERT    Pre-Training    Knowledge Integration    Model Compression
收稿日期: 2020-09-29      出版日期: 2021-02-05
ZTFLH:  TP391  
通讯作者: 张智雄     E-mail:
刘欢,张智雄,王宇飞. BERT模型的主要优化改进方法研究综述*[J]. 数据分析与知识发现, 2021, 5(1): 3-15.
Liu Huan,Zhang Zhixiong,Wang Yufei. A Review on Main Optimization Methods of BERT. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2021, 5(1): 3-15.
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Fig.1  ELECTRA模型结构[10]
模型 时间 优化预训练目标 融合外部知识 改进Transformer结构 模型压缩
优化MLM 优化NSP 输入层嵌入 向量拼接 训练目标融合 蒸馏 量化 剪枝 矩阵分解
XLM[32] 2019.01 -
XNLG[38] 2019.02
Tang等[44] 2019.03
ERNIE (Baidu)[5] 2019.04
ERNIE (Tsinghua)[9] 2019.05
MASS[36] 2019.05 -
UniLM[33] 2019.05
BERT-Chinese-WWM[4] 2019.06
XLNet[12] 2019.06 - -
RoBERTa[11] 2019.07 -
ERNIE-2.0-Baidu[15] 2019.07
SpanBERT[6] 2019.07 -
KT-NET[17] 2019.07
StructBERT[14] 2019.08
SenseBERT[30] 2019.08
BERT-PKD[48] 2019.08
Zhao等[49] 2019.09
TinyBERT[50] 2019.09
Q-BERT[52] 2019.09
Fan等[62] 2019.09
Guo等[59] 2019.09
LIBERT[29] 2019.09
ALBERT[13] 2019.09
K-BERT[16] 2019.09 -
SemBERT[20] 2019.09
KnowBERT[27] 2019.09
DistilBERT[42] 2019.10
Q8BERT[51] 2019.10
McCarley[64] 2019.10
BART[7] 2019.10
T5[37] 2019.10
KEPLER[26] 2019.11 -
Syntax-Infused BERT[22] 2019.11
SentiLR[31] 2019.11
Michel等[63] 2019.11
WKLM[25] 2019.12 -
K-Adapter[28] 2020.02 -
Compressing BERT[58] 2020.02
ELECTRA[10] 2020.03 -
Table 1  BERT模型优化改进路线总结
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