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数据分析与知识发现  2021, Vol. 5 Issue (9): 21-30
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南京航空航天大学经济与管理学院 南京 211106
Short-Text Classification Method with Text Features from Pre-trained Models
Chen Jie,Ma Jing(),Li Xiaofeng
College of Economics and Management, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 211106, China
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【目的】 综合运用不同预训练模型的词向量进行文本语义增强,解决基于Word2Vec、BERT等模型所表示的词向量存在先验知识缺失的问题,提升在新闻数据集上的分类效果。【方法】 以今日头条新闻公开数据集和THUCNews新闻数据集为实验对象,使用BERT、ERNIE模型通过领域预训练,分别提取上下文语义信息和实体、短语的先验知识信息;结合TextCNN模型生成高阶文本特征向量并进行特征融合,实现语义增强,进而提升短文本分类效果。【结果】 相较于传统的Word2Vec词向量表示,使用预训练词向量表示的分类算法模型准确率分别提升了6.37个百分点和3.50个百分点;相较于BERT和ERNIE词向量表示,融合BERT-ERNIE词向量表示的分类算法模型准确率分别提升1.98个百分点和1.51个百分点。【局限】 领域预训练采用的新闻领域语料有待进一步丰富。【结论】 所提方法能够对海量的短文本数据实现快速而准确的分类,对后续文本挖掘工作具有重要意义。

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关键词 BERTERNIE短文本分类文本特征融合领域预训练    

[Objective] This paper uses word vectors from different pre-trained models to enhance text semantics of Word2Vec, BERT and others, and then significantly improve the news classification. [Objective] We utilized the BERT and ERNIE models to extract context semantics, and the prior knowledge of entities and phrases through Domain-Adaptive Pretraining. Combined with the TextCNN model, the proposed method generated high-order text feature vectors. It also merged these features to achieve semantic enhancement and better short text classification. [Results] We examined the proposed method with public data sets from Today's Headline News and THUCNews. Compared with the traditional Word2Vec word vector representation, the accuracy of our new model improved by 6.37% and 3.50%. Compared with the BERT and ERNIE methods, the accuracy of our new model improved by 1.98% and 1.51% respectively. [Limitations] The news corpus in our study needs to be further expanded. [Conclusions] The proposed method could effectively classify massive short text data, which is of great significance to the follow-up text mining.

Key wordsBERT    ERNIE    Short Text Classification    Text Feature Fusion    Domain-Adaptive Pretraining
收稿日期: 2021-03-22      出版日期: 2021-06-29
ZTFLH:  分类号: TP393  
通讯作者: 马静     E-mail:
陈杰,马静,李晓峰. 融合预训练模型文本特征的短文本分类方法*[J]. 数据分析与知识发现, 2021, 5(9): 21-30.
Chen Jie,Ma Jing,Li Xiaofeng. Short-Text Classification Method with Text Features from Pre-trained Models. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2021, 5(9): 21-30.
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Fig.1  BERT模型结构
Fig.2  ERNIE的知识掩码策略
Fig.3  BERT和ERNIE不同的随机掩码方式
Fig.4  总体研究框架
Fig. 5  提取并融合文本特征向量方法

Positive Negative
Positive 正确肯定
(True Positive, TP)
(False Negative, FN)
Negative 错误肯定
(False Positive, FP)
(True Negative, TN)
Table 1  二分类问题的混淆矩阵
Encoder层数(Number of Layer) 12 12
隐藏层单元数(Hidden Size) 768 768
自注意力机制中的头数 (Heads) 12 12
词典大小(Vocab Size) 21 128 18 000
隐藏层激活函数(Hidden_act) ReLU GELU
填充长度(Padding Size) 32 32
Table 2  BERT、ERNIE预训练模型参数
参数名称 参数值
卷积核高度(Filter Size) (2,3,4)
卷积核数目(Number of Filter) 256
批尺寸(Batch Size) 128
随机失活率(Dropout) 0.4
学习率(Learning Rate) 5E-4
优化器(Optimizer) Adam
Table 3  TextCNN网络参数
方法 今日头条新闻数据集
Method 1 81.73% 87.93%
Method 2 86.55% 89.92%
Method 3 86.12% 89.99%
Method 4 88.06% 91.43%
Method 5 88.10% 91.13%
Table 4  5种方法在两个数据集上的测试集准确率比较
Fig.6  今日头条新闻数据集各分类的F1值以及F1平均值
Fig.7  THUCNews新闻数据集各分类的F1值以及F1平均值
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